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Posted on 08-14-12 2:57 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is what happened:

The event centre was only booked till midnite..... It was a university event centre and they can not open pass their building closing time... However, the program started almost around 10pm when it was supposed to start at seven..... Yes three hours late......
The introduction round of the girls was great.... I was impressed with the quality of the contestants this year......
After that, that had few performances by Nalina Chitrakar, om bikram Bista....and then made the girls walk the ramp in UFO outfits and AGAIN walk the ramp with a light calling it a peace round ....., then top ten were announced and question answer round started

Clearly there were few contestant that had stood out from the very beginning of the show.. Even though I didn't know any contestant personally... I could sense the strongest contenders from the very beginning

Among the top ten question answer, the answers that stood out to me was
Aastha shrestha.. She got lucky she used the same answer that she used in her introduction which didn't reflect any new views about her.... But she said it well so I was content with her answer.

Sadikshya Silwal....,She was very articulate with her answer. The diff between mother and motherland... Nicely done!

srajeena joshi She was asked her recent accomplishment and she talked about her Americorps experience f.. Shortly, sweetly and to the point. She was the one contestant that didn't blabber unnecessary stuff on stage.

Barsha Moktan....she was asked about what would she choose feeding 1000 people or creating 1000 jobs.... She wittingly replied creating 1000 jobs..... Her explanation was clever and ended a little off but it was still good.

So all the audience are waiting for the top 5 announcement and all of a sudden the host comes and shares that they will decide the winner they are running our of time...

We were so shocked.... How can you decide the winner without having a common question asked to everyone and examine their intellectualism on a common question.
You can not expect the answer of how would u develop your nation vs tell me the most beautiful part of your body's answer to be on the same level of intellectualism.... Then how can you chose a winner?

And then the winner was announced ... Second runner up... The girl could even answer the question .... She was asked her agenda to promote tourism/ Nepali culture.... She just blabbered and didn't answer the question at all
Let me not even talk about the first runner up.... She was an even bigger shock to me...
And then the winner was announced astha shrestha. ... Well she did gave her answer beautifully and I had predicted her to be on top 5 but using the same answer from her introduction... She didn't show any diversity and depth in her knowledge.... Not a winner at all.... But still she made sense than the other girls...

Well I truly feel sorry for the other girls who were clearly more deserving!

Also, I am sure people can see in the video ( if they upload it without editing) how the girls were literally dragged on to the stage as they were running out of time... Also I heard when people went and talked to the CEO of the program to inform of the unfairness, the guy just ran away in the middle of thconversation... Shame on you Amit Shah!
Also i heard the contestants complaining that there were guys who kept on entering the girls changing room asking them to leave as the building is closing... There were few girls who were half naked.... Totally disrespectful... After confirming with few other contestant they said it was true... Again... shame on you Miss Nepal USA!!!!

Also, the program had started late last year as well and ended around 2 am... If they had learned from their previous experience, they should have started the program on time or at least find a hall that would allow them to open even pass the designated time with additional money provided..

Also if you guys didn't had time... You guys could have taken the UFO and peace walk away... And given the time for the contestant and it is about them not UFO or peace walk..,( I have to say peace walk was beautiful and was UFO walk... But with not having time... That was something the program could have done without)

Also, I heard the girls were asked to pay/ raise 1000 sponsorship fee for the program.... Few girls are international students as well... I am an international student and I understand how hard it is to get $1000 and also to take a week off to participate in the event.... If the girls are doing so much.... The organizers should have respected them by at least organizing the show more efficiently and giving them a full, fair platform....

But clearly NOT.... Shame on you miss Nepal USA! You guys only think about making money and not about these girls who came there with a lot of hopes and dreams...also all after this, instead of writing an apology to the audience and the contestant... You guys advertise it a a successful event.... Shame on you!

I will post the link of the video, once I find it... But I am 100percent sure they will do a major editing on the it will be too embarrassing to show the world....

A message to the contestants... I know a lot of girls mentioned you were there to promote a better Nepal... I highly encourage you all to protest against this injustice and the organizers who were clearly unfair and money minded people... So that in future no one gets cheated off... In this way you can help you country and future Nepali contestant...good luck!
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Posted on 08-20-12 9:40 AM     [Snapshot: 8907]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I think the only scarce variable for this event was hall time booked for event. So may be from now on all such events organizers should book the hall 3+ hours more than the usual event time. simple. If zero profit and the event goes well, then that is the achievement. The moral of this USANepal event is always have plan B ready. If not B then C.   

You event organizers should build the credibility first before thinking about profit.

Tyo geetkar haru ko geet seet drama sama sabai cut garya bhayeta time pugthyo hola. je hunu bhaisakyo aba karayera k garne.

Posted on 08-20-12 9:51 AM     [Snapshot: 8937]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Just out of curiosity: Did anyone raise their voice against the management committee on the night of the event? The show sounds like an epic failure.

Posted on 08-20-12 8:20 PM     [Snapshot: 9168]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Yes. Personal attack is not recommended. But there is no excuse for failing to organize a show TWICE in a row when so much money is involved. booking a venue with appropriate time length and starting program on time is the most basic thing for any event. If they can not even do this thing right then whatesle can they? Also housing, fooding and medical threats that the contestants have been complaining seems they didn't do any thing right. They do not deserve to have another year of the same SHITTY program after cheating all the girls present. Shame on the people who support such events...
Posted on 08-21-12 9:03 AM     [Snapshot: 9385]     Reply [Subscribe]
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There is still rumours going around that the following are not get paid for their work since last year's event:

1. Videographer
2. Photographer
3. DJ

It has been over a week since this year event and I doubt if the winners have received their cash prize yet! I do not know if the crowns were real too (made in Nepal costing 5 lakhs??)

Where is the money they raised??

Posted on 08-21-12 9:36 AM     [Snapshot: 9428]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Much of it has stemmed from timing issues. I haven't been to one Nepali show where it was started on time. This is a catch-22 situation; organizers won't start until a good number of viewers come-viewers won't go knowing organizers will be late.

To fix this, all the organizers collectively should make a pact to start each and every show on time; hey you already sold your tickets, why do you worry if you have enough viewers to watch it or not? Once viewers start missing the show for being late, they will make it a point to attend it on time next time. It is easier said than done as some of the performers don't like to sing in front of an empty seats, but we have to take the pill if we want to fix the issue once and for all.

Also, I am glad these kind of ineptness are coming forth.
Posted on 08-21-12 3:20 PM     [Snapshot: 9603]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last edited: 21-Aug-12 03:21 PM

Posted on 08-22-12 8:16 AM     [Snapshot: 9955]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Miss world : China ?? येत्रो ठुलो कार्यक्रम मा त धाँधली हुन्छा भने यो जाबो Miss नेपाल USA के पो होर ?  सबै लाई चेतना भया / 

visit the website below:

So it stands to reason, when China's Wenxia Yu was crowned as the winner on Saturday, not everyone was in agreement.


"I was not surprised at all to see that the winner of the pageant was Miss China given that it was held in a Chinese city with Chinese hosts and a huge group of screaming Chinese fans that erupted into applause every time she was mentioned," one commenter wrote on a Huffington Post article announcing the winner. He also added the hashtags: "#Rigged #Fake #SecondPlaceOlympicsRebound"

Posted on 08-23-12 12:47 PM     [Snapshot: 10177]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Well can we restrict the conversation to miss Nepal USA.... The girls in this platform were asked to provide 1000 to the organizers ... Also show ni j man lag you thyehi Gareka  thiye... I was an audience and irritated by the organizers stupidity and mismanagement.

Posted on 08-23-12 5:13 PM     [Snapshot: 10324]     Reply [Subscribe]
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There comes a point where you have to say enough is enough.

- Indeed true.  But your approach to say ‘enough is enough’ is pretty hasty and insecure.


I am not talking about Miss Nepal USA or the fact that what happened in it and all.

- If so, why such an emotionally intense and insecure post?


I am talking about the way people are single handedly pointing out other people and making personal attacks on them.

- I defy personal attacks, but if you were to ponder upon your own post – although you were clever enough to avoid names – your attack is even creepier.


I attended Miss Nepal USA 2012. I was there at 7 PM sharp; the show didn't start until 9.

- Glad to know, but you didn’t reveal whether as a participant/ audience or an ORGANIZER.  This opens up another interesting avenue to suspect your credibility.


 I agree that it was very unprofessional for a show with that many expectations to start late and have some mishaps, but what you have to understand is there are a lot of variables in running a program like that.

- That’s where organizers get to be organizers.  What’s the title without performance? Organizers are expected to find a good balance of time, quality of the show and audiences’ engagement.

There are two variables really, competence and interest; competence in organizing events, and interest in delivering a product as promised. In this case, we witnessed zilch degree of competence, and interest was in $$$$.


Now before you guys start calling me with different names (which you guys love to), I am not saying that I am supporting Miss Nepal USA or any of the organizers but what I am trying to say is instead of mouth bashing and making personal attacks on people who have worked hard to put together something that none of you even have guts to do; we should take the matter in our hands and get involved to make this better next year rather than complaining.

- I recognize this attempt seeks to wash the dirt real hard, but you sound stupid to people with minimum relational skills. Your statement is inconsistent with your claim.  You say you’re not supporting, but you’re putting your life forth to shield the organizers – too paradoxical.

And candidly, about having guts to really cheat people to generate $$$$, well, I think most of us rather believe in hardworking.  This is where we belong to the flip sides of a coin.  We’re too busy working and supporting our survival – which drifts our guts away from generating $$$$ from wrongful approach.


If you guys really want to know what happened to the money and what is going on ask the organizer for a full report rather than complaining to the whole world that he/she is a thief or a crook.

- Great idea.  Since it will be a reasonable expectation that the organizers are aware of this chaos that they’ve created, why would they not come forward and provide a trustworthy report?

- If they feel that they’ve been MISpronounced as thief  or crook (in your words), they should seek to clear that out. 

When it comes to doing these things none of you step up to take control, only thing you guys know how to do is complain and complain.

-Like I said we do have a full time job / vocation to support our survival.  We do believe in community service and preserving Nepal’s heritage but in a more productive and healthier way.  Its your pseudo-intelligence to conclude upon that.  You don’t know whether / if we’re involved into community service endeavors.


You guys should do something about the issue rather than making a new issue out this.

-This has just been 1 issue so far, but true to your point, that this may trigger another issue – and by far, it could be a legal action against the organizers.


There is no UNITY in Nepalese community.

-True to some extent, but still stereotype.

No one can see others doing something new or doing something better.


Kahile pani aru lai aghadi badeko dekhna nasakne bhaera nai hola hami yo situation ma pareko ajkal.

- Cant bluntly accept that. Unless you can provide some supporting fact, data, etc?

 They are also human and they made a mistake and it happens, with everyone.

-Apology is what is expected.  And a transparent report on $$$$$$.  This will calm the tide.


Don’t act like you guys are all Saints and have never made any mistakes.

- Who is? You are full of over/under/sub/pseudo - statement/intelligence.

 It’s realizing that mistake and moving forward to make it better is what everyone needs.

- That’s a good call now.  Agreed.

So stop attaching people personally.

- I think the hastiness and emotional insecurity didn’t quite allow you to run a spelling check.  I’m thinking its “Attacking”

If you can’t then put yourself or your sister or your brother in their shoes.

- Now you’re marching towards family. Hmmm.

Now think again, would you make these nasty personal comments if your own family was involved.

- Another zero intelligent effort attacking family.

 If you wudn’t then stop talking shit about other people personally…..

- Whoaa! I would be curious to know what school you go to.


Posted on 08-23-12 5:30 PM     [Snapshot: 10356]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I highly doubt that cutenepaligirl is really a cute nepali girl. Cutenepaligirl was a cheap marketing ploy employed by the organizer of Nepalese Summerfest as it was pointed out by many people back then. Whenever there was a posting by nepalesesummerfest, cutenepaligirl was at his heels giving kudos to him, creating a false sense of popularity. If I am not mistaken then cutenepaligirl was another username of nepalesesummerfest one of the organizers of that event.

And now enter the Miss Nepal USA. And there enters miss cutenepaligirl again in defense of who else but the organizers! Not only are the organizers not able to accept the epic failure of the event due to them trying to save few bucks by organizing the finale at a cheap or possibly free University venue, they are reerecting the supportive cutenepaligirl again to support the organizers by falsely trying to create a sense of support that does not exist.

Cutenepaligirl bhayera bokaharu lai fasauna aako ho nakkali? Yo DC ko organizers haru katti cheap hooooo
Last edited: 23-Aug-12 05:31 PM

Posted on 08-24-12 7:28 PM     [Snapshot: 10732]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Hmm, I find it interestingLY amusing that following my reply to cutenepaligirl, I am having difficulty in accessing sajha.  Used a different IP - now it works.  Interesting!
Posted on 09-09-12 6:35 PM     [Snapshot: 11780]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Same thing happened to me for few weeks.... Just got my acct back...hmmmm
Posted on 09-09-12 9:10 PM     [Snapshot: 11934]     Reply [Subscribe]
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To all Birodhi of Miss Nepal USA: This is f**king america; everybody has choice to do whatever they want.
If participent girls has no problem of paying 1000 bucks for shitty program; if organizer want to do shitty program just to earn money what is your f**king problem!!
U have right and choice to not to go and see that program You just ignore them. there are 100's of nepali program which are worthless; you cant just go and fight with all . 
hajar dollar (which is not small amount) kharcha garne lai matlab chaina timi haru le birodh gardai maa k huncha. 
Last edited: 09-Sep-12 09:19 PM

Posted on 09-09-12 10:07 PM     [Snapshot: 12012]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Cutenepaligirl in "defending DC's Kollywood stars" shocker lol 
Posted on 09-13-12 9:47 PM     [Snapshot: 12537]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 @faceboolk ... It seems like its just not us complaining but the contestants taking actions.  My respect for these girls has grown even more today.
Posted on 09-14-12 9:12 AM     [Snapshot: 12743]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Something like is bound to happen when it is run by all males and absolutely no knowledge or respect for women. 

Using "US(A)" in their title and not even acknowledging the American culture was also interesting. 

This is a great example of what "FRAUD" looks like. Great advertisement, even greater promises and in return, injustice and unfairness along with absolutely no professionalism. And where did all the sponsorship money go- not only over $30,800 from 28 participants but also from all the external sponsors, let alone the steep ticket prices for a crappy management.

Granted doing programs such as this takes a lot of time and effort but having absolutely no idea what they are dealing with, and making similar mistakes second time in a row, is not an excuse for a failed event. 

Instead of confronting the participants and showing genuine respect, these people not only run away from them, but take the constructive criticism very PERSONALLY and hold grudges against these girls and threaten that they will not receive any chance in "future projects/events" held by the Nepalese society. 

In this day and age, being in 21th century in the United States of America, the concern for our generation, is not how to impact our society and make a difference, but rather HOW TO MAKE THESE PEOPLE HAPPY PERSONALLY so one can move forward. 

Everything seemed decided and fixed, maybe that is one of reasons why the whole process was so rushed. Whatever the situation maybe, it is wrong for fraud events such as this to progress in future. 

And if there is NEXT TIME, maybe they will provide enough lights to the judges to see, so they can actually score correctly.

Posted on 05-08-13 11:02 AM     [Snapshot: 16643]     Reply [Subscribe]
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They are back again - The Miss Nepal USA contest 2013 is on for this year. This nonsense must be stopped. Please share with your community, friends and relatives. Knowledge is power.
Posted on 06-30-13 10:37 AM     [Snapshot: 17881]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Whateve happaned such thing happens everywhere .just you have to look around and realise ,nepali community in usa le chai fair competitin garla bhanne chai malai lagdaina aakhir nepali is nepali .but i am not blaming or saying something bad or good about nepal and nepali ,i am just focusing on our habtit.thats all .clean heart
Posted on 06-30-13 11:24 AM     [Snapshot: 17883]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Excerpt from Nepalkachoraa
Also, I heard the girls were asked to pay/ raise 1000 sponsorship fee for the program.... Few girls are international students as well... I am an international student and I understand how hard it is to get $1000 and also to take a week off to participate in the event....

In any given beauty pageant, there are bikini rounds, evening gown rounds, etc rounds, and of course there is the interview round in which the judges field the questions to each participant who make it to that phase. My understanding is that the Q & A phase is meant for  gauging mainly the intelligence of the contestant. If these candidates are ready to shell out $1000 fee each, (plus expenses for transportation, boarding, lodging, incidentals), take weeks off from work, and incur countless hours of preparation, then I think these participants sadly flunked a vital intelligence test, i.e., Economics 101, in my humble opinion. On the other hand, if your bet on the table is covered by a sugar daddy or a real daddy then I guess you have pretty much nothing to lose here out-of-pocket.

If you think of yourself as a promising woman of beauty and brains and are looking for a suitable platform to promote yourself, you might have a lot less taxing options. For example, appear in a music video of an established pop star for free and may be even get paid for it, or come up with a way to contribute to an esteemed non-profit Nepalese organization that provides ample photo-ops or create an account on a free social networking service like facebook or linkedin with a sharp and professional picture of you.

Also, all these tips I wrote above are free-of-charge for you.

Last edited: 30-Jun-13 11:33 AM

Posted on 07-24-13 9:23 AM     [Snapshot: 18831]     Reply [Subscribe]
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After Knowing all  of this, if there are ladies who want to be part of the circus this year, I feel sad about hamro Nepali didi baini in the States. Have some self respect Ladies! 
Last edited: 24-Jul-13 09:24 AM


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