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 tax act Online - Does it even save information ( actual w2 and stuff like that ) when i last login ?
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Posted on 03-29-13 4:01 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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 I used to used turbo tax before where i used to change this and that . Whenever i  login i would see those changes and would file it if completed . 
But this year i tried to use tax act online where federal is free and state is just 9.99 charge i have to pay for . I filled all info and filled most of it and saved it but now when i tried to login today to make sure everything is all right to file - I don't see all my information . 
There is "Mytaxact button" i can click to check my summary but it does show only it doesnot let you go to that page . Any free number to call them or does anybody knows how would i  see all my info saved to make life easier ????

Posted on 03-29-13 5:32 PM     [Snapshot: 40]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I paid 14.99 doing tyaxes on TAXACT.COM.
I have never been in any problem. Once you change any information that will be saved automatically. Couple years ago talked to the customer services on line.

Last edited: 29-Mar-13 10:44 PM

Posted on 03-29-13 5:36 PM     [Snapshot: 44]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 may be you missed something.. 
I switched from turbo to taxactonline.. 
they charge you extra to keep those data over 2-3 years though.. like 30-35 bucks not sure though.. 
I opted out, I rather fill it all when filing ,
also I printed everything and it's in my cabinet.. not a problem.. 
I hope you already have printed version.. 
if not, call/msg them.. 

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