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haal haal pandit
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Posted on 11-25-24 11:54
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Initially, there were 8357 Nepali registered in TPS but a survey shows only 2134 left as of mid 2024 report . i assume many of them adjusted their status to green card or other forms , many migrated to canada ( it was easy to get canadian PR until 2022) . Unfortunately many people lost their life within 8 years , covid and natural death . few might have returned Nepal . with this math a few people missing . where did they go ? did they not renew TPS to become illegal already ? anyone has a updated data ?
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Posted on 11-25-24 2:07
PM [Snapshot: 119]
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Total approved 7875 bhanera simple google search ma dekhai racha ta. Kati trolling garna sakya Pandit m*ji. Trump le jitya bela dekhi khuskyo ki kya ho?
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Posted on 11-27-24 9:47
AM [Snapshot: 510]
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आफु लाइ गन्न बिर्सिने चलन हुन्छ ( सानो मा सुनेको कथामा खोलो तरेर गन्दा एक जना घटेको ले रुवाबासी गरे) अर्को १ थपे कसो होला ?