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 IT Training which one SAS civil engg. graduate?
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Posted on 12-18-13 11:17 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Please anyone of you could give me a first insight of SAS . I have MS in civil engineering and had course in Statistics. Is that gonna be any helpful regarding learning SAS from Indian consultancy to get job in that? 

Also will learning SAS be a good investment of time to get h1 and preferably green card in the future.? OPt ma ho. I don't want to learn JAVA or .Net or other intensive programming  but I don't think I can compete with the people from computer engg/sci background in programming matter though I have basic knowledge of MATLAB and Fortran.

Any suggestion and about the consultancy that's better ? Job prospect and future? 

I would be really thankful if I could get reply to any of mine above-mentioned queries.


Posted on 12-19-13 1:13 AM     [Snapshot: 34]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I think SAS is a good field but I saw people not getting placed in 4-6 months after the training at consultancies. In SAS you have to know T-SQL,PL/SQL very well. Further if you can learn R programming,it will be helpful depending on projects. If you can learn java that is hottest in terms of getting jobs. Dont worry about competing with ppl from engineering background. I came across some of them and they werent good in programming. If you believe in yourself that you can code then java is good.

Regarding paperwork ,if u can get a project and survive there, definitely h1s wont be a problem.

Good luck..

Posted on 12-19-13 11:21 AM     [Snapshot: 145]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If you have a Masters Degree in Biostatistics/Statistics , SAS (Clinical) could be a hot field !

Posted on 12-19-13 12:49 PM     [Snapshot: 187]     Reply [Subscribe]
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NO I have a MS in Civil Engineering. What do you think is the best compromise having intermediate knowledge in Matlab and Fortran Programming ? 

Java / .Net? ( I have to start from scratch) which one is easier ? and job prospect?
Have to decide, in dilemma .


Posted on 12-19-13 7:09 PM     [Snapshot: 246]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The following recent article might give you some insight. Pick a technology that you can start off with. If you cant handle hardcore coding then dont go for it as you will only regret. Ask yourself what you can handle and go with it.

Tech hiring in 2014 is expected to show modest consistent growth, with 16 percent of U.S. CIOs planning to expand their teams during the first half, an increase of 5 percentage points from this year’s second half. Among the top skills they’ll be looking for are some time-tested technologies that are widely used.

“The technologies that are in the highest demand are the ones that have a broad user base. There are a lot of hot technologies like MongoDB that are great skills to have, but there’s not as many jobs as you would see in other areas,” says John Reed, senior executive director at recruiting firm Robert Half Technology.

In looking at skills that have such appeal, Reed ticked off his Top 10 list for 2014:

  • Microsoft SharePoint
  • Java
  • PHP
  • C#
  • .NET
  • SQL Server
  • LAMP Stack
  • Virtualization
  • iOS
  • Android

Reed notes that Microsoft is the world’s largest software company and most businesses use some flavor of its technology, from SharePoint to SQL Server. “Every company uses these products and this is what is driving demand for these skills,” he says. Plus, these skills can provide a competitive advantage for some businesses. “Companies invest in technologies that give them an edge,” Reed observes.

That demand, coupled with a talent shortage in the area, are driving up salaries for IT workers with the right experience. For example, SharePoint experts are expected to see a 12 percent increase in salary next year over 2013, while Microsoft SQL server specialists may garner a 10 percent increase. Oracle database and C# engineers are likely to see an increase of roughly 9 percent, Reed says.

Some of the Top 10 skills also rank high on the TIOBE Index for popular programming languages. Java, C# and PHP are among the top six languages on the list of 20.

Reed says other skills that are increasingly popular – though not as broadly in demand – include Hadoop, Puppet, Ruby on Rails, HTML5, Python and MongoDB.

“Hadoop has a lot of chatter now, with people looking at using tools in this area as it relates to Big Data,” he observes. HTML5 is beginning to “catch fire,” and he expects interest in hiring people with these skills will grow in the near future.

Source: http://news.dice.com/2013/12/19/top-10-tech-skills-2014/


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