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 What is 'Adhikaar' doing these days for TPS ?
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Posted on 11-16-24 1:33 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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It looks like Trumps going to kick Adhikaar out of the USA. They are so scared too.
Posted on 11-16-24 1:47 PM     [Snapshot: 41]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I saw someone post "That professor didn't realize he's still a Nepali guy, even though we spoke in Nepali, and we're Americans - we want to Make America Great Again!!!" take it as MAGA vs non-MAGA. Fight MAGA who were former foreigners the best you can. These MAGA think they have been assimilated in USA but Miller guy would disagree who have re-instituted department of denaturalization which is will do everything and anything to get them deported, report MAGA for tax-fraud if you know, report MAGA for working illegally if you know, report MAGA for employing people illegally, fight MAGA on their own turf with their MAGA tools. If you got nothing to lose, fight tooth and nail.
Posted on 11-16-24 2:23 PM     [Snapshot: 114]     Reply [Subscribe]
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this is the email i got from adhikaar this week - 

 "As we reflect on the results of this election, Adhikaar reaffirms its unwavering commitment to the dignity, safety, and empowerment of Nepali-speaking immigrants and low-income workers across New York City and beyond. For nearly two decades, we have stood with our community through times of uncertainty and challenge, and today is no different. 

 Adhikaar has been a ‘home away from home’ for over 10,000 Nepali-speaking immigrants and low-income New Yorkers. Our members, immigrant women in nail salons, domestic work, and gig-based industries, navigate daily life at the intersections of race, class, gender, and immigration status. Many are TPS holders, undocumented individuals, or part of mixed-status families. They endure systemic injustices, from economic exploitation to the ever-present threat of displacement. Yet, their resilience and courage continue to inspire us. 

 As the new Trump administration takes office, Adhikaar stands resolute in our commitment to grassroots organizing and providing essential, direct services to our community. Through workforce development, healthcare access, language justice, case management, and civic engagement, we will continue to empower Nepali-speaking immigrants and low-income workers to navigate systemic barriers. We envision a future where all immigrants can live with dignity and safety; where communities can seek asylum without fear, individuals have the freedom to stay or leave, and workers are guaranteed fair wages and safe working conditions. 

 The election outcome is a reminder of the entrenched systems that seek to undermine the rights and dignity of marginalized communities. However, Adhikaar was born out of struggle, and we have always risen in the face of adversity. We remain steadfast in our mission to support our community through advocacy, organizing, education, and direct services. 

 This moment calls for renewed resolve. We urge policymakers to honor their promises and advance pathways to citizenship for millions of TPS holders, undocumented workers, and their families. These individuals are not just contributors to our economy; they are its backbone. Their sacrifices kept this country moving through the pandemic, and their continued labor sustains our shared future. 

 Adhikaar stands in solidarity with all immigrants and marginalized communities and those most affected by systemic oppression. We refuse to let our communities be silenced or pushed into the shadows. Together, we will continue to build power, advocate for justice, and demand a future where all can thrive with dignity and self-determination. 

 In solidarity, Narbada Chhetri, Cynthia Saxena, and the team at Adhikaar.
Last edited: 16-Nov-24 02:24 PM


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