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Oops i did it again
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 Shree paach maharajdhiraj gyanendra bir bikeam shah dev ki jay
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Posted on 03-10-25 11:11 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Raja aau desh bachau. Yo gulo na bhakaa haru ko patta saaaaf garau
Last edited: 10-Mar-25 11:57 AM

Posted on 03-10-25 1:10 PM     [Snapshot: 113]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last chance for Pushpa Kamal to choose a side, otherwise he will be wiped out (no question abt it!). Nepal is a country of great people like Bhimshen Thapa and Krishna Prasad Bhattarai...not random guys named Babu Bhattarai or whatever. If education doesn't allow you to differentiate between right and wrong..that's not education, it's propoganda!

Babu bhattarai, a raw agent, will soon pay for whatever he did. His article on Kantipur right after the royal massacre was a stab on our country...at a time when things were so tough, that guy tried to bury our country down. He couldn't differentiate between right and wrong and people like him will pay big time!

Their legs are already shaking!
Last edited: 10-Mar-25 01:10 PM

Posted on 03-10-25 2:29 PM     [Snapshot: 225]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Raja aau
Keti samau

Raja aau
murti sakkau

Raja aau
desh kangal banau

Raja aau
rajabadi haru ko mukh ma L*do chirau
ani tespaci Nirmal nibas tira jaau

tung tung < :D >

Last edited: 10-Mar-25 02:34 PM

Posted on 03-10-25 3:03 PM     [Snapshot: 266]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Op @Oops i did it again check out this video by Indept Story. Sudip subedi bhai does a great job looking at all the aspects of the Durbar Hatyakanda and how even countries like India benefitted. Great research work.



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