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 Nimsdai Purja star of Netflix documentary accused by foreign woman
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Posted on 08-03-23 2:02 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 08-03-23 3:54 PM     [Snapshot: 33]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is sick to the gut!!!!
Rumor is that he was even involved "sexually" with Namrata Shrestha while she was supposedly living in with Saruk. Sometimes the picture is not what it looks like from outside. Same goes to Sisan Baniya too, though he kept on yelling at the top of his voice to be the closest friend to Saruk, was also involved with Miss Namrata ji. No wonder now, all these people are not coming forth openly to resolve the Saruk case.

Posted on 08-03-23 7:44 PM     [Snapshot: 126]     Reply [Subscribe]
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"The deepest sin against the human mind is to believe things without evidence." 
— Thomas Henry Huxley the grandfather of Aldous Huxley 

What's wrong with consensual sex as long as they did not make out on your sacred bed? Many a women would be up for autograph in white-ink if the chance encounter is with an accomplished/famous/good-looking man. Let the said victims come forward and file formal legal cases, then we shall consider him an alleged criminal. 

By the way, Norwegian Kristin Harila and Nepalese Lama (Tenjin Sherpa) have broken Nims Purja's record of scaling 14 8k peaks in 6 months 6 days by accomplishing the same feat in just 92 days.

Last edited: 03-Aug-23 07:46 PM

Posted on 08-03-23 9:04 PM     [Snapshot: 186]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 08-04-23 12:05 PM     [Snapshot: 403]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Dear GeetMaijawaaaf ji,

Please do take note that I have used the phrase, "Rumor is that..". I am not saying "I saw it" or "He/ she saw it". When it comes to Namrata, looking at her shameful past and countless hopping between "boyfriends", nobody would be surprised to find out if she had sucked another lollypop of "Nimsdai. The harsh words are required here. It is not about them having sex in my sacred bed, Sir. The whole fiasco is about not being loyal to one partner at one time.

The said victims are coming out slowly, isn't it? If Nimsdai was really a man of character, then why would we hear all these raunchy stories now? The formal legal cases may or may not happen, only time will tell, but that age old analogy of smoke and fire is coming true in this case over here, right?

Posted on 08-05-23 1:14 PM     [Snapshot: 740]     Reply [Subscribe]
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In the same expose, it seems like Saruk was dating Namrata but Namrata was cheating with Nimsdai on the side and when Saruk made an issue out of it, he may have been silenced by Nimsdai. Namrata holds the key to Saruk's death and she should be questioned by authority. It may have been murder made to look like suicide specially because of the suicide note which is not believable. Why would someone take time to write a suicide note saying don't blame anyone. Anyone who reaches a point in life where they commit suicide doesn't care about anything.
Posted on 08-05-23 2:54 PM     [Snapshot: 772]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sounds like that chics p**ssy is cursed, it’s better for guys to stay from it. But probably is cursed to be magnetic too. Run away if you see that p**ssy.

I personally don’t even like that unsaved kitty when I first saw in video, not sure why guys falling for it. May be it’s ok to use couple of time , but they need run away as far as they can after few time.
Posted on 08-08-23 12:58 PM     [Snapshot: 1344]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The plot thickens as Michael_Kobold and the girl who was making the complaint, both of their instagram accounts have been banned.
Michael Kobold has returned with a new account https://www.instagram.com/stories/michael__kobold/3164519477339993330/

Last edited: 08-Aug-23 12:59 PM

Posted on 08-09-23 2:04 PM     [Snapshot: 1622]     Reply [Subscribe]
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New development. Depending on how many signatures who knows what will happen.

Posted on 08-09-23 2:17 PM     [Snapshot: 1627]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Why is this Michael guy against Nims? This Michael guy cannot be trusted too. Not supporting Nims but tales about Michael and his nature is all over r/Nepal
Posted on 08-10-23 9:11 PM     [Snapshot: 1871]     Reply [Subscribe]
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the link for kobold's new account isnt working
Posted on 08-10-23 10:48 PM     [Snapshot: 1902]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nims bro is taking over business in Himalayas, why wouldn't white trash who were making easy $$ gets bitter against Nims bro. Just a thought.

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