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 Gays and Gals!
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Posted on 09-30-06 10:16 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Gay guys are awesome when it comes to dealing with people. I used to go to this gay barber in downtown before. What a guy...lololol...I'm not gay but he was a wicked hairstylist.

They're wise like an old cab driver. I guess the harshness they receive instills in them a lot of passion for humanity.

I don't know why society is so against them.

One thing I don't realize is why people and girls in general say italians and spanish guys are so suave. It think they're like any other men- I know several girls who've dated italian men. They goot cheesed up by their pastafaeian ways and dumped them.

But you're right about gays. They are really good people!
Posted on 09-30-06 10:24 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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well, it's all about perception, ain't it? if you get out of prejudice, and THINK that gays are normal, which they are, they do seem normal. They are NOT from mars or something.

with due respect
Posted on 09-30-06 10:48 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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be happy and Gay ...
Posted on 09-30-06 10:51 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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and the point is?
Posted on 09-30-06 10:51 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I had gay friend during my undergrad, with whom I've lost touch now. He was so friendly, helpful and intelligent and funny. He liked shopping online for clothes esp in JCrew. He loved small-boy toys(figurines) and collected heaps of them. The main thing is that I felt completely comfortable with him :) i miss him.
Posted on 10-01-06 12:12 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I hate gay people,,,,,,,, they are sucks. They are against our social structure (married between male and femal is only exis).
Posted on 10-01-06 12:14 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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not that i am gay, but if gay people suck you, you suck me even more! thought i should let you know.

Posted on 10-01-06 12:51 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yourson will turn out to be gay and you daughter will be a lesbian. That's what you deserve.
Posted on 10-01-06 1:02 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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My mind can't conceive the affiar between two same sexes; however, I think there are thousands or hundreds of thousands of people on the earth that have peculiar interest. Homosexuality can be the outcome of gene structure (Prenatal hormonal theory). If it is so, it can be accepted. One of my relative brothers is practicing celibacy because he doesn't have interest in sex and he has full right to observe that. However, the present trend of homosexuality is more of a "fashion," than whatever the biological reason is. I still have a female friend that I talk to on the Internet, who says that she has started liking the girls (sexually, i.e.). In the US or or other Western countries, people just want to give somethng a try, and that could be the reason the "boom" of homosexuals.

I think, the nature of relationship between homosexuals is more of sexual nature than of feelings. That might apply more to the homosexuals that are "by-product" of the wild psychological freedom.

And, having said all that, I do believe and acknowledge the validity and existence of "real" homosexuals. Hypothetical it may sound, but I hope the mushrooming of homosexuals wouldn't lead the earth to the end of human existence.
Posted on 10-01-06 4:36 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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for sure jatha Sajhauser you do miss him ...cause i think you are a fag as well.
Posted on 10-01-06 11:38 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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FYI sajhauser is a girl.
Posted on 10-01-06 12:28 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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