Hey, Is there a college student in NYC/5 boroughs pursuing a major in Computer programming? If so, let me know if you're interested in teaching an intermediate computer user the basics/intermediate level in UNIX, C++, Java, HTML and VBA. I estimate this to last atleast 2 months or more (meeting for 1-2 hours per day). Send me an email along with your pay per hour requirements.
The job will be paid in cash and ONLY seniors in college need apply (a lot better if you have tutoring experience). Thanks!!
Also, are there any small institutes in NYC that offer such classes (no degree programs)? Any names of those that have intensive boot-camps in these courses? Heard that there a few hole in the walls that offer such classes for peanuts in Chinatown and Flushing...Any names to corroborate? Send me an email and you will be financially compensated if the beneficiary does decide to enroll there. Thanks
Last edited: 17-Dec-07 07:48 PM