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 Michael Kobold : Watchmaker promising fire trucks for Nepal has a series of dodgy financial dealings—and a chequered past
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Posted on 08-09-23 2:34 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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In January last year, the Nepal Tourism Board signed an agreement to grant $200,000 to the Soarway Institute for Development for its project, the ‘Nepal Fire Truck Expedition,’ an initiative to bring second-hand fire trucks donated from the United States to Nepal. Behind this campaign, and signing on behalf of the Soarway Institute for Development, was German watchmaker Michael Kobold click here for the rest of the report
Posted on 08-09-23 2:39 PM     [Snapshot: 2]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The Truth Behind Michael Kobold & the Kobold Watch Co.

Since Kobold Watch owners recently posted concerns about the lack of service available for their watches, I tried searching for answers. My takeaway was enlightening.

'Wonder what other shenanigans a quick Google search would yield on this guy!!!

Last edited: 11-Aug-23 02:06 PM

Posted on 08-09-23 2:49 PM     [Snapshot: 10]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nobody really gives a shit about this Michael Kobold guy.
What is concerning is that we are getting to know about Nimsdai who we have regarded as an icon for our country. If Nimsdai information that is being circulated is true then it will be such a shame for all Nepalese.

We have to stick to the facts. Facts point out that Michael Kobold is a shady guy then so be it, he is a foreigner and we have nothing to gain from him.
Let's see if we can see some facts about Nimsdai to determine whether he is someone that we need to look up to or he should be behind bars.
Posted on 08-09-23 3:31 PM     [Snapshot: 40]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Regardless, what kobold posting is a fact . There has been prior sexual assualt case against nirmal pujara
Posted on 08-09-23 3:53 PM     [Snapshot: 63]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Joe Rogan ko podcast ma heresi malai pugya thyo tyo manche!
Posted on 08-09-23 4:13 PM     [Snapshot: 64]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Multi-millionaire athletes can be easy victim of extortion especially by women. I hear Messi is real careful even while volunteering with female fans for selfies.
How was Nimsdai absolved of the sexual assault cases and fire-incident of a rented place? Now people are accusing him of murder too?
Why is no one talking about result of the autopsy(post-mortem) and/or toxicology of the deceased actor to determine the exact cause of death?
I would like to see any proven criminal behind bars but it can only be accomplished by building a police case with admissible evidences in the court of law. Otherwise, the public will consider it just a grudge against an individual or an attempt at defamation of an easy fall guy. Not looking-up-to a celebrity is an entirely different thing from accusing even a common person of serious crimes without involving the law-enforcement first !!!

Posted on 08-09-23 5:13 PM     [Snapshot: 94]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nims is overrated, to begin with.

I am unsure if he is a multimillionaire, he didn't pay rent for his storage space that had blown up, and the landlord tried to sue him to get his rent.

The way he talks and acts is self-explanatory on what kind of personality Nims is.

This moron Nims's deeds must be scrutinized. If Guilty, lock this A$$hole.
Last edited: 09-Aug-23 05:13 PM

Posted on 08-11-23 12:14 AM     [Snapshot: 253]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last edited: 23-Aug-23 12:04 PM


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