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 Top 5 leaders....S. Asia
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Posted on 10-11-05 1:17 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Here is my list

Mahatma gandhi (India)
Jawaharlal Nehru (India)
King Gyanendra (Nepal)
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (Pakistan)
Chandrika Kumaratunga (Sri Lanka)

You can make your own list
Posted on 10-11-05 1:58 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Here's my list

George W Bush
Adolf Hitler
Joe Satlin
Franklin D Roosevelt
Yasser Arafat
Posted on 10-11-05 1:58 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Oops sorry I thought U mean the World's didn't realise there was S. Asia
Posted on 10-11-05 1:59 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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How come The one I posted first came on Second...
Posted on 10-11-05 2:00 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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SARC most Corrupted Poltician

1.G Maila (Nepal)
2.Chantriga Kumaratunga (Srilanka)
3.Abdul Gayoom (Maldives)
4.Mr. Sharad Pawar (india)
5. Pramod Mahajan (india)
6. Laloo Prasad Yadav (india)
7. Mulyam Singh Yadav (india)
8. Yaswant Sinha (india)
9. Gulam Nabi Azad (india)
10.Paras Shaha (Nepal)
11. Sarad Chanda Shah (nepal)
12.Surya Bahadur Thapa (Nepal)
13 Tulasi Giri (nepal)
14.Chirinjabi Wagle (Nepal)
15. Khum Bahadur Khadka (Nepal)
16.Aftab Alam (Nepal)
17. Bim Rawal (nepal)
18. Sujata Koirala (Nepal)
19.Biajaya kumar Ghachhayadar (Nepal)
20.Girija Prasad Koirala (Nepal)
21.Dan Bahadur Shai (nepal)
19.Krishna Prasad Bhattarai (nepal)
20. Nawaj Sarif (Pakistan)
21.Saifur Rehman (Paki8stan)
22.Shabhaz Sharif (Pakistan)
Posted on 10-11-05 2:05 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Looks like every member of SAARC are Corrupted. Lol..
Posted on 10-11-05 2:10 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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1) Indira Gandhi
2) Julfikaar Ali Bhutto
3) P.V. NarshimaRao
4) Ranasinghe Premadasa
5) Madan Bhandari

Of course Mahatma Gandhi, but to me was not just a leader but a mahatma..
Posted on 10-11-05 2:10 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I don't have a list, but would just like to say that a king can never be a leader and a leader can never be a king. If a king wants to be a leader, he should be stripped of his kingship and if a leader wants to be a king, he should be stripped of his leadership.
Posted on 10-11-05 2:34 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Embedded with my apologies for this annoying one with a different view here I have attempted to post my thoughts which i found interesting and hillarious.What makes a leader or what does make him I do not know.
But to me leaders are those who challenge the might authorities even during when they are alone with ego-free intentions despite the horrifif consequences(remember that guy who defied the chinese totalitarian oppression in the middle of tianmen square holding a flag when giant "top" ke nepali ma bhannu parda I don't know the name of that weapon in english whatever hai during the revolt of china-late 80's)he is a true leader.
He is a true symbol of leader.All those agyat sahids of nepal who gave their only life but never compromised their principles with any authorities they are true leader.Not all those other bunch of hypocrites who simply chose the this idea of short-cut in their life to access power which resulted in suffering of the societies.
Other leaders were a product of media marketing and brainwashing institutions.There were few who did fight for their cause.Aba Gandhi his life is admirable but after all he was politician nothing more nothing less.True saints are found in the remote caves of himalayas meditating on life to reach divinity.Not in New Delhi making deals with the colonial British.
Nelson Mandela he did experience injustice during apartheid in south africa and spent huge portion of his life in solitary confinement without compromising.He perhaps.But others they are simply administrators not leaders.I think.
Please disagree.

Posted on 10-11-05 5:35 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Guys you forget the most corrupted man of Nepal you know who is he I will show you his pic.
Posted on 10-11-05 5:35 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 10-11-05 5:36 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 10-12-05 7:40 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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She is the most corrupted P*s*y in the whole world !!
hyaaak thuuuu !!!

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