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 Nepal may face bankruptcy within three months
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Posted on 02-02-06 10:16 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 02-03-06 12:51 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Its Good that Nepal is soon going bankrupt because all the Poor Peoples Money are going to high Rank Army Officials Pocket;And every body knows that the dont want this to end as long as there is money in Nepal Rastra bank's Government Account.So I Think Its GOOD Akhir Raja ko Naam ma yo Dhide haru le kahile samma Janata ko CHA CHI garun ta ............... Jai haimi nepali Janata!!!
Posted on 02-03-06 2:09 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yes, Nepal is bankrupt.

But it is not only happen tomorrow.

Nepal was bankrupt in 7 decades ago in Nepal. But ordinary Nepalese just could not realize about it. Because bankrupt was not happening in front of their eyes.

Now, majority people realize about going down to hell because there are so much problem pop up just in front their eye like – people are dying, market close down, price go up, no employment, no foreign employment, gorkha recruiting reduce in quantity, No Arab employments, more people but less opportunity and everything is going bad.

King Gyanendra did not create of Nepal bankruptcy, black-marketing, corruption, high market price.

King Gyanendra tries to control crime and corruption in Nepal, but he was too late to take action while too many corrupt criminal into government official ranks and political parties. He just needs support of True and Patriotic Nepalese people.

I will guarantee for that Seven Nepalese political parties are bad as thieves and bandits of India.

In USA, 95% Nepalese people came from corrupt and criminals families roots. No wonder they oppose king action.

Good things in Nepal always make their bad fortune.
Posted on 02-03-06 8:40 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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what do u mean by Nepal was bankrupt 7 decades ago? Do u even know what bankruptcy they are talking about in that article. If you do not know what you are talking then better do not post on serious thread.

And if you can please tell me where did you get the statistical data that 95% of people in US....... and what do you mean by corrupt and criminal family root?


TO Sajha Administrators,

Is it possible that you separate "serious" threads and "no so serious" threads. Some time i am in a mood to look at serious discussions and i get this. Thanks to u all.

Now, after hearing about the Bankruptcy "I am somewhat happy". I heard about India being Bankrupt in 1991. Look now where they are. These conditions may be blessing in disguise, from this point there is no way to go but up. Please give me your thoughts on this.

Thought: Do not wish GOD bless Nepal, think and later act yourself...as the old saying goes....GOD helps those who helps themselves.
Posted on 02-03-06 3:48 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nepal should be sold at an action to the highest bidder at an international convention
if not
file for Chapter 11.
Posted on 02-03-06 5:07 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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In sajha, there are rumors about "Bankruptcy" from corrupt sources.

It is not true statistic sources.

Yes, I agree with “Youstandup”.

Because Nepal does not have concrete production and business which create job, market and businesses.

Nepal key capital income sources are (1) Foreign Labor market (2) Agriculture (3) Tourism (4) Wood (5) Medical plants (6) TAX or VAT

(1) British Gurkha recruiting reduced by 70% and that mean Nepal national revenue is very bad situation.

(2) Foreign job markets reduce by 85% and that means Nepal national income is fast going down the hill.

(3) Nepali agriculture in based on primitive technology and based on rainy season.

(4) Nepali agriculture production market price control 95% by Indian monopoly. So market price always high. Nepali farmer grow rice but he paid high price for same rice in his local market. So Nepali farmer neither they have enough food to eat nor enough money to buy food.

(5) National and international strike, war and revolution Nepalese Tourism is slum or dead. Form Tourist prospective, it is cheaper to travel other countries like Thailand, India and other countries than Nepal.

(6) Wood lumber become targeted, smuggling and mis-handle by Nepali politicians and government officials where they never systematically cut and never plant trees. But these crooks systematically smuggling lumber to India day and night.

(7) Nepali medical plants are hot resource of smuggling. Government never ever understands about impotency of Nepali medical plants. But Corrupt and Criminals found Gold Rush in Nepal.

(8) TAX or VAT (value added tax), Majority 80% people do not pay. Most of the Nepalese especially politician, government high officials never ever pay. They even do not pay bill of phone, electricity, water, air fares and property land tax. Corrupt and Criminals never pay tax or vat. These things ordinary people can not believe and trust but it is true and reality. So tax or vat or bill pay only by ordinary and honest Nepalese people.

How we suppose to run Nepal? How we suppose to develop Nepal? Why not democracy failed? Why not Nepal supposes to be in crisis of social and revolution?

It is No wonder…..
Posted on 02-04-06 12:30 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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nepal is alrday BANKRUPT

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