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Sexy In Sari
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 Immigration Issues Were Ignored for Political Gain
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Posted on 03-22-25 3:06 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I do not write to blame the current administration. But had Democrats prioritized addressing the needs of the 11 million immigrants already living in the United States—rather than adding 10 million more over the past four years—the situation today might look very different. Yet, many immigrant Democrat supporters refuse to acknowledge that their party neglected these issues while in power.

Democrats often claim to be the party of intellect and expertise—filled with PhD holders, not truck drivers. But if that is true, how did they allow the immigration system to fall into such disarray over the last four years?

This is what happens when leaders see poor immigrants as political tools rather than people in need of real solutions.

Posted on 03-22-25 3:22 PM     [Snapshot: 30]     Reply [Subscribe]
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nepalis will be drinking from color fountain , it is going to be so much fafo, it is going to be glorious


Trump is deporting doctors and phd students
Last edited: 22-Mar-25 10:36 PM

Posted on 03-22-25 3:35 PM     [Snapshot: 62]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Jaha pani yastai ho sexy in sari … india ma dharavi hudaina thyo hola.. nepal hukoombaasi haru hidaina thye hola ….
Na lyaaka bhaye, na khaandya bhaye bhanne jasta kura le kehi hune haina.
Biden prasaasan le 2021 pachi 10 million lai na chhiraaka bhaye pani yo aafnai aama thokne republican haru le immigration ra border security ko arko karan banaye ra election jitna kosis garethyo

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