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Mr B
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Posted on 03-24-25 11:44 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Uscis needs to give TPS decision before 60 days of expiration but there is no any news for South sudan and Afghanistan .What will happen to them? .I saw somewhere tps will extend 6 months automatically if uscis did not decide before 60 days ....any idea how that works guys
Posted on 03-26-25 10:47 PM     [Snapshot: 520]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Most Sajha users stress over Nepal TPS, but you? You care about Sudan and Afghanistan. That says something. It says humanity isn’t dead yet.

As for your second question about “6 months,” it’s already explained in other TPS threads.

Last edited: 26-Mar-25 10:49 PM

Posted on 03-26-25 10:52 PM     [Snapshot: 537]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@SIS and Trump in office is an example that humanity is dead and being racist is cool now
Posted on 03-26-25 11:03 PM     [Snapshot: 556]     Reply [Subscribe]
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"Igdd" is the kind of person you see at a party—the one who tries to join a group with an off-topic comment. People give a polite nod, maybe listen for a sentence or two, then return to their conversation as if nothing happened.

Left standing there, "Igdd" lingers for a moment before moving on, looking for another group to interrupt. Do you get that? Lol.

Posted on 03-26-25 11:15 PM     [Snapshot: 580]     Reply [Subscribe]
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yes I get it, lol, non white aborted children might be thanking from heaven that they won't have to drink from color fountain because the way you voted , lol

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