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 How are you planning for retirement?
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Posted on 11-17-14 3:08 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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From all the threads about incomes and savings , its good to see Nepalese doing well. Anyways, just wanted to bounce this by you guys to get some ideas on how to plan for retirement. I know it entirely depends on when and where you want to retire, but still no harm in running some ideas across...

questions ? (might be invasive but most of us use a throwaway account here anyways..)

1. How much annual income would be a good/reasonable amount in today's dollars during retirement?
2. How much are you contributing to your 401K? just enough to get the employer match or maxing out the limits (18000 annually for 2014 ...i think)
3. Do you take into account Social Security Benefits for retirement?(might not apply for people who plan to return or similar scenarios along that line) , and given the uncertainty in this aspect are you expecting anything from it after ~30 years?
4.Contributions to IRA ( What kind? ROTH/ Regular, I seriously need some suggestions here, shortly put(one who is just starting out, couple of years in IT, making OK money(not that stellar money as some of you folks make) . Manage it yourself or someone else? Which brokerage /company would be the best to open an IRA?
5.Invest here or in Nepal? what sectors and for what reasons ?

just seeking suggestions...


Posted on 11-17-14 6:05 PM     [Snapshot: 87]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I don't think anything is worth doing here in this country. Best to go back to Nepal and relax there.
401k is another trap, you can't get that money until you get 59-60 years old...and average life span of Nepali male is what ? 55 ? I think it's pretty much worthless ! what we gonna do at that age anyway ?

Same thing with all these IRA's .. Tax kills everything...

I am thinking of buying a land in Nepal... My sister bought a land for Rs 8 Lakh per ana in Kathmandu, now she sold it for Rs 14 lakh per ana recently.... Good investment in Nepal.. Buy a land little far from Kathmandu that should do well in few years....

I am returning Nepal in 2-3 years max.
Posted on 12-02-14 1:51 PM     [Snapshot: 328]     Reply [Subscribe]
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1. How much annual income would be a good/reasonable amount in today's dollars during retirement? 
Depends on where you retire to. In US, you should plan for 3% inflation and in Nepal say 5%. You should find out the current living costs of potential destinations.

2. How much are you contributing to your 401K? just enough to get the employer match or maxing out the limits (18000 annually for 2014 ...i think)
Maxing out is the general way to go.

3. Do you take into account Social Security Benefits for retirement?(might not apply for people who plan to return or similar scenarios along that line) , and given the uncertainty in this aspect are you expecting anything from it after ~30 years? 
I would not entirely depend on it. I heard about the provision of direct-deposit of SS distribution. That means it does not matter where you retire to.

4.Contributions to IRA ( What kind? ROTH/ Regular, I seriously need some suggestions here, shortly put(one who is just starting out, couple of years in IT, making OK money(not that stellar money as some of you folks make) . Manage it yourself or someone else? Which brokerage /company would be the best to open an IRA?
Sharebuilder, TDAmeritrade, etc are a few examples.

5.Invest here or in Nepal? what sectors and for what reasons ? 
It's your call.

This is going to be a great thread. Dear passers-by, please share your thoughts.

Posted on 12-02-14 1:59 PM     [Snapshot: 336]     Reply [Subscribe]
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We invested in Land ( NEPAL) : could not sell when the price was high.Now having hard time to sell as well bringing money will be another problem.

Posted on 12-02-14 2:37 PM     [Snapshot: 372]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am a licensed agent for doing Life Insurance with financial planning for future. We help in investing money where you can invest in secured vehicle where you will not lose money.

If you live in USA and interested in knowing more about how to use your income in a planned manner and secure money for retirement then email me at anupmunibaj@gmail.com


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