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 Trump announces that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will investigate childhood vaccines and their potential link to autism, as well as other possible causes, as the head of HHS
SAVE! for ease of future access.
Posted on 12-13-24 10:33 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 12-14-24 9:14 AM     [Snapshot: 102]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is the best thing that has happened for the health of the whole world.
Posted on 12-14-24 10:07 AM     [Snapshot: 148]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Faucci imprisonment on the radar.
Posted on 12-14-24 12:26 PM     [Snapshot: 228]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Maasickni dildos haru
Posted on 12-14-24 4:07 PM     [Snapshot: 334]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This guy wants to reduce the number of vaccinations that are being used for corporate profit instead of health. This should be welcomed by anyone who cares about their children
Posted on 12-14-24 5:35 PM     [Snapshot: 394]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hope you are right Independent, not just health care but in every sector. Nothing would happen to these drug manufacturers; all they have to do is praise Trump, align with his ideas and throw few billions towards his cause. I already see conflict of interest from these billionaires from Mr. Trump’s inner circle. They don’t anything but more money in their pockets. Rights group are already worried that there would be no oversights. Dismantle Department of Education, send kids to private schools or state funded public public schools, protect your self with 2nd amendment, police would be used for secondary level protection (that’s what my redneck Trump loving friends believe), Corporate greed to the fullest for next 4 years.

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