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 Advance parole , Canadian visa
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Posted on 05-13-19 11:16 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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With an end date of 06/24/2019 on advance parole, is it a good idea to apply for canadian visa? A little hesitant on the idea. Please do provide your views and suggestions.

Posted on 05-13-19 11:24 PM     [Snapshot: 13]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You can apply however if you have the latest one it shall establish the strong ties for you as you will be returning back to the states after temporary visit in Canada. Recently many of my friends have been rejected though as they could not establish the strong evidence despite having TPS and F1 statues respectively.
Posted on 05-14-19 3:46 PM     [Snapshot: 167]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Gmajor is right: they may think that you will stay back after Jun 24th. During my application i booked the round trip ticket to prove that I'm coming back plus a letter from my employer, my rent agreement and car payments if you have any.


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