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 need reference for good immigration lawyer
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Posted on 05-30-23 1:21 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hello Everyone, can you please give some reference on good immigration lawyer in USA? preferable who does zoom calls? thank you so much for your help.
Last edited: 30-May-23 01:21 PM

Posted on 05-30-23 2:57 PM     [Snapshot: 44]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Probably , bandita sharma dahal , c takes zoom and immigration specialist and affordable .
Posted on 05-30-23 5:18 PM     [Snapshot: 86]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Dont hire bandita!! Very unprofessional! According to my friend!
Posted on 05-30-23 5:57 PM     [Snapshot: 99]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I recommend talking to this guy Jim Hacking. He does live sessions every week (or is it every other day, please check). I am subscribed to his YouTube channel and watch his live shows most of the times, as I also get some help and advice listening to other people's problems. One thing I noticed I saw a couple of times, Nepalese people also call live on the program. If you want to hire his office you may want to call them separately, but if it is a quick question, you can call him live directly "for free". He has many associates working under him who looks after all kind of cases. He only takes cases that are somewhat "possible", if the case does not carry much potential, he says it right away.
Calling on live program, he asks people to show the face one time and then you can turn off the camera or sometimes, people also turn their cameras to ceiling or wall. As you can understand sometimes it is really personal immigration problems people are discussing and they do not want to show face, especially if it is asylum related or VAWA etc.
Lots of Indian people call here, of course regarding H1B mostly. Some even from abroad. I recall Nepalese people calling him with some really weird problems like one time one guy called on behalf of his friend (girl) who got abused by her husband and is now looking how to get the green card. The other day one Nepalese guy from Florida or somewhere called asking for help as he messed up his green card interview as he lied to the immigration officer that he worked while in student visa. "Working in student visa is allowed but lying about working is not allowed", Jim keeps on saying.
Jim is a great lawyer and looks like a good soul too otherwise who would spend so much time going live answering queries for free.


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