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 Max Blumenthal : Hegseth Reveals US War Plans.
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Posted on 03-26-25 12:23 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 03-26-25 12:29 AM     [Snapshot: 19]     Reply [Subscribe]
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but but Hillary's email :D

Last edited: 26-Mar-25 12:40 AM

Posted on 03-26-25 1:19 AM     [Snapshot: 121]     Reply [Subscribe]
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America needs two trillion dollars per year in tribute from the rest of the world. This tribute comes in the form of (1) cheap resources from plantation economies;
(2) looting energy resources(e.g. Syria);
(3) usury on the debt imposed on foreign countries by bribing their leaders to take high-interest loans (eg via the Angola Variant); and
(4) the demand that all trade is done in US dollars.

Europe/Canada has to a lesser extent applied the same approaches (eg French neo-colonization in the Sahel region of Africa).

These sources of tribute are coming to an end for the US and Europe leading to "economic hardship" among its entitled populations. The trade wars are an approach to claw back some of this tribute. Increasingly key critical resources are being withheld such as antimony gallium, neon, and actual rare earth elements (Sc to Lu). The combined West cannot allow this to happen and increasingly looks to dismantling Russia to obtain the tribute required to jump-start the faltering economies.

It is as if the combined West sees itself in a Thucydides trap and sees an irrational war with Russia as their last hope to avoid collapse of their so-called "civilizations".
Posted on 03-26-25 11:52 AM     [Snapshot: 297]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 03-26-25 4:01 PM     [Snapshot: 479]     Reply [Subscribe]
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White House is now saying that the Atlantic “lied” because Goldberg was texted “attack” plans and not “war plans” ahead of our PLAN :D 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Last edited: 26-Mar-25 06:01 PM

Posted on 03-26-25 8:59 PM     [Snapshot: 700]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 03-26-25 9:56 PM     [Snapshot: 806]     Reply [Subscribe]
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कुन कुन लाउके र लाउकेनि हरु हुन् रुसी एजेन्ट, ट्रंप को पदाबदी अघिनै खुलस्तिदै जानेछ |

Posted on 03-28-25 4:30 PM     [Snapshot: 1846]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I think it is starting to sink in for Trump.

China has him in checkmate.

China has export bans on

Gallium - necessary to make weapons-grade semiconductors

Germanium - satellites, other kinds of chips, and night vision gear

Tungsten - used in aircraft engines and ballistics

Antimony - used in explosives

Without chips from China (Taiwan makes high-end chips, not weapons-grade chips), the US Navy is dead in the water, and US missiles cannot be targeted.

Needless to say, Europe is not building any military without China.

Posted on 03-28-25 4:42 PM     [Snapshot: 1903]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 03-29-25 1:48 AM     [Snapshot: 2174]     Reply [Subscribe]
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