Amitabh Bachchan, Sai Baba Blesses Nepal and Dr Ruit!? - Sajha Mobile
Amitabh Bachchan, Sai Baba Blesses Nepal and Dr Ruit!?
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the amitabh bachchan thing was as stupid as can be. you have a good scope but you just went over mysansar topics. try to find interesting things from all over not just one site
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 i was wondering the same thing when i posted it. thanks for your time with the feedback, i will make sure we get to talk about more interesting stuff from a wide arena :)
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 Dude, i appreciate your effort in Vlogging and catering news and opinions but it kinda gets lame after a minute into your videos. And i am saying this with regards to the simple edits you do.....i'n not going into the topics and opinions right now.......everybody has their own......I edit videos for a living so i know how easy it is nowadays even with youtube tools to make the video intersting........i hope you explore more on that and be creative on your videos so that we get tuned to your channel rather than just supporting for a good effort.

THink bt' it.

· Snapshot 1839
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ya he is right ur vlogging is good specially when u kept that chang ba hai chang ba in that when swapson  pic came  like that ya
u could do better man keep  up the good work
· Snapshot 1977
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 ana man,
 i know what you talking about dude. and i know as much about editing as a doctor knows about accounting.. :p 
but i am trying dude.. balla balla yeti edit garna sikyo, which is all the basic stuff but look at my first few videos.. you will be shocked! lol
 give me some ideas man, some free basic editing softwares that i can download? it would be awesome if you could give a few pointers too man!

i would appreciate the help! :D

· Snapshot 1998
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Its Anavon...not ana man.....So that u know next time when someone says they support your effort u know how to address them properly!!
I know u don't need pro softwares like fcp or adobe premiere however just use YOUTUBE efficiently there are tools and pluggins for youtube that will help you make youre videos better( u choose that) .....but if you want to be creative and go  pro u might need to install green screen and a pro editing sofware FCP and Adobe Primiere Pro and many others might help u with green screen edits...... just go ahead bro GOogle...I know everybody eventually does that even aftertaking an advice .........with that some words of advice Although i;m not a Vlogger i Commend u for your effort ----->be concise and Fun=creative efforts on the video (not funny=having a dog in the bckgrnd and acting as if that wasn't rehersed).......don't try hard to be funny when u start of with flattery (soft and silly does not sell....honestly be Loud and Out there if u want to get any attention...& more on the material, go write it out first......then u can be creatively funny and even Shadow would preciate it.....Tip: Use Sarcasm more than flattery, the better form of comedy for Vloggers. 

Last edited: 11-Feb-12 04:41 PM
Last edited: 11-Feb-12 04:42 PM
· Snapshot 2000
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i like onision type of vlogging  but your is also good capable of doing better i guess . onision is one of the vlogging guy like urself just to let ya know .
· Snapshot 2067
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 Anavon dude, pardon me, is it dude? dont wanna offend you.. haha

but man, come on! why would you have a problem with me addressing you that way? 

and i am really thankful for "commending my effort" but by the way you talk, rather type, it makes me think, do you really? i get a rather offended vibe from you, any particular reason?

and i am sorry but I didnt get this line, "not funny=having a dog in the bckgrnd and acting if that wasnt rehersed"? are you assuming that this was rehearsed? hmm i wonder?

but anyhoo, I will look into the FCP and adobe premier that you mentioned. i hope it works for me and for that mucho appreciation! :D

but it makes me wanna ask, is this the first video of mine that you have watched?
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intelligent dude,
i will look into the onision guys vlogging.. hehe and see if i can get anything good from it.. 
the only guy i actually follow in youtube is sxephil! check him out if you have not yet..he is good man!
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Nope Petrol gay sorry guy mispelled your name,oh shit forgot the Ktm too.... hope u didn't get offended.....jokes apart but yeah not the first video i've watched, HOnestly...couldn't stand that long after the first few... thought you might need some editing tips.YOu post the videos on Sajha ....probly for a reason....hence  Constructive criticism dude.....take it or leave it. NOthing personal ....still commend ur effort, You can do better!!
Last edited: 12-Feb-12 03:23 AM
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 dude, i have always sought for criticisms. i honestly think they have brought me far and so will yours.. 
i have felt the same way as you have.. you know what i mean, it gets a little dragged after a bit right?

but its just that the way you bring your points up like"... so  next time ... you know how to address them properly!!" does not sound that friendly.. i take your criticism well.. hope you get my point too...

and dont worry man, we will have a lotta chats.. none taken personally :D

petrol guy!  
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