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 Baburam govt ready to spend NRS 7 Crore to defend war criminal
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Posted on 01-31-13 9:20 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Why is our valuable resource being wasted by the illegitimate government to defend a war criminal. The government has released 50,000 pounds to fund for the bail.It is roughly equivalent to NRS 7 crores. Who gives baburam and his associates the right to misuse state funds to fund their cause. Baburam and his associate Prachanda need to be put behind the bars for committing serious genocide and homicide in our country. They should be punished for the contempt of court, for the brutal murder of more than 10000 civilians. This is just anarchy in Nepal. It is sad that such idiots and full of shit people run bureaucracy in Nepal. We do not pay taxes to pay for the privileges of these criminals and corrupt. We pay taxes for the development of our country. These Maoists have wasted more than $100 million dollars in the name of writing a constitution. They may fool the innocent but I will not let these criminals continue with their whims. The court needs to step up to promote peace, prosperity, and development in our country and punish the ones responsible for impunity, violence and perpetrators of serious crimes. I will continue to raise my voice against injustice with the belief that our country will not deny us justice and will uphold our fundamental rights.


Posted on 01-31-13 9:29 AM     [Snapshot: 8]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Not trying to spoil your thread but the figures look a little iffy.

70 lakhs you mean?
Posted on 01-31-13 9:39 AM     [Snapshot: 27]     Reply [Subscribe]
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behoove_me thanks for correction. you are right.

Posted on 01-31-13 10:10 AM     [Snapshot: 60]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You have to be fair when you criticize somebody.

First of all, bail money is not a spent money. It is simply a guarantee money that is returned later; so let's not say Baburam is spending that sum in its entirity.

Second, look at the context. Is it just for the guy or is there something else. You and I both agree that the culprit should be punished, but who gave England's court the authority to punish our citizen? The answer is UK justice system, which no other sovereign nation or its citizen has ever endorsed. So the issue here is not about a criminal, but also about the sovereignty of a nation that, I think..and naively I hope, Baburam is trying to advocate for.
Posted on 01-31-13 10:21 AM     [Snapshot: 84]     Reply [Subscribe]
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P_didi....indirectly praising Baburam for supporting a guy who killed his own cadres. Baburam is trying to supress the Dekendra case but also working on getting his cadre killer out of the trap. Hard to say who is for who here.

Posted on 01-31-13 1:08 PM     [Snapshot: 219]     Reply [Subscribe]
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100 million to write a constitution is too much. Christopher Nolan would have done it for a million. This guy wrote Memento, writing our constitution would have been a cinch for him.

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