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Posted on 05-06-10 4:40
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हैन फिरी किन जाठो यो ज्यापुहरुलाई त्यो गेडा जस्तो झन्डा बोकेर हिन्नु परेको? नेपालको झन्डा कस्तो हुन्छ भन्ने थाहा छैन कि क्या हो यि गुलेहरुलाई? जाठो अनुहारमा ७५ वोटा ताराको छाप बस्ने गरी पच्काउनु पर्ने यार, हाम्रो एउटै झन्डा छ ओई गुले हो, हाम्रो एउटै पहिचान छ त्यो हो नेपाली, हाम्रो एउटै झन्डा छ चन्द्र सुर्या अन्कित, ल नेवारी मा भन्देत कोसैले यो कुरा यि गुलेहरुलाई।
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Posted on 05-06-10 6:04
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नेपालमा नेपाली लडाएर नेपालको प्राकृतिक सम्पदा लुट्ने सड्यन्त्र हुँदैछ |
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Posted on 05-06-10 6:31
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तेरो टाउको रेसिस्ट त नै रेसिस्ट/ radiohead ले झन राम्रो कुरा गर्दै छ/ नेवार हुनु भन्दा पहिल नेपाली हुन सिक/
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Posted on 05-06-10 7:10
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I have only one race which is called NEPALI and am very proud of it. Do not need the country divided along the ethnic lines by the terrorist groups in Nepal at a time of 21st century world. We must tear down the racial barriers which divide us and explore/develop the common causes which strengthen our bond. VIVA NEPAL & NEPALESE!
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Posted on 05-06-10 7:22
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novaguy83 May b ur a newar and this hurt u but rodiohead is right. May b his style is wrong but he's 100% right.
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Posted on 05-06-10 7:37
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Ya, Nepali had its single flag for 300 years and we are poorest country in the world. I don't know what is the meaning of the Photo above, Newars were in Kathmandu for hundreds of years ago and there are little bit issue of communal feeling but there were never any racial anarki in Kathmandu and entire Nepal. There are 51 flags in USA which creates United Nation, if people are good and law and order are good, these flags doesn't hurt anyone, if the law and order is bad, a country with single flag will also hurt (Go to Africa, South America, India, Bangladesh, Srilanka (there are racial group but there are not Maoist). Newars are not hurting you guys, by the way I am not newar, totally different than them but the way you guys present shows if you guys are in Nepal, it would be worst and more raciest than these Newars with flag. Click here to subscribe to sYaKuuRiolAKU_nchImb's postings. You will get notification when the users posts in sajha.
Last edited: 06-May-10 07:37 PM
Dalli Resham
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Posted on 05-06-10 8:01
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We should teach these stupid people that we all are only Nepali!!
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Posted on 05-06-10 8:13
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Timer How u said abt the states in the US.. states are not mentioned as this is black state and this is white state and the next hispanic and so on.. but look what they are demanding are states based on caste..and u said there were never any racial anarki in Kathmandu and entire Nepal...but when u declare a state with a caste system even though all castes reside in that state,sure there will arise racial ankari, and the issue of communal feeling will automatically come up.
And timer i don't know where u r but tell me 1 thing, if u saw a black guy shouting or counting penny in a store, and u didn't say fkn nig...urself. Tell me if u didn't say bloody dhoti once in ur life...then i'll gladly be a racist.
Jai Nepal.
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Posted on 05-06-10 9:28
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061, I never promote racial feeling, that is worst seed in human civilization. Definitely dividing nation with racism is worst but another equally important point is you can't stop people saying we are Gorkhas in Darjaling or we are sikkimi in sikkim and we are tamil in Tamilnadu. They are not Maoist, there is no Maoist there too. They also have their own identity and flags. So, work them peacefully in their culture and be a part of other culture. If you guys can shout, shout against caste system, that is killing ourselves. Newars are not saying we need another Nepal, they are saying we are newars and it is our flag. Definitely, USA is not divided with caste system federalism but the issue of racism is still a big debate here, any way, I don't promote any racial feeling either as a newar or not as a newar but the way people are presenting here is like they are more racist than other. It will create mor racial anarki, even in sajha.
Fat beast
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Posted on 08-18-11 10:14
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Posted on 08-18-11 10:26
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Nepal is their because of [Disallowed String for - castist references disallowed]. Google the word of origin hater
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Posted on 08-18-11 10:33
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Nas tha ya na. chanta kii daee. sina huh, si mafu ma?????Ji [Disallowed String for - Bad word 'fuk']kka nepali thagu yeah kha
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Posted on 08-18-11 10:37
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जातियता को आधारमा राजनीति गर्ने जो सुकै लाई पनि टुडिखेलको लट्ठामा बाधेर भकुर्नु पर्छ| -श्री श्री श्री योतभएननिसोम
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Posted on 08-18-11 10:40
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Glad to see RADIOHEAD is back, and NAS is hilarious.
Fat beast
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Posted on 08-18-11 10:51
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चीम्से ब्रोः आइ वीश हि वाज व्याक म्यान !!सुक्क सुक्क !!ह्वाट याड्मीन्स डिड टू हिम वाज टोटल्ली अनफेयर !
Fat beast
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Posted on 08-18-11 12:16
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Ne0 दाई राजीनामा देउ !!राजीनामा देउ !! वाक स्वतन्त्रता लागु गर!! लागु गर !! रोडीओहेडलाइ फिर्ता लेउ ! फिर्ता लेउ ! ! यस्तो त घण्टापनि चल्दैन!! घण्टापनि चल्दैन !!
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Posted on 08-18-11 12:19
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यही ताल हो भने कुन दिन नास ब्रो को पनि राम नाम सत्य नहोला भन्न सकिन्न|
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Posted on 08-18-11 12:50
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even i am [Disallowed String for - castist references disallowed]...i hate these kind of things asking for separate region..[Disallowed String for - bad word] all ppl are blind,,,just following corrputed leaders with no vision whatsoever..why cant they just live like a nepali..not like [Disallowed String for - castist references disallowed] [Disallowed String for - castist references disallowed] chettri rai gurung..all these things are shit
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Posted on 08-18-11 3:25
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समय बिताउने काम गर्नु परेन , तिमीहरु त्यो कम्पुट्रको पछाडि बसेर राजनीति गर्छ अरु भात्मारा हरु जे सिकाएका छन तेही गर्छन्। गु ले हो ,
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Posted on 08-18-11 8:25
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There is a good reason why certain cast references were banned without any political reasons. You seem to be hasty in classifying myself into uber liberal category but as far as I'm concerned I don't like to identify with any political factions per se but rather support particular actions that deserve supporting like some things Ron Paul has had to say or some things Obama has had to say, but mind you, I don't want to follow any one side without giving a benefit of doubt. As they say politics is about choosing the lesser of the evil. In an ideal world politics should be about bettering the lives of the citizen but unfortunately there are many socio economical variables involved in the personal lives of the politicians that effectively take them away from what they are supposed to be doing. But that's a different story.
In the 10 year old history of sajha, we have seen many things but one thing has always been a constant, and that is the empowerment of castist views emboldened by anonymity. We have continued to see anti bahun, anti newar, anti chettri and anti bhote sentiments poured out without any inhibitions due to the absense of any personal identity. These are the same people who are fighting hard to pull the frogs back in the jar.
Today even the greatness of religion is under serious question. To support castism is like supporting slavery. Those days are long gone and anyone who cannot let go of that would be considered plain stupid if they are to have a open discussion in public under their own identity.
Sajha, trying to be sajha for all, understands that there are some people who are slow to adapt or simply to slow to give up their traditional beliefs in this brave new world where information travels faster than one can say DUH. Hence every now and then there needed to be cleansing of sajha postings of posters who were adamant about their misguided belief of their own superiority. During May of 2011, there came a period when such display of misguided superiority fueled by the safety of anonimity showed up in an unmanagable proportion.
The administrative side of sajha faced a certain dilemma. Either to have to delete 60-70% of postings which were directly or indirectly castist, or to support the freedom of free expression and a self sustaining virtual world where people are free to post their opinions - without being offensive to others based on their caste, creed or national origin. Run as a hobby, the sajha administration cannot possibly monitor the postings 24/7. So a practical decision was made to replace (not ban) castist hate inciting words such as 'bahun', 'chettri', 'newar', 'jyapu', 'bhote'. If someone really wanted to go back and edit their posting they could do it and use bahuun instead of bahun and newaar instead of newar and so on.
Surprisingly after this step, castist hate related threads plummeted from sajha and everything was as it should be. Sajha again began to become a site where Nepalis come to help each other out by sharing information, and providing a virtual hang out place where all Nepalis can hang out and feel part of the community they miss back home.
That is, until this thread was revived from the past when castists people raised their intolerant heads to spill the hatred that they carry within them to prove themselves superior to other human beings based on their birth.
People who are still stuck on jaat paat are not to be blamed but the society that existed in the past is to blame. The society itself was dependent on the existing rulers who perpetuated such baseless classifications in order to keep their own position in the pedestals while everyone else was there to serve them. That was the past and we need to realize that and move on to embrace each other as co-existing human beings who have to work together to make our neighborhood, villages, towns, cities and country a better place.
Well Nas when I started writing I wasn't sure what I was going to write but I am happy with the way it turned out and I hope it explains to you that in sajha we don't live in a police state nor a sensor prone state, but simply a place where you have your freedom of speech as long as you don't lose respect for humanity.
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Posted on 08-18-11 9:41
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हैन 'रेडियो head' बेश्याका गूले भातमारा तेरो चाक पड्किने गरि हान्नु पर्ला जस्तो छ. हैन आपे नेवा: राज्य को झन्डा बोकेर हिड्दा तेरो टाउको किन दुख्यो ह बेइमान.
माओबादी मुर्दाबाद तर.......
'स्वायत राज्य इस्सुए' जिन्दाबाद!
[Disallowed String for - inappropriate] गेंग र [Disallowed String for - inappropriate]हरुको नेगतिविटी मुर्दाबाद !