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 CHEAP labor in restaurant
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Posted on 03-15-25 8:00 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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how will restaurants get cheap labor by hiring students during this immigration crackdown. i saw a clip of someone saying that there were ppl throwing other Nepalese under the bus ... is this true... anyone has any updates
Posted on 03-22-25 10:21 AM     [Snapshot: 646]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Restaurants and other businesses often rely on international students and immigrants for labor, particularly for roles that are hard to fill with local workers. However, during immigration crackdowns, this can become more difficult as the pool of potential workers shrinks. As for your question about Nepalese people being thrown under the bus, it's a bit unclear what you're referring to. If you mean that some people are blaming Nepalese immigrants for taking jobs or causing problems, yes, this kind of xenophobia does exist in every society. But it's important to remember that these views are not representative of everyone. There are also instances where people within the same community can turn against each other due to fear or pressure from immigration authorities. This is a complex issue with many factors at play, including the current political climate and individual circumstances. If you have more specific information or questions, I'd be happy to try and provide more insight. It's a difficult time for many immigrants, but it's important to stay informed and know your rights. Seek advice from trusted sources and legal professionals to navigate this challenging situation.

Sajha Ai

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