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Posted on 07-21-15 12:35
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Guys, I am on F-1 and have 8 month before i graduate. If i apply for TPS now then do i have to apply again for OPT after my graduation if i maintain my f-1 status till then. or should i wait and directly apply for OPT. Is that going to have any problem on my OPT-extension? Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thank u!!!
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Posted on 07-21-15 5:17
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As my understanding apply for TPS now, talk to college how can you keep your sevis active. Than, you can apply for OPT when your TPS is over. Since you have not even apply for OPT I do not think there is the problem for OPT extension. There is the high chance that TPS can extended so its better keep one more option besides F1
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Posted on 07-21-15 6:07
PM [Snapshot: 99]
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How can sevis be active ? i applied TPS but dont want to give up my F1.