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Posted on 09-27-11 10:00
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Sathi haru ho. Yo manche haru jasto le garda desh bigreyeko ho. Its been five years since I left Nepal and not a day has passed by without hearing a bad news related to Nepal, which depresses me. So I have promised myself that as long as this guy doesn't get caught, I will continue to update this thread.
(info source: http://sajha.com/sajha/html/index.cfm?threadid=91848 (khuch_ching)
CRIME: Embezzlement (NRS 2 BILLION)
Also friends, we shouldn't let him escape the media. If you see him around just take a picture in your cell and call the police.
There are many threads so let us use this thread for the sole purpose of updating information on his status.
Even if he escapes the judiciary system in Nepal, let him not escape the shame and public humiliation.
If you have pictures, his family information (anything related to him), please share it in this thread. I want to consolidate his info/bio.
Last edited: 27-Sep-11 10:00 AM
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Posted on 09-28-11 11:54
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There is a great News. The chairman of Nepal sharemarket and finance limited has been arrested in coordination with Interpol, near India and Nepal Boarder in similar crime. He was involved in one of Nepal’s biggest financial scam involving about 2.5 billion rupees.
Now I think it is Mr.Pawan Karki’s turn. To some people it may see minor crime, but actually it is not. Some deposits are people’s life long saving, especially those of old people who depend on interests earned from their savings in old age. In any way absconding with billions of rupees of hard earned money from ordinary depositors is serious crime. Nepalese living abroad can create social pressures against such criminals so that for people of these kind life becomes difficult.
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Posted on 09-29-11 12:08
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बैंकिङ कसूरमा राष्ट्र बैंकले सीधै पक्राउ गर्ने / क्यापिटलका पवन कार्कीलाई पक्राउ गर्न अमेरिकामा कूटनीतिक पहल सुरु
आर्थिक संवाददाता
काठमाडौं, असोज ३
नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकले बैंक तथा वित्तीय क्षेत्रमा अपराध गर्ने व्यक्तिहरुलाई सीधै सम्बन्धित प्रहरी कार्यालयमार्फत पक्राउ गर्न पाउने भएको छ । यसअघि राष्ट्र बैंकले कुनै पनि बैंक तथा वित्तीय संस्थाका अपराधीलाई पक्राउ गर्न अर्थ मन्त्रालयमार्फत जानुपथ्र्यो । अर्थ मन्त्रालयले अधिकार दिएका कारण बैंकिङ क्षेत्रका अपराधी उम्कन केही कठिनाइ भएको राष्ट्र बैंकका कामु गभर्नर गोपालप्रसाद काफ्लेले जानकारी दिनुभयो ।
काफ्लेले भन्नुभयो— ‘बैंकिङ क्षेत्रमा अपराध गर्नेलाई पक्राउ गर्ने प्रक्रिया लामो हुनाले उनीहरु भाग्ने समस्या धेरै थियो । अब नयाँ व्यवस्थाले केही सहजता ल्याएको छ ।’ काफ्लेले मंगलबार व्यवस्थापिका संसद्को सार्वजनिक लेखा समितिअन्तर्गतको वित्तीय संस्थासम्बन्धी अध्ययन उपसमितिमा दिनुभएको जानकारीअनुसार लामो प्रक्रियामा जाँदा सूचना लिक भएर बैंकिङ कसूर गर्ने धेरै अपराधी भागेका कारण अहिलेसम्म पनि पक्राउ गर्न सकिएको छैन । ‘कसूर गर्ने मुख्य व्यक्ति पक्राउ नपर्ने समस्याले कारबाही प्रक्रिया लम्बिएको थियो अब भने त्यो समस्या केही हदसम्म समाधान हुनेछ’ –काफ्लेले भन्नुभयो ।
प्रक्रिया लामो हुने भएकाले को–को व्यक्तिहरु पक्राउ पर्दै छन् भन्ने जानकारी पहिला नै सार्वजनिक भएकाले अधिकांश दोषीहरु फरार छन् । राष्ट्र बैंकका अनुसार प्रक्रिया लामो भएर सूचना लिक भएकै कारण क्यापिटल फाइनान्सका पवन कार्की, नेपाल सेयर मार्केट्सका योगेन्द्रप्रसाद श्रेष्ठ, पिपुल्स फाइनान्सका छविलाल भुषाल, गोर्खा विकास बैंकका निर्मल गुरुङलगायतका व्यक्तिहरु अझै पनि पक्राउ परेका छैनन् ।
अर्थ मन्त्रालयले केही समयअघि राष्ट्र बैंकलाई वित्तीय क्षेत्रमा कसूर गर्ने व्यक्तिको पक्राउको जानकारी मात्र अर्थ मन्त्रालयमा दिँदा हुने र पक्राउ गर्नुपूर्व मन्त्रालयमार्फत गइरहन नपर्ने अधिकार दिएको छ । यसअघि बैंकिङ कसूर गर्ने कुनै पनि व्यक्तिलाई पक्राउ गर्नुअघि राष्ट्र बैंकले अर्थ मन्त्रालयमा पत्राचार गर्नुपर्ने, त्यसपछि अर्थले गृहमार्फत प्रहरी प्रधान कार्यालयमा पत्राचार गरेर प्रधान कार्यालयले सम्बन्धित प्रहरी कार्यालयमार्फत पक्राउ गर्नुपथ्र्यो । अहिलेको व्यवस्थाअनुसार अर्थले अधिकार दिएपछि राष्ट्र बैंकले सम्बन्धित प्रहरी कार्यालयमार्फत पक्राउ गरेपछि मात्र अर्थलाई जानकारी दिँदा हुने भएको छ । राष्ट्र बैंकले भने अर्थसँग अख्तियार दुरुपयोग अनुसन्धान आयोगले जस्तै गरी आफैंले पक्राउ गर्न पाउने अधिकार माग गरेको थियो ।
यसैबीच, क्यापिटल मर्चेन्ट फाइनान्स ठगी गरेर अमेरिका पलायन भएका पवन कार्कीलाई भने राष्ट्र बैंकले कूटनीतिक माध्यममार्फत पक्राउ गर्ने भएको छ । कामु गभर्नर काफ्लेका अनुसार त्यसका लागि पहल सुरु भइसकेको छ । कार्कीले उक्त फाइनान्सको २ अर्ब रुपैयाँ अपचलन गरेको देखिएको छ । उनले उक्त रकमबाट काठमाडौं उपत्यकाभित्र ११ सय रोपनी जग्गा खरिद गरेको फेला परेको पनि काफ्लेले जानकारी दिनुभयो ।
यसैबीच, राष्ट्र बैंकले कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष भएका बैंक तथा वित्तीय संस्थामा विशेष निगरानी गर्ने भएको छ । कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष भएका बैंक तथा वित्तीय संस्थामा आर्थिक अपराध बढेको देखिएपछि राष्ट्र बैंकले निगरानी बढाएको हो । धेरै आर्थिक अपराध गरेर फरार हुनेहरु पूर्व तथा बहालवाला कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष भएकाले राष्ट्र बैंक उक्त निचोडमा पुगेको हो । कार्यकारी अध्यक्षहरुले आफ्नो बैंक तथा वित्तीय संस्थाको रकम आफैंले घुमाउरो तरिकाले ऋण लिएर लगानी गरी दुरुपयोग गरेको देखिएको राष्ट्र बैंकले जनाएको छ ।
बैंक तथा वित्तीय संस्थामा ठगी बढ्दा पनि राष्ट्र बैंकले समयमै थाहा नपाउनुमा अनुगमन कार्य प्रभावकारी हुन नसकेको राष्ट्र बैंकले नै स्वीकार गरेको छ । उपसमितिमा दिइएको जानकारीअनुसार वित्तीय संस्थाको संख्या धेरै भएका कारण राष्ट्र बैंकलाई अनुगमन गर्न समस्या परेको छ । त्यस्तै, बैंक तथा वित्तीय संस्था खोल्न पहिला कामको अनुभवभन्दा पनि पुँजीलाई मात्र ध्यान दिइएका कारण पनि अनुभवहीनहरुले बैंकिङ
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Posted on 09-29-11 1:42
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Rakesh ji
Nepali living overseas will NOT do anything. When one of the member of the infamous ANA made $80,000 disappear from their bank account, nothing was done.All you heard was rage and outcry online, no action,.The guy is still roaming free. If these so called Nepali cannot turn a criminal to justice in the USA, the hope is very slim that anybody will do anything to turn Pawan Karki to justice. Count on this...it aint going to happen. It doesn't matter where we are...YO MAN TA MERO NEPALI HO.
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Posted on 09-29-11 5:16
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You may be right, Mr. vhooteei Ji, It also may not be easy for Nepalese authority to arrest him, because he may hide in some unknown places, or American authority may refuse to deport him, because of his legal status ( American passport holder? or green card holder?) without strong case. Or may be Nepalese authority simply make no case for him and withdraw. But What I want to do is create social stigma for him by making it known to as many people as possible. After all with this fraud, he can not live with his head held high in the society. He will realize the difference between hard earned money and ill-gotten money.
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Posted on 09-29-11 8:05
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The FBI and InterPol is behind his a$$.... the Catch me if you can is followed by....Run Pawan Run...
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Posted on 09-29-11 2:14
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thank you rajeshkc bro. I really appreciate your updates. At least these positive news gives us a flicker of hope. I really think we should use sajha.com to update information of these shameless douchebags so that they dont just disappear and quitely assimilate among us. Also I think a sajhaite mentioned that somebody from ANA ran away with $80000. I have never been to any ANA conference but maybe next time next time one of our sajhaites could go the convention and paste the most wanted sign with his big picture on, so that he could at least be brought to the court of shame.
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Posted on 10-02-11 12:09
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Last edited: 28-Nov-11 11:05 PM
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Posted on 10-16-11 12:17
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Hey, Nobody has any Idea about wherabouts of this person ?
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Posted on 10-19-11 2:50
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dear fiends
we should not be too cynical.There are still some good people left in the system.Anyway we should not let criminals walk with their head held high in the society.After reading this news criminals like pawan karki will find it difficult to sleep.
read Aarthik dainik.com.np, Abhiyan.com.np or nayapatrika.com
अमेरिकाद्वारा क्यापिटल मर्चेन्टका पवन कार्कीको ‘फिङ्गर प्रिन्ट’ माग
आर्थिक संवाददाता
काठमाडौैं, कात्तिक १
नेपालमा वित्तीय अपराध गरेर आफ्नो देशमा बस्दै आएका क्यापिटल मर्चेन्ट बैंकिङ एण्ड फाइनान्स कम्पनीका पूर्वप्रबन्धक पवनकुमार कार्कीको ‘फिङ्गर प्रिन्ट’ उपलब्ध गराइदिन अमेरिकाले काठमाडौंस्थित दूतावासमार्फत नेपाल सरकारसँग आग्रह गरेको छ ।
केही समयअघि नेपाल सरकारले कार्कीलाई पक्राउ गरेर पठाइदिन अमेरिकास्थित दूतावासमार्फत अमेरिकी सरकारसँग आग्रह गरेको थियो । नेपालको आग्रहलाई स्वीकार गर्दै अमेरिकाले ‘फिङ्गर प्रिन्ट’ उपलब्ध गराइदिन पत्र पठाएको हो । अमेरिकाले पठाएको पत्र परराष्ट्र मन्त्रालय हुँदै अर्थ मन्त्रालयमा पुगेको छ । नेपालले ‘फिङ्गर प्रिन्ट’ उपलब्ध गराएपछि पहिचान गरेर अमेरिकाले पक्राउ गरेर कार्कीलाई नेपाल पठाउनेछ । अमेरिकाले ‘फिङ्गर प्रिन्ट’ नै मागेपछि कार्कीलाई नेपाल पठाउने करिब निश्चित भएको राष्ट्र बैंकका एक अधिकारीले जानकारी दिए ।
कार्कीले १ अर्ब ४७ करोड ४९ लाख ७५ हजार रुपैयाँ ठगी गरेर नेपालबाट भागेर अमेरिका गई बसेका छन् । प्रहरीले क्यापिटलका संस्थापक अमिरजंग खड्कालाई गत असार १३ गते, सेयरधनी जानुका केसीलाई १४ गते र भरतराज पौडेललाई भदौ ४ गते पक्राउ गरेको थियो । उनीहरु साधारण तारेखमा रिहा भइसकेका छन् । तत्कालीन अध्यक्ष विज्ञानप्रसाद पौडेल, वरिष्ठ अधिकृत मनोज खनाल, राजु कार्की र हरिहर खड्का भने पुर्पक्षका लागि थुनामा छन् । उक्त वित्तीय अपराधमा प्रमुख हात पवनकुमारको देखिएपछि नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकको अनुरोधमा अर्थले अमेरिकीसरकारसँग उनलाई पक्राउ गरेर पठाइदिन आग्रह गरेको हो ।
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Posted on 10-19-11 2:54
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Last edited: 02-Jan-12 12:54 AM
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Posted on 11-24-11 10:57
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Hello Texas I would like to bring to your notion that a guy called Pawan Karki hailing from Baneshwore, Kathmandu has been living in Texas, may be Houston but not sure, & responsible for a fraud of more than more than 1 billion Rs in Kathmandu. He had been working in Capital Merchant Banking & Finance in Kathmandu as a mojority shareholder until he left for USA when his wife earned a DV. He along with other accomplices of that company made away with large sum of money & its been heard that he owns his own departmental store and drives a 2010 model Hummer worth crores of rupees in Texas.
Currently, innocent chairman & other company staffs are being held in prison but the main culprit Pawan Karki who has all the money of the depositors is hiding in Texas. Nepal rastra bank is trying all it could to bring the culprit home but since Nepal doesnt have an extradition treaty with USA, it is becoming difficult to nab him.
So i request Texas Nepal to write something regarding that culprit and urge all Nepalese community to force him out of USA so that he could return all the money of depositirs as well as help the innocent ones currently dwelling in prisons.
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Posted on 11-28-11 4:47
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Posted on 11-28-11 11:05
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This is a great job you are doing. This linkage should be read by everyone who visits this thread.
This fraudster and crook has not only created anxiety for depositors and ordinary shareholders but also for those in whose name fake loan projects have been created. He should be brought to justice as soon as possible. Hope USA government will cooperate in arresting this crook.
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Posted on 12-30-11 6:03
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Now I think is turn of Jwai Saheb. How long he will hide in USA. It is better if he surrenders to Nepalese authorities and pays his due. Nepali ma "Pap Dhuri bat karuchha banchan."
केपी ढुंगाना, काठमाडौं, पुस १४ - ठगी अभियोगमा फरार रहेका क्यापिटल मर्चेन्ट फाइनान्सका कम्पनी सचिव तथा महाप्रवन्धक शिवराज जोशी र सहयोगी शम्भु बहादुर केसी पक्राउ परेका छन्। प्रहरीको केन्द्रीय अनुसन्धान व्युरोले दुबैलाई राजधानीमा पक्राउ गरेको हो। पक्राउ परेका केसी नेपाल प्रोग्रेसिभ फाइनान्सका तत्कालीन अध्यक्ष समेत हुन्।
व्युरो अधिकारीका अनुसार उनीहरुले क्यापिटल मर्चेन्ट बैङ्किङ एण्ड फाइनान्स लिमिटेडको कर्जा लिने कार्यमा संलग्न नक्कली ऋणी खोजी गर्ने, कम्पनी खडा गर्ने तथा व्यक्तिहरु खोजी गर्न सहयोग गर्ने, क्यापिटल मर्चेन्टका संस्थापक प्रमुख पवनकुमार कार्कीको निर्देशन बमोजिम संस्थाका अधिकृत कर्मचारी रिना तण्डुकारसँग ऋणीले दस्तखत दिएका चेकबाट नगद संस्थाको अन्य बैंक चेक मार्फत रकम लिने देखिएको छ।
व्युरो अधिकारीका अनुसार क्यापिटल फाइनान्सको पत्रमा उल्लेख भए अनुसार कृतिम ऋणीहरु खडा खोजी गरी उक्त संस्थाको निक्षेपकर्ताको हिनामिना गरेको रकम करिब रु २ अर्ब ५० करोड मध्ये करिब रु ६० करोड रकम नक्कली ऋणी खडा गरी दुरुपयोग गरेको देखिएको छ। (http://nagariknews.com/society/nation/34829-2011-12-29-11-59-28.html
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Posted on 12-30-11 8:59
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Haanum na salay lai laat ka laat...kukur sala.
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Posted on 12-30-11 11:05
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usko karma ma thagi gari khanu rahecha,
timi haru ko karma ma online ma aayera karaunu rahecha.. ,
ma ta yo 'thug' lai bhanda pani, hamro desh ko 'chakka' system lai dosh dinchu..
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Posted on 12-30-11 11:31
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Hey Vyrus,
Can you verify his whereabouts? I personally know people who have lost their life savings through this crook. i am sure they'd be interested to hear where he really is.
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Posted on 12-30-11 12:51
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Two former bankers arrested for Rs 600 m fraud
Two former bankers were arrested by a team of the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) for fraud worth Rs 600 million.
Shambhu Bahadur K.C, former chairman of Progressive Finance Ltd, and Shiva Ram Joshi, former general manager of Capital Merchant Banking and Finance Ltd, were arrested on Thursday from their hide-outs in the capital.
Both were at large after the police started looking for them for misappropriating the depositors' money. According to the CIB, they are accused of issuing Rs 600 loan from the Capital Merchant Banking and Finance to fake borrowers. K.C is allegedly involved in creating fake clients while Joshi assisted him in the scam.
K.C has also been accused of similar fraud in Progressive Finance, but the total worth of fraud is yet to be assessed, it is learnt.
In August, the Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) had directed the police for investigation into possible fraud after Capital Merchant Banking and Finance Ltd was closed citing liquidity crunch. nepalnews.com
He is in IRVING TX.... everyone knows about it.... Go to Namaste India and catch him.
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Posted on 01-02-12 12:53
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I think Vyrus Ji there are some procedural and legal difficulties in arresting this criminal.But there are report in some Nepalese media that Nepal police is going to issue diffusion notice to Interpol very soon. We all should help the arrest of this criminal. From the reports I have researched in this criminal, about two decades he was used to be seen in the Baneshwor streets, carrying Broilers in MO-Bike. He has benefited from shortsightedness and corruption prevailing in Nepalese Financial sector and especially in Nepal Rastra Bank.But present Gopverner is a good man, and because of honesty of people like him we hope to see this criminal behind the bar very soon. For those who are more at ease with english, I have posted the news from www.thehimalayantimes.com also Former bankers arrested for misappropriating Rs 600 million SABIN CHANDRA ACHARYA KATHMANDU: The Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police on Thursday arrested two former bankers for misappropriating tens of millions of rupees deposited by the clients of the banks they worked for. The bank fraudsters slipping into the CIB net are Shivaram Joshi (53) of Kathmandu and Shambhu Bahadur KC (53) of Kabhre, respectively. They were arrested from their separate hide-outs in the Capital and were on the run since the Nepal Rastra Bank implicated the duo as per the Banking Offences and Punishment Act. DIG Upendra Kant Aryal, the CIB chief, said the central bank had pressed Joshi and KC with multiple fraud charges. KC was the executive chairman of Nepal Progressive Finance while Joshi was the managing director of Capital Merchant Banking & Finance Ltd. Karki is also a son-in-law of KC. "Joshi in collusion with KC has misused deposits to the tune of Rs 600 million by creating fake borrowers and siphoning off hefty sum in their respective organisations for easy monetary gain," he informed. According to CIB, Joshi used to find fake borrowers and collect deposits from section office of Capital Merchant Rina Tandukar at the behest of its founding chief Pawan Kumar Karki and submit the sum to KC for his individual purpose like land procurement and operation of his office, Nepal Progressive Finance. KC was also found to have bought around 307 ropani in various places of the Kathmandu Valley by misusing the bank deposits over years. CIB said the land fetches more than Rs 1.29 billion now. Karki is still at large. Joshi and KC have been handed over to Metropolitan Police Range, Hanumandhoka to proceed with charge. Earlier in September, CIB had arrested former executive chairman of Nepal Share Market and Finance Yogendra Prasad Shrestha for embezzling Rs 2.66 billion, the biggest fraud in the banking history of Nepal.
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Posted on 04-08-19 1:40
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