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 Important news for everybody. Finally fake asylum holder who obtained greencard and went to home country after winning asylum. Later arose problem . Be careful
SAVE! for ease of future access.
Posted on 03-23-25 3:02 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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USCIS rejected an asylum-based green card holder's citizenship application and issued a deportation notice after a home country visit. 'Why Asylum-Based
Green Card Holders Should Think
Twice About Traveling to Their Home Country!' A must-read piece by immigration attorney Bashu Phulara.
An applicant who obtained a green card through asylum and applied for U.S. citizenship was found to have visited their home country, leading USCIS to reject the application and issue a Notice to Appear for deportation proceedings, according to immigration attorney Bashu Phulara. 'Why Asylum-Based Green Card Holders Should Think Twice About Traveling to Their Home Country!' A must-read piece by New York-based immigration attorney Bashu Phulara.

Posted on 03-23-25 3:16 PM     [Snapshot: 20]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I have long spoken out on Sajha about this issue. Many Nepalese seek asylum, citing political turmoil, only to return home once they secure U.S. residency. This undermines the integrity of the system and the purpose of asylum itself. Now, the law is finally holding them accountable. This is a moment to celebrate—fraud has no place in our immigration process.
Posted on 03-23-25 3:52 PM     [Snapshot: 136]     Reply [Subscribe]
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i am against fraud but color fountain is making a comeback , there will be lot more celebrations after that happens 
Last edited: 23-Mar-25 03:54 PM

Posted on 03-24-25 6:42 AM     [Snapshot: 507]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If an asylee doesn’t know this already they’re dumbass. The more important point is how does USCIS prove the visit to the unsafe home country?
Posted on 03-24-25 8:06 AM     [Snapshot: 634]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It’s not as difficult as you are thinking. If the person was a citizen, then it would be somewhat difficult. This person is a green card holder. He doesn’t have the same right as citizens.
Posted on 03-24-25 1:05 PM     [Snapshot: 879]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Are asylum holders who acquired GC through with their fake paper documents be held accountable for their deeds? Os that seriously going to occur ?
Posted on 03-24-25 1:24 PM     [Snapshot: 919]     Reply [Subscribe]
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don't wait around report them in ICE Tip Form, sajha won't let me put a link

Posted on 03-24-25 1:53 PM     [Snapshot: 1030]     Reply [Subscribe]
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IRS is helping them to identify undocumented now
Posted on 03-24-25 2:21 PM     [Snapshot: 1049]     Reply [Subscribe]
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“This administration has already defied more than 2 dozens court orders but eventually there will come to a point when court starts taking logical steps to sanction this administration which is contempt. The court is reluctant to step in and pick this monumental fight but they are holding out the hope and will eventually comply”
Posted on 03-24-25 2:44 PM     [Snapshot: 1138]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Oops, court has very limited options. They can only sanction the administration with civil contempt and levy fines. If the admin choose to ignore the fines, then there is nothing much the court can do. They can refer DOJ to bring in criminal contempt charges, but before that they don't have much options. Do you think DOJ will bring in criminal contempt charges against the admin?

Congress has the right and obligation to oversight the Executive, but they are giving away most of their powers to Executive over the years. The country has been moving towards authoritarianism for quite a while. It's not just a sudden changes and not just the issue created by one individual. Hopefully the democracy is preserved and god bless America!!
Last edited: 24-Mar-25 04:15 PM


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