ELECTION - Second SEBS-NA Election for the term 2004-06 - AZ
Date: Sunday, Jul 04, 2004

Dear SEBSers,

The independent Election Commission of SEBS-NA seeks nomination for all positions of SEBS-NAýs Executive Committee for the term July/2004-June/2006. All interested candidates seeking office are required to file for candidacy by sending an e-mail to sebsnaelection@yahoo.com by June 25th, 2004 (midnight EST). Please send your brief profile indicating the position that you are interested in and a statement indicating that you meet following qualifications as required by the Article VIII of SEBS-NAýs Articleýs of organization. Details of by laws can be downloaded from http://www.sebsonline.org/info/sebsna_articles.aspx).

For President:
-Candidate must have served at least one year in the Executive Committee (with SEBS or SEBS-NA), be residing in North America and be a bona fide graduate of BNKS with minimum SLC degree.

For other office and executive member positions:
- Candidate must be residing in North America and be a bona fide graduate of BNKS with minimum SLC degree.

The election committee will confirm each submission and subsequently make a formal announcement of all interested candidates (with a brief profile) on June 26, 2004.

Any interested candidate will automatically fill uncontested positions. If there is more than one candidate seeking a position, an election will be held online as well as by ballot in Phoenix, Arizona during SEBS-NAýs reunion and the result will be decided by secret ballot. The election committee will attempt to fill all positions on Election Day. Candidates seeking office and individuals interested in voting are requested to be present during the election in Phoenix, however, excused absences will be accepted. If any positions are still vacant, the new Executive Committee will automatically assume the responsibility of filling those positions during itýs the first meeting. The final results of the election will be sent out to the community the next day after the election.

All four positions are currently open. Here is a complete list of the vacant positions:
General Secretary

Exact schedule and agenda of Election Day as well as voting rules (ballot as well as online) and regulations will be announced at a later date.

SEBS-NA stands for "Society of Ex-Budhanilkantha Students - North America." SEBS-NA was established in July 2000 as a non-profit organization. It is an organization of the alumni and friends of Budhanilkantha School, Kathmandu, Nepal, located in different parts of North America. If you want more information on SEBS-NA and/or projects, please visit SEBS-NA website at http://www.sebsonline.org/info/sebsna.aspx or feel free to write to sebsna@sebsonline.org.

Puru Subedi
SEBS-NA Election Commission
President, INLS

Venue: Phoenix, Arizona during SEBS-NAýs reunion
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