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 Attorney suggestions near DFW for EB3 - Green Card
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Posted on 07-14-24 1:37 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hello everyone, I'm in search of an experienced and cost-effective attorney who can assist with the EB3 process. I have an employer that is willing to sponsor, but they require me to connect with the lawyer and initiate the process. If you have a genuine recommendation, please share the attorney details below. Thank you !!
Posted on 07-14-24 3:46 PM     [Snapshot: 85]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Try Deepak Ahluwalia at Singh Ahluwalia Attorneys at Law.

Posted on 07-15-24 11:46 AM     [Snapshot: 284]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hie friends Is it possible to get permanent residency via EB3 unskilled ? Some my frineds have appled and are waiting to get greencard arrival. Is it possible ?
Posted on 07-15-24 1:41 PM     [Snapshot: 382]     Reply [Subscribe]
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yes, why not ? you can get green card even for restaurant dish washers, factory workers, farmers n so on . for eb3 unskilled lets say dishwasher job only 2 criteria has to be met 1. prevailing wage for the occupation in the specific geographic area has to be met . 18/hr in our area 2. no American workforce is willing to take that job. because no almost no American is willing ti take such job, either they have to hire illegal allies or go through perm certification route . The catch is that it takes almost 4 5 years to get a green card under eb3 unskilled , you have to be ready to work such low graded job for 5 years . so if you are very young and energetic , you can go through route and start your second innings of your life after getting green card
Posted on 07-17-24 6:58 PM     [Snapshot: 871]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yasari sajilai 4-5 years ma vaada haanera greencard pauni bhaye yo tech sector ma laageko vaiya haru sabai jana gas ra vaada hanna jaanthey hola.
Posted on 07-17-24 9:58 PM     [Snapshot: 978]     Reply [Subscribe]
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तेस्लेले सुरुका दिनमा सुझाब दिने मान्छे पाएको भए होटेल मा बेरागिरि होइन बस ब्याई हुने जाने थियो | त्यो पिते ले भने दिएको सल्लाह अनुसार बुढा बुढि सेवा सुसार गर्ने काम मा जाने बिचार गर्दै थियौ कति प्रगति भयो ? तेसला गुय को भनाइ ठिकै हो , तेती सजिलो भए status थाम्न मानिस हरु professional student भएर ३ ४ ओटा डिग्रि लिएर बसे पनि GC चै odd job बाटै पाउने हरु छन् |
Posted on 07-17-24 10:07 PM     [Snapshot: 981]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Consulting company haru le garchan 25k jasto liyera. Bhaiya haru ko ta tehi 20 barsa jasto lagcha. Nepali haru ko chai euta time ma eb2 bhanda chito thyo priority date. Tara yo garna lai Perm approval garnu parcha. Skilled worker jastai ho process chai. Pandit le bhaneko kuro thikai ho. Ani tyo process nasakinjel chai kunai status maintain garnu parcha. TPS ma bhaka haru pahila legally admit bhayeka bhaye chai yo process bata bancha. Natra garai cha. Hope that helped!
Posted on 07-18-24 10:12 AM     [Snapshot: 1151]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Washing dish is reaturent for 4 5 years in not easy job. Try cooking one day for 3 people in ur house ull understand

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