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 Nepali and Taslima
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Posted on 08-21-11 12:54 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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The thing is Nepali can't accept someone talking about Nepal either in the context of its soverity or nationalism but we are happy to hurt Nepal mother ourselves. A person living in Karnali even doesn't know which country they are living in and what Taslima mentioned in Twitter. What is Twitter for them?

Are we sovereign country as we don't need any documents to go India and same to Indian can easily enter Nepal? Yes, it hurts if someone mentioned that Nepal is not an independent country but why we didn't realize that we are hurting many times to our nation than Taslima. One of the parts of the country who never know twitter and even they used Indian road to come to our country and Taslima who didn't realized that open boarder without passport is just for Indian and Nepali but not Bangali.

So, we are different somewhat inside, our emotion to nation is different, we are trying to reside USA or Europe but we love so much for our country. If we are in our country either we will be Karnali or somewhere in Kathmandu thinking how to accumulate wealth for our generations.  Intellectual like engineers , doctors, social worker, technicians, government official are thinking and doing their business without basic norms, all educated people are also doing same to hurt nation either one way to other.

It is part of societal cycle where people become leader and start accumulating money or  take education to earn as much money as  you can and if you can 't do that , leave the country like me mentioning that Nepal won't give me anything, everyone has right to go outside, leader are corrupted, we can't do anything in Nepal. But it doesn't mean there are no good people, yes good people are also starting their voice, there are also heroes doing at least something honestly for the nation, who didn't over react to Taslima, yes she should know Nepal is different. We are sovereign society but we have society in Stone Age and European. Taslima should know even if she doesn't have home, but Nepali has own way of home which even didn’t any Nepali know. Every Nepali loves their country but in different way, purpose and interest. But they love. Finally, it is poverty and over wealth, less education, more education, less effect of globalization, more effect of globalization, some part of good democracy, other part of bad democracy. That is why we are Nepali.

Last edited: 21-Aug-11 12:55 PM


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