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 We need democracy !

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Posted on 02-16-06 9:31 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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The first gift of magh 19 was curbing on telephone and mobile lines bringing headlines in newspapers as nepal being cut off from the rest of world. This was a record break. We need democracy to ensure that

1. Out telephone or mobile lines are never cut off.

2. We don't need to bear any more load sheddings.

3. We could spend more to solve drinking water problems in the country and many other development projects than keeping the parasite and suckers and their whole company alive and to pay for their visits to africa or even inside the country.

Costof Royal visit
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Some other deeds are

4. Putting more censorship on media. Another Moron Rana is in headline today in nepalnews saying that the new media censorship is in progressmedia

5. Banning any kind of protest or demonstration - curbing people's right of speech.

6. Censorship on internet sites leading Nepal to get awarded as 'Enemy of internet'.

7. Nepal being listed as top country with highest cases of human rights violation and media censorship this year.

8. Restricting activities of NGO, major partner for development

9. Banning news on FM stations
The gov. did not even allow to buy new equipment to replace the problems from old equipment of Nepal FM that let it to shut down completely. The gov. just don't care.

10. Reforming the education policies and changing the text to preach in favor of slavery

11. Banning people's right of movement by putting tougher laws on foreign education.

12. Tandab Nritya (Devil dance) of Police and Soldiers
Danab Rajya

13. Offering an assistance of Rs. 1 Crore to his rich sister and giving Rs. 50,000 to poor nepali singer and actor (First Hero of Nepal) -> This was done by Mr. Deuba

14. Appointing crooks like Attorney General as Mr. Ojha as supreme court judge just because any steps or gestures from KG should be made as new ordinance to our constitution as he is the hindu king (he means we should follow hinduism rather than our constitution; must be inspired from taliban)

15. Making super hit of drama of election.

16.Nagarkot Massacre (any similarity with royal massacre?)

17.Royal Censorship

18.Nepal - Enemy of Internet

Please think before supporting any kind of autocratic gov.

Arewe waiting for this?
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Posted on 02-17-06 4:04 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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don't try 2 be smart khaobadi ! u r contradicting urself by saying that u've democracy and u don't want to have it; does this mean that u r going to protest against your existing democracy? or are you just opposing it for not letting others to have it? u know the mentality type i'm talking abt.
Posted on 02-17-06 4:26 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Look..if you have not gotten a democracy yet and if are so interested to have one why not go and do something on your own to get one.....I'm not going to get my ass shot up to get a democracy for you or anyone else.

Or are you trying to suggest that just because you dont have it and you badly want one doesnt mean someone else has to get his ass busted so that you can get have one.

Get it yourself bro...
Posted on 02-17-06 5:32 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I'm not asking for your help; and not looking for one more -badi again.
One more thing to add.

'Please don't create more problems to solve one problem.'
Posted on 02-17-06 5:51 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I'm not creating any problem for anyone by choosing not to get a democracy for you or anyone by spilling my blood and sweat.
Or is that ...my choice not to get democracy for you or anyone else itselt is a problem ?
Posted on 02-17-06 6:12 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is how US got democracy:

1) Their forefather committed genocide
2) slavery for 150 years after democracy was declared in the US
3) Women were allowed to vote after over 100 years of democracy

Curren democracy in the US:

1) racial profiling
2) invasion of privacy by the use of Patriot Act
3) subtle racism
4) improsonment of people without giving them chance to prove the innocence
5) human rights violation

Yeah ... we want democracy in Nepal, just like the one we have in the US!!
Posted on 02-18-06 12:21 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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In fact and reality, White people or European is intelligence humans:

Why or how come?

(1) White people or European did genocide, but they realized that was wrong deed and stop it.
(2) They started to buy and sell human being but they realized that was wrong deed. So they stop it.
(3) They did give woman, children and animal rights, but they realized it was wrong. So they create law of woman rights, children rights and animal rights.
(4) They do communal behaviors or act, but they realized that was the uneducated act “Racism”. So they stop it.
(5) They create nuclear bomb, Atom bomb, Hydrogen bomb and did lot of destruction of humanity and human civilization. They realized that was extremely dangerous for earth and human civilization. So they are trying to stop it.
(6) These white people has great realization brain and do correct their mistakes very seriously. For good for all.

This is a key reason that these people are ahead of all race.

So they know how to live in democratic society or world. But Nepalese crooks people never ever can realize what they have done to country Nepal.

So assassination or murder to these crooks is the only one way and the best remedies for them.

Because these Nepalese crooks are the major problem of Nepal. And key problems of all problem of country.
Posted on 02-18-06 9:39 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Lalupatay I could argue with you but I have learned not to argue with arrguments based on false premises so I wont!
Posted on 02-21-06 4:07 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Who are nepalese crooks?

need to find.... O.K.
Posted on 02-21-06 5:46 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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In the real context of Nepal and reality:

(1) Real Nepali Crooks are people those who work in Nepali Government Offices and do corruptions.

(2) Nepali 7 Political parties Leaders and corrupt members.

(3) Smugglers, Black-marketers and Traffickers.
Posted on 02-21-06 8:02 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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' how about a clean slate for everyone. move on, you know. too much of you this, you that. s/he this s/he that. they this they that.

..for, to forgive is divine..
Posted on 02-21-06 9:33 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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The peace and prosperity of the country rather value more than democracy at this stage!!!

Democracy ni dekheko Raj tantra ni hereko. Hatti baliyo ki hatti chaap chappl baliyo bhanya jastai ho?
Posted on 02-22-06 4:28 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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nepal ma prajatantra "Badar lai naribal" 1 Barsa m 100 JANA NETA KAROD PATI BANCHAN. TESAI LE...........................PLEASE

Posted on 02-22-06 4:56 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks for clearifying? LOL. I was lookin' for an apology there. So, that's how it is? You get little mad and you throw the punches without even understanding the whole situation and when the harm has been done, you try to save your face? ha -- now that sounds like Hritik Roshan incident to me. There is a price "we" pay for "their" inability to comprehend. ha... and we are told to follow "that" crowd in the name of love of democracy. Ha...!!

Flippu, exactly. :P

RB Adhikari bro, I ain't kiddin' but I have seen you somewhere lately. US bata ho?
Posted on 02-22-06 10:17 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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He he ! Really ? Are you sure ? he he What is Doouuqwaaashiiiii ? ha ha !
Posted on 02-22-06 6:08 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Those who hate Democracy for whatever reasons - ban protest, political parties are corrupt, Nepali are not eligible for Democracy "Badar lai naribal" or many other reasons perhaps are still with their medival mind - witches in Kathamandu, jhakri in Sindhuli, sacrifice a cock to a goddess to stop Bird-flue and so on.

You do not see the world around you - forget about the human civilizations evolution in this modern and technogical age. Yet you want to learn Computer to get a job in king G's government. Shame on you who follow the road map of the king G and his club.

But there are many Nepali who have seen with their eyes and witnessed that without the foundation and institutionalization of a Democratic nation on the face of this modern world Nepal has no freedom from its poverish sufferings. But what you and king G wants Nepali people is to put up with whatever we say. There ae Nepali who have courage and intelligence to fight with this medival cause and soon we will have the Democracy where the institutions run by the people and for the people.

Then you morans will come to join the Democracy and take the advantage. But unlike you medival monsters and king G Democracy will not stop you from helping yourself with fare competition with your ability to prosper and enjoy your life in Freedom.

Got it???????????????????
Posted on 02-22-06 10:21 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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very well said
Posted on 02-23-06 8:16 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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"YOU CAN MISLEAD PEOPLE ONE TIME BUT YOU CANNOT MISLEAD ALL THE TIME." Moriarty and his henchmen in Narayanhiti think they can fool all Nepalese for all time to come.
Posted on 02-23-06 8:25 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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One very confusing fact is everyone is misleading everyone else in Nepal.......King misled the political parties, Political Parties misled people who voted them....so on and so forth.....I still wonder who, in power, has not misled Nepal and the Nepalese????
Posted on 02-25-06 1:58 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Why do we need democracy?

When we have already and we had couple of time before, too.

Give me answer if you had.
Posted on 03-17-06 11:17 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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You Nepalese bad people had already 4 times democracy chances.

Most of the times, we do not get 2nd chances to make it right things.


All bad Nepalese, Nepalese criminals and corrupte crooks got 4 times chances to be good Nepalese.

Now... Democracy is going down the hill again.

So next All bad Nepalese do not get New democracy .... They move to jail behind the bar for their life times.

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