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 Why are Nepalese so bitter, negative and unnappreciative?

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Posted on 12-31-11 10:50 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 12-31-11 11:00 AM     [Snapshot: 30]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It is all so positive. Why are you all so angry?

At Tearfund, what drives us is a belief that the local church is a powerful force for transformation in communities living in every kind of poverty. Inspired by the example and teaching of Jesus, we recognise that people have deeply interconnected material and spiritual needs, and we seek to meet those needs by working through our local church partners. Churches are at the heart of their communities – full of dedicated, resourceful people who want to make a long-term difference.

Posted on 12-31-11 11:11 AM     [Snapshot: 45]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I will respect any religion you practice as long as you never knock on my door to tell me about it........Having said this. Please stop trolling in sajha.
Last edited: 31-Dec-11 11:12 AM

Posted on 12-31-11 11:19 AM     [Snapshot: 79]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@fusre, what is the purpose of this website? Why are you in here?

Posted on 12-31-11 11:24 AM     [Snapshot: 91]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is not website to preach about any religions.

Posted on 12-31-11 11:24 AM     [Snapshot: 30]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Enough said. I think you need a serious help(my suggestion try Xanax). Instead of creating love in the name of Jesus, you're here creating hatred. Think twice what you're doing! Yes, I went to St.Xavier's. And, in my 10 yrs of wonderful experience studying under a Jesuit establishment, they never ever influenced their religion upon us. We never had to go to church or partiticipate in any religious endeavours.

I hold high value of respect to Christianity or any religion out there. There're definitely some filth in Hinduism like you're being in Christianity.

Show respect by keeping a distance!

- I hope Jesus will have mercy in your soul.

Posted on 12-31-11 11:31 AM     [Snapshot: 121]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Seems to me that most of you are jealous of the happiness, joy and beauty that many many Nepalese have found through the love of Jesus.

Well, Jesus loves you too, despite your envy and jealousy of his grace. May God and our Lord Jesus Christ Bless you.

Posted on 12-31-11 11:37 AM     [Snapshot: 134]     Reply [Subscribe]
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We're not Jealous. Just feeling sorry for you and  trying to help.

Here are the top 10 list of places you might want to make your next visit. We'll pray for your quicker recovery!

-May Jesus have mercy in your poor soul!
Posted on 12-31-11 11:44 AM     [Snapshot: 157]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Mr Bi-Polar,

It is a bit ironic that with a name like yours you are telling me to get psychiatric help. 

Anyway, You can shut me down. You can kick me out from this site. But 10 more Lovers Of Jesus will come to this website for every one of me that you kick out. This I guarantee you. 

And if you kick out all 10 of those Lovers of Jesus, 100 more will come to this website to take their place.

I can only hope that you will crucify me by kicking me out of this site. The crucifiction of Jesus was the best thing that happened in Christianity. There is no factor that has brought more Christians together than the illegal persecution of Christians. So please kick me out of this website. I hope you will do it. 

Jesus's love will eventually conquer all. It always does. You cannot compete with the Love of Jesus, my friends. His devotion always wins!

So I have some gentle advice for you:

Surrender to Jesus so yea soul may be saved!

Posted on 12-31-11 11:52 AM     [Snapshot: 175]     Reply [Subscribe]
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FYI: BI-Polar = Business Intelligence Polar (that's my profession)

I once knew a fresh out of boat convert who was like you who was BI-Polar and studying here in F1 visa. He stayed in mental asylum for almost 6 months and was eventually deported back to nepal.

Still today...he updates his facebook status 'Waiting for the Judgment Day.....

- May Jesus have mercy in your poor lost soul
Posted on 12-31-11 12:23 PM     [Snapshot: 140]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I agree the fact that "your folks" are doing some good things and helping out the poor but they are not doing all that work for nothing. It's like a business. You do something from somebody and ask another thing in return. Any kind of work done in the name of GOD should be completely pure and non selfish. You guys are just taking advantages of the poverty and illiteracy of millions of Nepalese. Also to remind you, Sajha is not a place where you can preach your "bullshit" and make 10 threads about your crap. If we need to know anything about "your religion" we will come to you other wise we would need to ask the moderator to ban you on this site coz I dont want to see 10 threads about your craps with illogical and irrational arguements.
FYI~ You dont even have guts and brain to reply to my posts from yesterday. Your the one who is doomed here and your making fun of yourself. What a looser!!
Posted on 12-31-11 12:35 PM     [Snapshot: 267]     Reply [Subscribe]
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.this is interesting topic...  Love and good deeds (saat karma)  are taught by all religions; however in real world  profound outcry of hatred based on religious ideology has done more damage and destruction in the society than what is achieved from teachings of love. it is very sad in the bigger picture.  if a person focus on positive things that any religion has to teach, and have faith on some sort of power above and beyond our senses and contemplation then that person can be called a 'good' person. s. I go to church once in a while because i like going to church and i believe the sermons, but that does not mean i have to go christian. like all religion Christianity is also good .. its the people like you who gives a bad reputation. So jesus lover you can shut the f**k up and mind your own business.

Posted on 12-31-11 1:06 PM     [Snapshot: 292]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Any specific religion doesn’t give you happiness, joy or anything. Ya, Nepali can be bitter, negative and unappreciated but it has nothing to do with religion. It is more of cultural thing, we have never been taught to say thank you if you are thankful to anyone. We are poor, sometimes we are angry, unhappy and unappreciated. But if you think, Jesus, Allah or any other religion can change the attitude, it is completely wrong. Changing attitude is something different than what religion you believe. First ask you parents, whom they believe or at least your grandparents. Even if, you believe in Jesus, I think you grand parents believe in Hindu. I never believe in religion, I believe as a part of culture and we have to respect our culture where we were born, how we were grown up throwing all jealousness, anger and unappriciativeness. If someone born in Nepal, by birth he is Hindu whether he likes or not and if someone born in USA, he will be a Christian. If someone born in Pakisthan, he will be Muslim, it is nothing to do with that guy, it is a culture where he is born. So don't blame religion, blame to the people who guide the religion and to the people who blindly belive in religion. So, religion is a cultural thing where we need to throw wrong thing and preserve right thing with for happiness, joy or for good for human kind.


“Religion has bounded the world for a long time, search for something that will bound the world for coming generations” I read somewhere in social sciences Masters Degree classes though I am an engineering student. Any way, you can believe in Jesus or any god but coming to USA and giving lecture is easy than staying in Nepal and fighting for existence or at least for decent life doesn’t have any relationship with religion. It is a part of culture and we need to change the culture that will obstruct our happiness, joy or unappriciateness. With or without religion, Japanese are happy with what they have or even Koreans with Buddhism are happy. So my friend if you get happiness from Jesus, that is really good for you and any fellow Nepali who got happiness is good for another Nepali but we are brave, sometimes proudly, sometime foolish and sometime unappreciated but it is nothing with religion.

Last edited: 31-Dec-11 01:18 PM

Posted on 12-31-11 2:04 PM     [Snapshot: 380]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Time to flag this douchebag troll out of sajha. Flag all of his posts sajha people. He's promoting religious intolorence.
Posted on 12-31-11 2:05 PM     [Snapshot: 379]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@jesuslovesyou: who is jesus? If he wants me to be on his side then I am free tomorrow, tell him to come to meet me with some good proposal. To make the negotiation easier i wont be accepting less than $3000 per month.
Posted on 12-31-11 2:38 PM     [Snapshot: 430]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You said:
Ya, Nepali can be bitter, negative and unappreciated but it has nothing to do with religion. It is more of cultural thing, we have never been taught to say thank you if you are thankful to anyone. We are poor, sometimes we are angry, unhappy and unappreciated.

 I don't understand what you are saying.  Are you saying that Nepalese are bitter, negative and unappreciated because of your culture and poverty? Well what I am saying is that we Christians can help you to improve both. Those Nepalese who have accepted Jesus in their life have seen both those things that you Nepalese struggle with, improve. 

Last edited: 31-Dec-11 02:44 PM

Posted on 12-31-11 3:54 PM     [Snapshot: 496]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am down for Chritianity I was hindu/buddhists but after learning many things from America I am Christian, Jesusloves u keep spreading words to these people so that they can propser like western cicvilization, I am with u
Posted on 12-31-11 4:12 PM     [Snapshot: 519]     Reply [Subscribe]
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At least in Christianity there is no caste system or dowries and its so beautiful and honored when ur dead body is buried in a cemetry inside a dazzling coffin rather than being burnt like a trash

Posted on 12-31-11 5:23 PM     [Snapshot: 579]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If specific religion can give joy, there would be a world with a single religion. As I mentioned, it is a part of culture. Even in USA no one ask you what religion you believe, so don't try to make us fool.There is temples, Musk and every other religion is respected here too. Probably, you are thinking that any specific religion is good for all human but majority of African countries believe in Christanity but there is equally fight for hunger and it is worse part of human civilizatgion with civil war. Religion is not only which can bond the society, it is a part of culture. So, being rude, unhappy should not have necessarily relationship with religion, it can be part of culture and individual who percep the life. So, don't think that specific religion can give you happiness. With the prosperous society, it can give somewhat joy in life but is is not always true. What about Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Gulf people, do you think, they are happy or not? What about African, Russian or other part of sociey which has problem even if they believe in Christanity?

Last edited: 31-Dec-11 05:36 PM

Posted on 12-31-11 5:33 PM     [Snapshot: 606]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 becasue google is self evident that:

Posted on 12-31-11 6:23 PM     [Snapshot: 669]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last edited: 01-Jan-12 05:57 PM


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