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 King Birendra is the Hero of Nepal

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Posted on 01-19-10 10:17 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Our late king Birendra is the Hero of Nepal. He gave freedom, peace and hope to all the nepalese people. He is our HERO. 

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Posted on 01-22-10 9:05 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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guess you support censorship over freedom of speech? daing communist!
Posted on 01-22-10 9:19 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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make your own hero - just uppload your photo:  http://en.tackfilm.se/
Posted on 01-22-10 9:45 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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It's not about communism but about some people acting condescending.
I support freedom of speech if it comes with some credibility, not when you act all smart hiding under an anonymous name. You're acting like a communist, hiding within a crowd to throw stones at others. LMAO.

Posted on 01-22-10 10:28 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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last time i checked this was a public forum. i dont think i need to explain why people here choose to stay anonymous. if you think you can throw a stone from the front of the crowd why don't you post your personal info and talk.
Posted on 01-22-10 11:42 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Bire was really a lazy king. I don't really know what he actually did for the country while he could. I guess it was not what he did that made him the hero. It was probably what he did not do, eg., acting like a fool like Gyane.

Posted on 01-22-10 1:16 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Cyberlegend you are making 360 deviation from your earlier statement about not taking things seriously. Haha make up your mind. Are you serious or not? LOL

Posted on 01-22-10 1:56 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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hai?? what's so serious about asking you to disclose your personal info? you are the one who support the idea of disclosing personal info here, tis' like pelting stone at people being naked... sort of!

Last edited: 22-Jan-10 02:00 PM

Posted on 01-22-10 1:59 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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You will always remain in our heart.

Posted on 01-22-10 2:04 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I don't support disclosing personal info for everyone. Only for ones like you who are hiding behind anonymous name trying to prove they are smarter than others. What's the point in that anyways? Why don't you get some props for being who you are rather than ego tripping out some nickname? I'm only looking out for you.
Last edited: 22-Jan-10 02:04 PM

Posted on 01-22-10 2:20 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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daddy thank you so much for looking out. Anyway if you think im ego tripping you have a choice to ignore my comments....i ain't forcing you to read my posts...im sure you can gather people and delete it if you wish...don't have to act goody two shoes sir!
Posted on 01-22-10 2:25 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is not about me. This is about your pathetic attempt to ridicule other people by acting as if you are smarter than others. I don't visit sajha to ignore things. I come to read  here but condescending people like you make it look like your own personal playground rather than a sajha playground.

Posted on 01-22-10 2:37 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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HAHAHA that is a classic example of your self inflated ego! "NOT ABOUT ME" almost like saying "Nobody is better than me"
Posted on 01-22-10 3:59 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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"not about me" is like saying "nobody is better than me"
Hah where did you learn your english. Go back to kindergarten dude.
Sorry to say but your retarded logic is way over your head. You're the one trying to act smart trying to tell others how to write. You're the one blaming me for being goody two shoes. I wouldn't even be posting here if it wasn't for your putrid self praising ego tripping posts.
Surely you can find better ways to trip your ego than by posting in sajha.
Wait. I bet you can't that's why you're here.

Posted on 01-22-10 4:22 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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wow!! your enlightening words of wisdom have opened my eyes...i was ego tripping in sajha...i was wrong to step on those poor pakhey people. thank you Oh! protector of the weak and pakheys.
Posted on 01-22-10 6:15 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Cyber legend, what is your point? Tell me where do you stand regarding this "TOPIC" that we are supposed to talk about. I know very well there are lot of self proclaimed wannabe's like you here in sajha. No one gives a rat ass if you are trying to preach them about writing skills. Talk in accordance with the topic and field of references. Believe me i see you as one of the fagot who is not talking in accordance to the topic and driving the whole subject matter into drain. Grow up.
Posted on 01-22-10 11:38 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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yeah proclaimed wannabes like you are the ones i'm trying to tame. bitch asses like you are the ones who speak a lot and do very little. pakheys like you calling out derogatory terms like "fagots" while claiming to be very liberal..a hypocrisy in itself. i have read your postings here n there and from what i have concluded so far you are amongst the barking dogs who don't bite. the fact of the matter is some pakhey people here were trying to disrespect someone who is already dead and i think that is a bit too much, scroll up and judge for yourself just in case you don't know what i'm talking about.   wah wah wah  grow up re LMAO  please come up with an original term, i think it's too over used and something you are unfamiliar with. 
Posted on 01-23-10 1:09 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Indeed, it's hard for a tail-wagger like you to understand the things that  people are talking about, Instead of calling them *pakhes* why don't you examine visually, the coconut lying over your body before your first flush? Actually, i got no wonder for a bambino like you who was born in the sphere of sajha couple of week ago. Oh yeah! i was wrong, long time ago there was a babe in sajha who apparently disappeared. She was always cunning like you. All of a sudden  i saw a homophile who got same effeminate character. No wonder.
Posted on 01-23-10 8:27 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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kasto khatra WOW!! what an angreji yaar!!! "tail-wagger" "effeminate" "bambino" i will give you a dollar each for pronouncing those words correctly. 
Posted on 01-23-10 8:09 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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nakara jatha cyberlegend.......chupp lagera bas ....kukurrr gadha....

Posted on 01-23-10 8:26 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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this is for peacesoul , son  of Bit(h , I didn't real whole thread but [Disallowed String for - No foul language here]cckker your first comment made to to write this as$ hole.

Birendra was not a just a king he was representation of great Nepali Monarchy. He did what he was supposed to do and that was great job. 

\You coward looser hiding somewhere in gasstation of dhoti owners has no right to say like that. A$$ hole.


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