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 Free Internet on the computer through a cell phone?
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Posted on 09-19-09 5:30 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I've always been curious and had ran into this website, http://www.myfreewirelessisp.com/, a while ago, which gives the tips and a free number to dial in for the internet access using cell phone. I currently have Pantech Matrix, but regardless of many attempts, I have been unsuccessful connecting to the Internet using my phone. I also tried with my HTC Tilt, and it didn't work with that either. 

I've contacted Cingular people and like always, they say that one has to have data plan even to connect the dial up feature. (I don't understand why it'd be necessary to use dial up, when one has the data plan!) I have seen a few forums where people have said that they have connected to the internet using cellphone without the data plan. Any Sajha users might want to try out if it works for them. Here are a few more links that might be "useful." By the way, if you think you'd rather e-mail  myfreewirelessisp.com, the e-mail address is invalid.

Posted on 09-19-09 6:26 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Policy wise at&t wants you to pay an additional 30 dollars for "tethering" on top of 30 you pay for data on your Matrix. reason being, they feel they can charge you more for having more internet usage.

Try and look for PDA net software for Windows mobile, that will let you use cellphone data plan to use it as a phone as a modem to get internet.

hope that helps.

Posted on 09-23-09 12:42 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Easiest way to get internet through phone is by using IPhone ( must be jailbroken) . We should be able to use iphone internet to surf web from your computer.. If you have one and need help to setup just PM me ....

Posted on 09-23-09 12:54 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Is it 2g or 3g which firmware is running now
i might be able to help u

Posted on 09-23-09 9:44 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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IT'S 3g
help me pls

Posted on 09-23-09 7:27 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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which firmware is it running on ..
on your iphone

write down the number

then i will provide u the step by step guide to jailbreak

Posted on 09-29-09 7:21 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yellow, Thanks for your input. I understand. I know the AT&T charges one to use the cell phone as a modem to connect to the internet. What I'm curious about is, though, that the myfreewirelessisp claims to facilitate the connection without any modem software (or the pda net software like you mentioned) and which I have been unable to.

I'm curious if any Sajha users, who have cell phone from other providers, have attempted to try that and if it works for them. 

I know I can google it, but do you know any PDA net software that has worked for you to connect to the internet without having to pay for tethering? 

Posted on 09-30-09 2:17 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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It is 3G with 16 gb and the firmware is 3.1 could you please help me how to jailbreak and unlock that iphone. thanks
Posted on 09-30-09 8:55 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I have an iphone 3G. You do not need to jailbreak your iphone for tethering.

Posted on 10-01-09 12:31 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I have a 3G 16gb iphone and I want to jailbreak and unlock it so that I can use it for T-mobile carrier. The version of the firmware is 3.1 could someone help me out how to jailbreak my Iphone so that I will be able to use for T-mobile service. Thanks for your kind help...

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