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 God help KTM
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Posted on 02-20-05 5:51 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Food prices soared in the Nepalese capital as Maoist rebels blocked roads leading to the Kathmandu Valley with boulders and trees as part of a week-long transport blockade.
Shopkeepers say prices of vegetables have more than doubled since last week with tomatoes rising to 36 rupees a kilogram from 12 rupees before the strike.Prices of onions, tomatoes, peas and chillies have continued to rise.There is a shortage of potatoes now and several truckloads of cabbage have rotted and could not be sold.

Post if have some more news............:-(

Posted on 02-20-05 5:54 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I have managed to arrive in Kathmandu safely today but I don't think I will be going out of Kathmandu again- Truck driver.
Some of my friends were taken to the nearby jungle by the rebels and threatened with dire consequences if they dared to operate their vehicles again. -Truck driver
People in KTM are happy as the kid below or suffering !!!!!


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