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Posted on 03-13-19 11:42 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Great news indeed!! Big shout out to "Adhikaar" Woop!Woop! Truly amazing news and big relieve, but what about the major underlying issue of EAD card expiry date of 6/24/2019 ? As we know we wont be receiving new EAD cards how do i make my existing soon to be expired EAD useful? I do not think its just me in this boat alone. So, the biggest dilemma right now is regarding my Drivers licence. I live in OH and my Drivers licence is expiring with my TPS EAD 6/24/2019. How in the world can i get my licence renewed while explaining this victory to the DMV workers?Any suggestion will go a long way!!

Jinda baad!!
And Jai Nepal!!

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Posted on 03-13-19 11:52 AM     [Snapshot: 36]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Has this been done before?
Posted on 03-13-19 12:00 PM     [Snapshot: 75]     Reply [Subscribe]
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based on federal register only depends on rato or nilo state- gadha raato or ali ali rato I live in gadha rato state and based on my last time experience- they won't even budge on the federal register they asked me for the physical card until then they said due to the state law can't do anything.

Posted on 03-13-19 12:04 PM     [Snapshot: 81]     Reply [Subscribe]
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When i applied first time in my state, they gave me 5 yrs. if you talk to a senior official at DMV, they would be forced to honor federal decisions. They are required by law to renew your license. As a last resort you can talk to immigration lawyer. Daraunu parne ke cha ra when DHS has already extended it. Talk to a senior official.
Posted on 03-13-19 12:07 PM     [Snapshot: 107]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I get your point hanuman ji but by the talks of country boy this is a weird case where some except it while others dont!! If you dont mind me asking hanuman ji what state do you full under blue or red?
Posted on 03-13-19 12:09 PM     [Snapshot: 108]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Federal register is as good as card. Thats what i submitted to my HR at work last year when they extended it. By the looks of it, DHS will most probably extend it till Jan 2 of 2020 in line with other TPSs like Haiti and publish formal notice on USCIS website pretty soon.
Last edited: 13-Mar-19 12:10 PM

Posted on 03-13-19 12:13 PM     [Snapshot: 131]     Reply [Subscribe]
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yes I know the law they said they know the law(supervisor) but he said state law won't allow him to issue the driver's license without the physical card.

At that point only option I had to sue them which I didn't have the capacity to do at that time.
So I waited for my physical card to arrive till then I managed somehow.
Posted on 03-13-19 12:54 PM     [Snapshot: 266]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If they denies it again, contact ACLU. There has been recent (march 2018) Arizona case regarding DACA.
Posted on 03-13-19 5:51 PM     [Snapshot: 511]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ohio is not going to do it - I've had the same experience twice.
The first time TPS was renewed (end of 2016), I took the Federal Register, expiring EAD card, USCIS page print outs and everything, and the officer did hear me out and go back to talk to her supervisor, who came out and flat out denied it. Federal Register is not something they are going to scan and keep for their record, and she pointed to a print out of "acceptable documents" for licence.
The second time, I didn't even try. I just drove without licence (I know, risky) for about two weeks. When my case was approved and I received the I-797, I took that to the BMV and they even refused to accept that. There was a new supervisor who was on call with "Columbus" (I guess their HO), and the person on phone was insisting for EAD card.They were probably on the wrong here and I could have argued more, but I had already received the "EAD on the mail" notification from USCIS, so I did not make a fuss and went back two days later with new EAD card.
This time the supervisor recognized me and shared that the expiration date of the licence depends on "date from INS (Immigration and Naturalization Services)". Expiration date for licence is 3 years here, but for immigrants, it is automatically adjusted when they enter the EAD details. I believe, that is the fallacy here - they get the information once they enter EAD to their system, but according to their policy they do not accept expired documents. That sucks, but that's what it is. Just thought I'd share.
Posted on 03-13-19 7:28 PM     [Snapshot: 673]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Oh wow!! Thanks for sharing the details of your struggles. But what do you think might be a solution? Is there any way anyone has had successful renewal through the federal papers? If so which state is more liberal? This is an Important issue that we need to address as this time we wont be getting an actual EAD card.
Posted on 03-13-19 7:30 PM     [Snapshot: 682]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I think u wilil b able to apply EAD
Posted on 03-13-19 8:37 PM     [Snapshot: 780]     Reply [Subscribe]
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AJ Joshi is correct - you can choose to apply for an EAD card. USCIS has a created a page to provide update on the status of Ramos case (https://www.uscis.gov/update-ramos-v-nielsen).
A lot of helpful information there including:

-- "TPS beneficiaries with EADs that are auto-extended do not need to apply for a new EAD, but they may if they choose to do so"

-- "TPS beneficiaries who need to demonstrate their continued lawful status to obtain a driver’s license or to a state agency that uses USCIS’ SAVE Program must have alien or I-94 numbers"

In end, it advises that we try to use the power of persuasion in order to convince the state agencies for state documents "While SAVE can verify when an individual has TPS, each agency’s procedures govern whether they will accept an auto-extended TPS-related document. You should present the agency with a copy of the relevant FRN showing the extension of TPS-related documentation in addition to your recent TPS-related document with your alien or I-94 number. You should explain that SAVE will be able to verify the continuation of your TPS. You should ask the agency to initiate a SAVE query with your information and follow through with additional verification steps, if necessary, to get a final SAVE response showing the TPS. You can also ask the agency to look for SAVE notices or contact SAVE if they have any questions about your immigration status or auto-extension of TPS-related documentation."

The way I see it, there is no way around it. I am going to chew up the fees and order a new once they publish the decision for Nepal in Federal Register.
Posted on 03-13-19 10:07 PM     [Snapshot: 915]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Wow i am so glad that i started this thread!! Thank you all for this great knowledge sharing!! I did manage to get a page that says Ohio does take SAVE program into consideration. I am going to attach the link here so that if it works in your state you can save some cash too. Hope this helps others like it helped me. I will keep updating what happens once I start this process. A big thanks and shout out to @Mr.bournvita86 for shedding some light I really appreciate it. This is the true power of information sharing at this day and age. I would also like to thank everyone for their input.
Jai Nepal

Posted on 03-14-19 12:56 PM     [Snapshot: 1271]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Did court stop the termination?
Posted on 03-14-19 1:11 PM     [Snapshot: 1298]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yes!! there are few articles on it as well.  Adhikar the organization that filed the lawsuit has published information in  their Facebook page  this hault is temporary for now.  At least now we can breathe a sigh of relieve for 6 months.  Below is the article that you can find floating around.

Last edited: 14-Mar-19 01:16 PM

Posted on 03-14-19 2:20 PM     [Snapshot: 1405]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The way i read it is .. the decision will be made by court and that will prevail.. the case can go all the way to supreme court which might take some time.. so the tps will be on hold till the final hearing ??
Posted on 05-15-19 11:21 AM     [Snapshot: 2476]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I had promised i would update this post once i figured out the DL issue.
Today my DL got renewed for 3/4/2020 and here is what i needed:

1) My DL (obvious)
2) My EDA card that was about to expire this 6/24/2019
3) And most Importantly the FEDERAL NOTICE( I think this notice was really vital for them to know WTH is was babbling about.)

But at the end of the day they did figure it out. Its a lengthy wait but as long as you present all the required DOC with the FEDERAL NOTICE!! you guys are golden.
Posted on 05-20-19 11:35 AM     [Snapshot: 2797]     Reply [Subscribe]
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was anyone successful in renewing their DL with just the Federal notice and current DL in VA?

Posted on 05-21-19 4:25 PM     [Snapshot: 3009]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I just got the renewal in ND and it was a big hassle. Yesterday I went to DMV and they refused to accept federal notice and when officers checked USCIS website, unfortunately they turned me back as the federal notice is the old one which says the final termination of TPS for Nepal. Then I talked with the head at the DMV and he talked with the chief examiner. All advised me to produce a new document which verifies the TPS extension and my name should be in it. Then I returned to my place and sent them an Email containing the latest federal notice. Then I got reply instantly as now they recognized and verified the TPS auto extension and I am good with the renewal. Ironically when the officer was working on my case, he showed me the SAVE inquiry outcome and it still says 24/6/2019. The officer told me that it happens quiet often when they do SAVE inquiry as USCIS does not update until we actually apply and get a new document to reflect in the system.
Posted on 05-21-19 5:55 PM     [Snapshot: 3044]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I wasted too much time last time trying to renew it with federal notice, I applied for EAD just for this. hopefully they process it ASAP.
Posted on 06-05-19 5:09 PM     [Snapshot: 3730]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If you are in Minneapolis, I went to Arden Hills DMV and showed them the Federal Notice which I had highlighted the parts that said the EAD auto extends till March 2020. The lady went inside to consult, most probably her supervisor, came out, asked for the fee and my passport to make a copy of. Then she gave me the printed temporary DL.

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