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 We need democracy !

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Posted on 02-16-06 9:31 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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The first gift of magh 19 was curbing on telephone and mobile lines bringing headlines in newspapers as nepal being cut off from the rest of world. This was a record break. We need democracy to ensure that

1. Out telephone or mobile lines are never cut off.

2. We don't need to bear any more load sheddings.

3. We could spend more to solve drinking water problems in the country and many other development projects than keeping the parasite and suckers and their whole company alive and to pay for their visits to africa or even inside the country.

Costof Royal visit
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Some other deeds are

4. Putting more censorship on media. Another Moron Rana is in headline today in nepalnews saying that the new media censorship is in progressmedia

5. Banning any kind of protest or demonstration - curbing people's right of speech.

6. Censorship on internet sites leading Nepal to get awarded as 'Enemy of internet'.

7. Nepal being listed as top country with highest cases of human rights violation and media censorship this year.

8. Restricting activities of NGO, major partner for development

9. Banning news on FM stations
The gov. did not even allow to buy new equipment to replace the problems from old equipment of Nepal FM that let it to shut down completely. The gov. just don't care.

10. Reforming the education policies and changing the text to preach in favor of slavery

11. Banning people's right of movement by putting tougher laws on foreign education.

12. Tandab Nritya (Devil dance) of Police and Soldiers
Danab Rajya

13. Offering an assistance of Rs. 1 Crore to his rich sister and giving Rs. 50,000 to poor nepali singer and actor (First Hero of Nepal) -> This was done by Mr. Deuba

14. Appointing crooks like Attorney General as Mr. Ojha as supreme court judge just because any steps or gestures from KG should be made as new ordinance to our constitution as he is the hindu king (he means we should follow hinduism rather than our constitution; must be inspired from taliban)

15. Making super hit of drama of election.

16.Nagarkot Massacre (any similarity with royal massacre?)

17.Royal Censorship

18.Nepal - Enemy of Internet

Please think before supporting any kind of autocratic gov.

Arewe waiting for this?
Posted on 02-22-06 10:21 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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very well said
Posted on 02-23-06 8:16 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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"YOU CAN MISLEAD PEOPLE ONE TIME BUT YOU CANNOT MISLEAD ALL THE TIME." Moriarty and his henchmen in Narayanhiti think they can fool all Nepalese for all time to come.
Posted on 02-23-06 8:25 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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One very confusing fact is everyone is misleading everyone else in Nepal.......King misled the political parties, Political Parties misled people who voted them....so on and so forth.....I still wonder who, in power, has not misled Nepal and the Nepalese????
Posted on 02-25-06 1:58 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Why do we need democracy?

When we have already and we had couple of time before, too.

Give me answer if you had.
Posted on 03-17-06 11:17 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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You Nepalese bad people had already 4 times democracy chances.

Most of the times, we do not get 2nd chances to make it right things.


All bad Nepalese, Nepalese criminals and corrupte crooks got 4 times chances to be good Nepalese.

Now... Democracy is going down the hill again.

So next All bad Nepalese do not get New democracy .... They move to jail behind the bar for their life times.

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