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 Trump is a Convicted Fillon
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Posted on 01-10-25 12:31 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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No one is above the law ; now Trump is a convicted felon.

Posted on 01-10-25 1:24 PM     [Snapshot: 76]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yes, that’s exactly what the jury concluded: he is guilty. And according to the law, that makes him a felon. Yet, despite this clear verdict, the judge chose not to impose any punishment. The reasoning? Oh, you’re going to be US President in 10 days, so let’s just move on and respect the office.

From a legal standpoint, the judge’s rationale was that the money reported by his accountant did not violate any laws related to money laundering, taxation, or financial regulations. Therefore, based on the statutes outlined in the legal code, there were no grounds for punishment.

At the end of the day, whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, if you have white skin, you're all good.

Posted on 01-10-25 1:28 PM     [Snapshot: 100]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Haina sustay lai kay bho feri aba ko 10 din ma sapat lidai cha aba yaha sajha ma ayera convicted felon bhanna lai saram na bhako sustay. Ta pani temporary ma cha bhanera sawailai tha cha.
Posted on 01-10-25 1:45 PM     [Snapshot: 135]     Reply [Subscribe]
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A little teasing or joking around once in a while is harmless. But constantly hammering someone with that ridiculous name loses its humor—it just becomes tiresome and overdone. I’ll admit, I found your comment funny the first time, but now that word feels a little disrespectful. Change your words, change your life—take some advice from your online DD, lol.

Posted on 01-10-25 2:37 PM     [Snapshot: 220]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Logan the court has set him free so he is not a felon anymore. THERE IS NO CASE, THERE WAS NEVER A CASE, and this whole Scam fully deserves to be DISMISSED

Here's what Trump said about this utter anti American use of federal agencies to prosecute a political rival.

The Radical Democrats have lost another pathetic, unAmerican Witch Hunt. After spending tens of millions of dollars, wasting over 6 years of obsessive work that should have been spent on protecting New Yorkers from violent, rampant crime that is destroying the City and State, coordinating with the Biden/Harris Department of Injustice in lawless Weaponization, and bringing completely baseless, illegal, and fake charges against your 45th and 47th President, ME, I was given an UNCONDITIONAL DISCHARGE. That result alone proves that, as all Legal Scholars and Experts have said, THERE IS NO CASE, THERE WAS NEVER A CASE, and this whole Scam fully deserves to be DISMISSED. The real Jury, the American People, have spoken, by Re-Electing me with an overwhelming MANDATE in one of the most consequential Elections in History. As the American People have seen, this “case” had no crime, no damages, no proof, no facts, no Law, only a highly conflicted Judge, a star witness who is a disbarred, disgraced, serial perjurer, and criminal Election Interference. Today’s event was a despicable charade, and now that it is over, we will appeal this Hoax, which has no merit, and restore the trust of Americans in our once great System of Justice. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Posted on 01-11-25 2:17 AM     [Snapshot: 427]     Reply [Subscribe]
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SA has also said he will authorize shooting immigrants in panhandle

He has also said he will use military in US soil

Posted on 01-12-25 10:25 AM     [Snapshot: 797]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I remember this story of a family:
Their children had some health issue and had minor surgery. One day child texted her mother " mom I can not see when I close my eyes". They had couple texts and finally she realized what she mean"
You must be an open-minded person to understand and must look at it as much as indifferently you can. Also must have a mindset of using logic. If you lack these, you will not get subject matter but end on your pre-occupied mind. Pre-occupied mind makes people behave weirdly.

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