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 Virus in sajha
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Posted on 10-05-11 9:48 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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There seems to be a virus in sajha thesedays. Everytime I open sajha I get that virus. It's in every thread. The name of the virus is Nas. I am getting tired of seeing this virus all over sajha. I have been a silent visitor for a long time but now I think the admin has to do something about it. Is this a sajha site for all or a Nas site? I feel like puking everytime I see nas comment thesedays. Its becoming too much. If this continues sajha is going to lose a lot of visitors.

Posted on 10-05-11 10:37 AM     [Snapshot: 68]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Dude, you made my day lol calling NAS virus of sajha .ha ha ha.
Nas make some serious comment i cant stop laughing.
Posted on 10-05-11 10:51 AM     [Snapshot: 96]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Users make this site worth visiting but the admin makes all the wrong choices like for example the Nas corner. The nas virus (LOL) as aptly put probably entertains less than 1% visitors here and admin makes him like a superstar based on few comments watch him now copy paste comments from past 10 years about him. All in all it still sucks.

Posted on 10-05-11 12:02 PM     [Snapshot: 166]     Reply [Subscribe]
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'All in all it still sucks.' Thank you for saying this. You got it dead right.
Not only are viruses pesky and harmful, they are also super annoying.
And it is sad that this virus hasnt evolved to another level after all these years.

Posted on 10-05-11 12:19 PM     [Snapshot: 195]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Wonderfully written (this is about the thread you created moments ago accusing San and was deleted). Kudos, I know we were at odds few weeks ago regarding the article about your death (and evidently your rebirth) and all you noticed was the last paragraph of my reply. While I wholeheartedly appreciate your generosity and your kind words, I wonder why you did not ponder on the ‘accusations’ I had put forth.
I know you promulgate your ‘nastiness’ every now and then, and have followers who live by your name. But don’t you think your nastiness was a little out of the line few years ago? Wouldn’t you think that was simply uncalled for? Wouldn’t you think that is why San wants to ‘control’ you? I am old school, I believe in history and maybe so does San, so give him time, be ‘good’ for another five years and maybe he will condone whatever you say or do.
Also, I understand there are many a junebugs who are your wannabes. But they do not have the same tempo or time to dwell in sajha like you (therefore they do not garner such attention and possibly get banned sooner or later). That makes you dangerous, because being an ardent internet troll, you can plagiarize excerpts and wisecracks and facts and details about anything and use them to defend your replies – nothing wrong with that, but you do it to play with people’s emotions. It has happened time and again, and you know I do not need to dig the annals of sajha to validate against what I have said.
I see that you have sobered quite a bit over last few months. But I choose not to believe any of your hogwash (not that you care) at the moment. As a member of sajha, you can write whatever you want, but please do not except everyone to believe you or support you.
Speaking of narcissism, I don’t think you are one outside ‘cyberia’, but yes, I partly believe you are here and so is everyone else (albeit to a lesser degree). For me, you seem to be more like a sajha addict, dying for a day and reborn again. Pardon my audacity, I find it nothing more than a melodrama.
You are one intelligent person Nas, but I question myself (again, I am questioning myself and not you, I do not want to draw bad blood or argue with you) if you’d be the same if your laptop was stolen. Remember, everyone is a Newton and Socrates with Google, or San or Nas behind anonymity.
It is the real life that counts.  
You know I won’t reply back to your replies.  And I am sure you have lots of ace up your sleeves to negate my arguments. But brother, like I said earlier, I am least interested.
Having said that, I’d love to debate with you one on one someday in person. Buy me a beer will you?

Posted on 10-05-11 12:22 PM     [Snapshot: 195]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nas don't bother posting in my thread because this is what I feel like doing when I see you repeating yourself like a retarded parrot in every freaking thread. I seriously think you should see a shrink. You have become a lunatic who claims greatness 24/7 by re-repeating your claims to greatness. Seriously you are getting boring.

Posted on 10-05-11 12:46 PM     [Snapshot: 288]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Viruses are hard to get rid of so it is nice to see others going against this virus. I thought I was the only one who didnt suckk up to him but now I know there are others too. GREAT, GREAT, GREAT!

Posted on 10-05-11 1:00 PM     [Snapshot: 323]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Bahula kukkur ley tokyo jasto chha. He keeps barking all day and night. Nagarpalika should take care of this bhusiya kukur to provide some peace and quiet for everyone else.

Posted on 10-05-11 1:10 PM     [Snapshot: 337]     Reply [Subscribe]
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hahaha lol u guyz peace out...k ho yesto..k k nai virus ayo hola bhanera check gareko ta "Nas" vire re...hasayo yaar...Anna Kornikova virus le tahaka machayako thiyo some years ago..abo "Nas" virus??? must b kiddin...
Posted on 10-05-11 1:23 PM     [Snapshot: 364]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 I already expected his annyoing presence would be here sooner or later. And here he is .
Claiming again his so called "greatness" in this thread too. But never thought how? what makes you
so great among others, no 1 aare.Do you even know what it takes to get to that position. Might be you have a good
job and good income good life and that's what you might have refering to..but dude everybody has the same thing in
their real life and that's why you are no differnt than others. 
If you are refering to your virtual life over here ask yourself what you did so great to claim yourself as a number one.
I really appreciate that you have helped some kid back home but hey you don't have to make it like you have elinimiate the 
electricty problem there or completely wipe out the corruption. Always remembers its not just you, there are other users too
who had and will continously keep helping others, may be here in sajha or may be in their real life.doesn't matter. they help they forget,
they just don't come to here to shout our generiousity.
Again coming back to my question, remember you haven't done anything so great that to be called no 1. I will call san as a number 1 because
he brought his site to life and continously maintaing it. It cots cost, time and more than that an energy to keep it running. So he is no 1.
Stop claiming yourself to be a tough guy if you are really an intelligent person. Putting all those half-nude girls, or creating a controversy
(u know what i m refering too, remember the posting 5 yrs ago), and the psycho half naked movie just makes you an attention seeker and (i don't want to use
that word because i respect everybody,so you understand by yourself)..I don't mind getting a good laugh or reading a tease or a good information about something
 but the presence in every thread with *** comments,,i don't like it all.
One more thing, make it clear i don't hate you, but you are just like that annyoing fly that just hangs around my ear all the time. so i just keep myself away from you. and yes
i ignore you all the time and don't read your thread and comments. its just too much for me. So if you managed to read up to this far, don't bother to explain,
i really don't need any and even you do i am not gone read neither i am gone comment further..Google it by urself what an annyoing person would have called.think about that.
Be gentle to yourself.
Be gentle you others.
Be gentle to earth.

Posted on 10-05-11 1:56 PM     [Snapshot: 396]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sayeri time:

Just like Ram is not Ram without Ravan....
I said...Just like Ram is not Ram without Ravan,
And Krishna is not Krishna without Kansa.
In that way Nas is not Nas without Sajha....but Sajha...Sajha is also not Sajha without Nas.

(Can I get some wah wah's guys?  )

Last edited: 05-Oct-11 02:48 PM

Posted on 10-05-11 2:10 PM     [Snapshot: 438]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 You guys need to get a life. 

Shame on you. There are so many things to do in life. 

What a waste of time. 

Posted on 10-05-11 2:22 PM     [Snapshot: 468]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I don't even blame the dude (NAS) himself for this. He just comes here promotes himself; its the rest of his chelas who would suck everything that NAS points his finger to. Its as if they really don't have a life. My site visit has deteriorated because of this. Most of us just ignored as we have better things to do, but ati bhayo bhane khati hunchha bhanya.
Posted on 10-05-11 2:27 PM     [Snapshot: 468]     Reply [Subscribe]
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नासका कमेन्ट्हरु मज्जका हुन्चन तेस्लाई सेरियस लिन्न हुन्न । नास एक पुरुष हैन उ एक सन्स्ता नै हो ।
Posted on 10-05-11 2:49 PM     [Snapshot: 520]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Dude, where you been? Missed you. Haven't seen your name in a long time. Was wondering what happened to you. Welcome back!


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