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 क्यालिफोर्निया समुन्द्रको किनारामा धर्मात्मा नेपालीले शिव लिङ्ग बनाउदा सार्वजनिक अस्लिलताको अभियोगमा पक्राउ
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Posted on 07-23-18 1:03 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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श्रावन ७, २०७५ क्यालिफोर्निया

गर्मीको मौसममा समुन्द्रको किनारमा बसेर बालुवामा खेल्नुको मज्जै अर्को | तर एक जना हिन्दु धर्मात्मा नेपालीले नचिताएको कुरा भोग्नु परेको छ |

एक महिना अगाडी मात्र आफ्नो एक मात्र छोरीको ग्र्यादुयेसनको लागि सान दिगो आएका दामोदर चापागाईं परिवार संग समुद्रको किनारमा पहिलो चोटी पुगेका थिए | धर्मात्मा चापागाईंले समुन्द्र किनारको बालुवाबाट ठुलो शिव लिङ्ग बनाइ ढोग गरी राख्दा घुडसवार प्रहरीले सार्वजनिक अस्लिल्ताको अभियोगमा हथ्कडी लगाएर प्रहरी चौकीमा चलान गरेका थिए |

चापागाईंका पत्नी र छोरीले कैयौं बुझाउन खोजे पनि प्रहरीले उनलाई हिरासतमा लिए | पुरुषको लिङ्ग आकारको प्रतिमा सार्वजनिक स्थलमा देख्दा उता आउने बाल बच्चाका आमाबाउहरुले प्रहरीलाई बोलाएका रहेछन |

आयिन्दा यस्तो हर्कत नगर्ने सम्झौतामा दामोदर चापागाईंलाई रिहा गरिएको छ |

यस केसमा चापागाईंको व्यक्तिगत हक हनन भएको भनि क्यालिफोर्निया वकिल संगठनका अध्येक्ष्य हार्दिक दिक्षितले "हाम्रो धर्मले कसैलाई पनि शिव लिङ्ग ठाडो पार्ने हक दिएको छ|" भनेर प्रेस बिज्ञप्तिमा जनाएका छन् |

बैकल्पिक समाचार समितिबाट साभार 
Last edited: 23-Jul-18 01:03 PM

Posted on 07-23-18 2:13 PM     [Snapshot: 250]     Reply [Subscribe]
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होला मुला होला !
Posted on 07-23-18 4:18 PM     [Snapshot: 521]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yo sajha onion haina sajha lasun hunu parne. Kasto ganako
Posted on 07-24-18 3:54 PM     [Snapshot: 3140]     Reply [Subscribe]
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शिव लिङ्ग बनाउन पाउने भए पार्वती योनि बनाउन किन नपाउने नि ? भन्ने पस्न उठ्न सक्छ !
Posted on 07-24-18 8:27 PM     [Snapshot: 3524]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Whenever there is discussion or news about Hindu Dharma, it is mostly christians and muslims who comment on it. Why?

Because most Hindus themselves do not know about the Dharma and do not care because you don't need Dharma or God to survive in this World.
and Muslims and Christians do not have deep Spiritual teaching but only looking to convert other people as they have been told in Quran and bible to go to a heaven that has been peculiarly defined in their books.

Because of this, Missionaries have been successful in converting millions of Hindus, Buddhists and other dharmic reigions and in future very less of the Dharma religions will remain. Missionaries, clergy and rulers of other religions and even some misinformed Hindu Swamis have twisted some of our books in order to please their God (and their superiors) since many hundreds of years ago.

In hindu teaching, Dhyan or meditation is the main practice that will enable us to realize divinity. But in this World we have to work to earn our daily bread. Then besides that we have so many distractions- tv, tablet, social media, society, etc. This is the reason why only very few people can be realized. People are not willing to work for it. It cannot be denied that there are may fake teachers in all religions or who started the religions but the Hindu teaching is the only true teaching if truly understood.

The Rishis knew that most people do not have the patience to understand and practice (Way of Knowledge) for Moksha. But they knew there are other ways. The Way of Devotion, the way of Kriya and the way of karma. This is where realized Brahmans (those who truly understand the nature of divinity) can help the Karmans (those who work in everyday lives) obtain Moksha. And because of reincarnation if we cannot achieve the Moksha we would have another chance as our qualities become more refined. However if the Abrahamic religions overtake the earth then future humanity on earth have no possibility of obtaining Moksha.

Buddha understood this. That is why he was against the rituals which were performed without understanding. Buddha said

Verse 384. Cultivate Concentration

When by the twofold Dhamma
a Brahman’s gone beyond
all the bonds of One-who-Knows
have wholly disappeared.

But the Christian infiltrators said Buddha was against Brahmans. And many Buddhists bought into this misinformation. The word Brahma is normally used in Buddhist suttras to mean "best", or "supreme".

Today even people who perform prayers are not true Brahmans. They are simply ritual priests who may not know the dharma. And this is why Buddha criticized some of the Brahmans who were arrogant for knowing the Vedas. Knowing the Vedas does not make for an enlightened teacher. Today Hindu people need a teacher who is able to bring the dharma to the masses, able to show the right path and shield them against misinformation of which here are many.

I write in www.inspiretrend.com forum on Dharma.
Last edited: 24-Jul-18 08:29 PM


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