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Posted on 02-07-06 7:31
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Friends, Please read the following interview and tell me if Prachanda is acting SADHU all of a sudden. -http://kantipuronline.com/interview.php?nid=64876 He says, he will do whatever people want, Well, we want PEACE Prachanda, can you give that to us???
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Posted on 02-07-06 7:32
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Posted on 02-07-06 7:54
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I don't think he is acting Sadhu, but we all should understand that, Maoist are for the people. I am sure they will do anything in order to secure Nepalese people's rights.
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Posted on 02-07-06 8:09
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I dont oppose the seven party alliance with maoists...... well the king is not ready to negotiate.... he just wants all the power and all the money.... so well, they had to negotiate with the maoists..... but my point is.... about the "sadhuness" and Prachanda securing nepalese future??? well... this is the 21st century.. and if he talks about MAOISM, LENINISM, MARXISM??? Politics... well... lets leave that alone... but economy??? all those shit are read on the first chapter of the "Introduction to ECONOMICS" books!!!....
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Posted on 02-07-06 8:46
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But guys, it is really important to read this link before we make any comment about Prachanda: http://chitawan.com/feb/4feb5.htm Keep moving, Naake
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Posted on 02-07-06 9:04
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Gohi ko ansu !!! Sabai nepali ka duita akha futeka chhan ra?
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Posted on 02-07-06 9:11
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Prachanda and his party is the only hope for nepal. Let him come to the power.... and see how it goes... If he is unsuccessful, then we can criticize.. not rite now..
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Posted on 02-07-06 9:17
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Oh Lord!!! Ya all musta be kidding. I cannot risk taking a chance in this one. Prachanda and maoists for people. Bull Crap. Who is gonna bear responsisbilty for killing of innocents by maos, hindenous crimes against humanity? Who is gonna pay for it? God help Nepal. peace out
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Posted on 02-07-06 9:43
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It seems he is 100 times better than Gyane Chor.
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Posted on 02-07-06 10:57
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I don't doubt Gayne is a CHOR, but I can't lay my trust on Maoists, esp Prachanda either...When Baburam Bhattarai and he (Prachanda) differed in Political philosophy, he kicked out Baburam Bhattarai from the party.....and later took him back, coz he found out he has no future without him.......as Baburam would take more than half of his so called "People's army"......Guys, all their cries are for power...and did I even mention wealth?? Once they get the taste, they will be like every leaders in the 7 political parties, and the King's Bharautes......
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Posted on 02-07-06 11:29
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KnightCrawler dai, We cant compare the parties with the king...... the parties represent people...YOU and ME..... now.... you might tell me....they were doing all the bad deeds.... so we have the king taking over nepal today...... so... well if the parties.. or atleast the people in the government.. doing all the bad deeds.... where were all the jantas??? why did not they stop them...???? - apis ma gayera GUSH dine tyai janta ho.... - rnac ko plane ko sell huda chup lagera basne tyai janta ho??.... - girija ra makune le je jati badmashi gare pani chup lagne janta nai ho?????? ani raja le ke garne ta??? usko lagi ramro bhayo ni...... janta uneducated chan.. je gare pani huncha........tayai sochyo mula le.... ... ani?? educated janta.... sajha ma post garyo basyo!!!!!!! so it is the time to... educate ppl nepal.. tell em whats happenin in nepal...... so the words that u type here..... spend the time emailin ppl.. ....in nepal.. they dont have email, need to call em?? sacrifice a six pack.. call em !!
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Posted on 02-07-06 11:30
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"Sabai nepali ka duita akha futeka chhan ra?" Ani ke ta? Kina chup lager Mahila Sahu ko atyachar saher baseka, usko chartikala naheri baseka?
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Posted on 02-07-06 11:35
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Shaiva, tyai ta bhanya maile... nepali janta lai apis jana ra apis bata ghar farkana paye pugne nepali swasni haru lai doodh ra tarkari kinna paye pugne.... ani politician haru sabai... ( by the way politician haru sabai janta le choose gareko ho) lai eklai chode pachi..... ani ke huncha?? ghar ko kukur lai ekllai chode pachi ke huncha... manchhe lai tokcha!!!!! tyastai ho...yo sabai.... janta lai shanti pani chaine... ani contibute pani nagarne... ani kasari huncha?? kasko bau le lyarera shanti dincha??? ki ta ma jastai refugee hunu paryo!!!
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Posted on 02-07-06 11:41
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I was surprised the way baburam was responding to the questions. He is very articulate in his writing, but when it comes to speaking I think Prachanda beats baburam. Since baburam spoke a few times during the interview, it seems it was a joint interview. He was silent to many of the questions. The only time he spoke the replies were superficial and incomplete. I was disappointed because he was supposed to represent the maoist think tank. To one of the questions about what they (maoist leaders) would do after getting to power, baburam replied that he wanted to become Gandhi. I do not know how sarcastic that was, but it sounded very insensitive and vulgur coming out of a mouth of maoist supremo whose decisions have resulted into deaths of thousands of Nepali. Any way, at least it was a good gesture from maoist. I condemn their latest series of violence but welcome their initiation for peace. I hope their intentions are genuine.
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Posted on 02-08-06 2:24
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These are Nepali Maoist war group. Parchanda and Baburam must lead. Where are they?
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Posted on 02-08-06 3:46
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Solukhumbu heinghts if the parties are representing you and me then you and i must also be a corrupt people with dark black and dirty hearts....... may i add that the parties do not represent atleast me... the king and his descion is absolutely justified descison as per my views but may be he should had chosen some ther time...... king gyandendra had the steel enough to put monarchy in the line for what he belives and that is really commendable......
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Posted on 02-08-06 8:47
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Just look at Maoists army. They bearly seem to have gotten out of their teenage years. I wonder how many of them genuinly joined the force or were abducted from schools and forced to at gun point. Prachanda and Baburam have effectively exploited poor and young of Nepal to their own benifit. If they really believe they are for people, they should let people decided whether to join them or not. Are they so insecure about their support that they have to constantly abduct young school kids to rally behind them? There is no way that I won't doubt Maoists' intentions. They have time and again shown their double standards. So if any of you call brainless, senseless idiots to those that believed in the king when he assumed full power last year, then you guys are in the same boat for believing in Maoists.
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Posted on 02-08-06 11:00
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One more picture of Maoist Rebels.
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Posted on 02-08-06 1:47
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ड्रेस त ठिकै छ, तर जुत्ता अलि भएन । कसैले त चप्पल लगाएको देखियो । बन्दुक किन्ने पैसा कटाएर भएपनी कालो टिलिक्क टल्कने जुत्ता किनी दिनुपर्यो कामरेड ।
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Posted on 02-10-06 1:41
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Good Question. WHY IS PRACHANDA ACTING SADHU? ............. This is key problem of Nepalese politician, Nepali Politicians do not have their faith, believe, respect, vision, mission, principals, trust and responsibility. Yesterday, they all were youth political leaders…. these politicians are carrier builders. Today, they become leaders of people and national political parties……innocent student, teachers, workers, farmers die but these politicians escape and survive. They make political as an easy survival and money earning tool as a business. Tomorrow, they share politics with King, 7 parties, Royalist Panchayatis and take position in Nepali parliaments and become minister, prime-ministers. They start to do crimes and corruption. Nepal will not change and Nepali mentality will not change.