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एउटा तस्बिर हेरेको भरमा वहाँ को भित्री मनसाय, उदेश्य के थियो भनेर किटान गर्न त उचित नहोला| अब, बुझाइ भनेको perceptions मा भर पर्छ, सबको आ-आफ्नै बुझाई, धारणा होलान्, मेल नखान पनि सक्छ| मेरो आफ्नो बुझाइमा चैं दुइटा snenarios हुन सक्छन यसमा...

१. वहाँले आफ्नै राजिखुशीले, रहर गरेर मयल पोश लगाउनु भएको हो भने...मेरो बिचारमा शायद हज जस्तो महान मुसलमान तीर्थमा जाने बेला मुसलमान भनेर चिनिने पहिरन नै उपयुक्त पो हुन्थ्यो कि? बरु, दशैको बेला (खस पर्व भएको नाताले), आफुले मनाउने नभए पनि, अन्य समुदायसंग एक्बद्यता जनाउन, साथी भाइहरुको दशैं उत्सवमा भाग लिने बेला  मयल पोश ढल्काउँदा चैं उचित हुन्थ्यो होला, एक गैर-खस, गैर-हिन्दु लाइ| खैर, वहांको चाहना, वहांको रोजाई, मेरो त एक  non-binding मन्तब्य मात्र|

२. भित्रि इच्छा नभए पनि, बाहिरी देखावटीको निमित्त...कोही "सच्चा नेपाली" भनाउँदाहरुको नजरमा आफु पनि एक नेपाली ठहरिन मयल पोश ढल्काउनु भएको पो हो कि? अब, मक्का पुगेसी पनि त्यहि मयल पोश लगाएर हिड्नु त हुन्न होला वहाँ शायद! यस्तो हो भने चैं, माथिको तस्बिरमा म वहांको सच्चा, मौलिक चिनारीमा अप्रत्याशित आक्रमण भएको बुझ्छु| वहाँ र अन्य मुसलमान नेपालीहरुको अस्तित्व माथि नै हमला हो त्यो| कसैको सिधै क्रुर दबाब त होइन होला शायद, तर अप्रत्याशित सामाजिक दबाब जरुर हो त्यो| जे लगाए पनि, जे बोले पनि, आफ्नो नेपाल प्रतिको भावना गहिरो छ भने स्व:स्फुर्त "म नेपाली हुँ" भनेर भन्न, चिनिन किन नपाउनु कसैले? त्यो त एक नपालीको मौलिक अधिकार हुनु पर्छ|

त्यसो हो भने, वहाँ संगै रहनु भएका अरु दुइटा महिलाहरु -- जसले बुर्का लगाउनु भएका छन् -- वहाँहरु चैं नेपाली हैनन त? कि मयल पोश लगाउनु भएको पुरुष भन्दा "कम नेपाली" ठान्ने हो वहाँहरुलाई?

भोली आएर लालु प्रसाद यादवले दौरा सुरुवाल ढल्काएर "जय नेपाल!" भन्द्यो भने वहाँलाई महान नेपाली भनेर खुट्टै ढोग्ने कुरा आउंदैन; न नारायण गोपाल जी को टाई सुट लगाउनु भएको फोटो देख्दा वहाँ त नेपाली होइन भन्न मिल्छ|

कुनै पनि नेपालीलाई आफु नेपाली हुँ भनेर चिनाउन बाहिरी देखावटीपन (पोशाक, भाषा, धर्म, आदि) मा आधारित "एकनासपन" को दबाब अन्यायपूर्ण हुन्छ| मैले थुप्रै पटक अरु थ्रेडहरुमा पनि भन्दै आएको छु, र यहाँ पनि दोहर्याऊंछु: राष्ट्रियता भनेको भावना हो| बाहिर देखिने पोशाक, सुनिने बोली, भाषा, गरिने चलन जस्ता सच्चा राष्ट्रियताको परिभाषामा अर्थहीन बुंदाहरु होइनन| नेपालको चिनारी अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सिमा रेखाले कोरी दिएकै छ, अनि राष्ट्रिय झण्डाले ठोकी दिएकै छ| को कतिको राष्ट्रबादी नेपाली हो भनेर जोख्ने इकाई त क-कसले नेपालको निम्ति कतिको पसिना चुहाउन तत्पर छन्, र परि आएमा कतिको रगत दिन तयार छन् भन्ने तथ्याधार हो|
· Snapshot 2074
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· Snapshot 2074
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poonte, i do not think you are aware of nepali muslim residing out side the valley, especially in hilly area, they wear topi, darura surwal and so on. you seem to have disappointed with them wearing nepali topi and daura surwal..stop injecting the fuel of bigotry and intolerance. your analogy of lalu yadav just insane..and i do not know what is your problem if they want to wear daura surwal?
· Snapshot 2082
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Is it, his communist ideology failed in front of Indians?
· Snapshot 2143
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 Poonte ले भन्न खोज्नु भएको कुरामा एउटा उदाहरण दिन मन लाग्यो। झण्डै १५ बर्ष अघि पाकिस्तानको कराँचीमा ट्रान्जिट बस्दै नेपाल हिंडेको बेलामा एक जथ्था नेपाली हज यात्रीहरुसँग भेट भएको थियो। वहाँहरुले त्यो बखत PIA अथवा बंगलादेशी पिलेन प्रयोग गरेर साउदी अरब सम्मको यात्रा तय गर्नुहुँदो रहेछ। त्यतिबेला पनि ठ्याक्कै यस्तै भेषभुषामा धेरै नेपाली मुसलमानहरु मैले भेटेको थिएँ। 

तर दुर्भाग्य कतिखेर भयो भने वहाँहरुले हजयात्रीहरुलाई भनेर तोकिएको सुविधाहरु त्यो एयरपोर्टमा प्रयोग गर्न पाउनु भएन। पाकिस्तानी हज यात्रीहरु जो हजयात्रामा लगाउनुपर्ने Ihram तथा हिजाब लगाएर हिंडेका थिए उनीहरुलाई नै सच्चा हजयात्रीको व्यवहार गरिएको थियो। हुन पनि हो इस्लाममा हज यात्राको निम्ति dresscode तोकिएको छ। अनि एउटा मुसलमान हज गर्नको निम्ति जतिखेर घरबाट निस्किन्छ उसको यात्रा त्यतिखेर नै सुरु हुन्छ। मयलपोशमा सुसज्जित हाम्रा नेपाली मुसलमानहरुले जब साउदी अरबमा अथवा दोहामा पुगेपछि मयलपोश त्याग गर्नु नै छ भने आफ्नो हजयात्रालाई अहिले देखि नै कलंकित बनाउनु? 

दौरा सुरुवाल र ढाका टोपीले नेपालीपन जनाउने होइन। तर जुन वाहवाही यो फोटोले पाइरहेको छ, वहाँहरुले आफ्नो धर्म अनुसारको रिती पुर्‍याएको भयो ठ्याक्कै यसको अपोजिट भने हुन्थ्यो :/
· Snapshot 2139
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As I had already mentioned in my previous post, I DO NOT have any problems with anyone wearing daauraa surwaal out of their own FREE WILL. I do too occasionally.; and I take an immense pride in what represents MY personal ethnic identity. That does not mean I should impose on others who do not belong to my ethnicity what is mine, in order for them to be considered my fellow citizens of Nepal.

My problem is with the notion that only dauraa suruwaal represents pakka Nepalipan, as suggested by some of the posters above. For that matter, I do not think it is prudent to link tangible appearances (dress, language, etc) to an indisputably intangible feelings of nationalism/patriotism. This puts undue -- albeit perhaps not direct -- pressure (social or otherwise) on non-Khas Nepalis to identify themselves with a specific appearance/identity that is not their own, just so that some ultra-nationalists can appreciate them as Nepalis. What truly matters when it comes to judging one's raashtriyata -- regardless of what s/he is wearing and speaking -- is what s/he FEELS towards the raashtra, and how much s/he is willing to sacrifice (from personal longings) for that raashtra.

Hatred and intolerance are begetted when one refuses to accept the other as s/he is and would be, and what his/her values and ideals are, NOT when one takes a stand against impositions.

The example of Laalu Prasad Yadav is to prove the utter disconnection between poshaak and raashtriyata.
· Snapshot 2246
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this is a different issue, no one is forcing them to wear what they are wearing now. as i said, if you visit hilly area of nepal, there are hell lot of muslim who wears daura surwal topi and it was not imposed upon them. and about dresscode and rastriyata-well rastriyata is not alaukik or intangible things, it is not only the feeling inside you, moreover, it is about how you respond to your ratra tangibly-culturally, socially and economically. and in this case, people of nepal have embraced cross-cultural activities from long ago and it is now some so called neo lebrals are making big issue out of it. and this is how bigotry and hatred are being fired upon each other. just see, how this thread started and how far you went! and how can you say that these are imposed upon them???? cut the crap!!
· Snapshot 2257
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I agree with what Poonte wrote.

दौरा सुरुवाल लाउदैमा सच्चा राष्ट्रवादी हुने हैन | नेपालको सन्दर्भमा अहिले सम्म सबै भन्दा राष्ट्रघाती र देश लुट्ने काम गर्दै आएका भ्रस्टाचारीहरुले (कर्मचारी र राजनेता) हरुले यीनै लुगा लाउदै आएका हुन् | सबै भन्दा ठुलो त भावना र उसको कर्म/योगदान हो |

· Snapshot 2271
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ho daura surwal laune sabai ratrabadi hundainan, tyo ta kunai luga laune ni sabai rastrabadi hundainan. ...tara daura surwal jyangayeni launna bhanne chain rastrabadi bhanna milcha hola?

btw, none of the muslim associations have expressed any discontent over nepali muslim wearing daura surwal nor they have made any big issue, some here are making big issue, and connecting it with daura suruwal wearing of corrupt leaders..this is how they spread bigotry and hatread. paramanandha jha might be their ideal leader who refused to wear daura surwal and refused to take oath in nepali-you folks find rastriayate in that kind of acts..nepali muslim wearing daura surwal looks arastriya to you..what can i say to you bigot?
Last edited: 20-Oct-11 11:59 AM
· Snapshot 2308
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 Kancho, there is nothing to do with daural suruwal or rastriyata or Parmanada Jha for that matter. It is all in your head. The burning question is why Nepali Muslims who are on their way to hujj are obliged to wear something they actually are not supposed to. 

Are you familiar with the term Shirk? Wikipedia it and you will understand the gist of this discussion. Can you imagine being a pilgrim on the way to Mecca with garland round your neck? Is it what you are supposed to do or was that something you were forced to do ? 

* edited for the typo
Last edited: 20-Oct-11 12:22 PM
· Snapshot 2341
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right from my childhood i have been seeing this kind of pictures, and not a single muslim to my knowledge complained about this. what they need to wear at the event, they will wear at that event as required and who are we to raise question about them wearing daura surwal in a first place? do they don't know that? is that you are trying to teach them or implying?

should we establish this culture- where we find any one wearing daura surwal, we should right away condemned with arbitrary arguments? or should we be happy to see people wearing national dress accepted by larger population?

Last edited: 20-Oct-11 12:29 PM
· Snapshot 2357
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ए, दौरा सुरुवाल लाउने जतिलाई सच्चा राष्ट्रवादी भन्दा bigot नहुने, अनि सधै पेवा बनाएर लाउदै बस्नेहरु भ्रस्ताचारिहरु पनि छन् है भन्दा सराप्ने | वाह, कुन चाही कम्पनी को धमिलो चस्मा लाउनु भएको छ हजुरले? Poonte ले आफु पनि दौरा सुरुवाल लाउछु है भनेको चाही धमिलो चस्माको गिलासले छेके जस्तो छ | त्यो परमानन्द को त hategroup को पुरानो सदस्यता नै छ म संग | कस्तो सरापेर, आफ्नो भन्दा फरक बिचारकोलाई अंग्रेजीमा गालि दिने हरु सित मेरो अस्तु!
· Snapshot 2380
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I understand what you are trying to say and respect your sentiments towards our own culture and identity. Like you I also grew up together with many Nepalese Muslims who could speak Nepali and Newa.ri better than me. For that matter I also have many Marwari and Sikh friends who possess the same quality. Don't take me wrong, but what I got from Poonte and what I actually believe, is the fact that we somehow are imposing "our view" of nationality to everyone. 
And oh yes, what the pic shows above, it is wrong. They are not allowed to enter Mecca the way they are dressed. :-)

*edited to get rid of castist reference

Last edited: 20-Oct-11 01:01 PM
· Snapshot 2431
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Just by being beholden to the notion of one outfit being a pakka Nepali over others, one is already INDIRECTLY imposing on others. This makes people compelled to done what is not of -- or about -- them just out of fear of being considered less or non-Nepali.

Feeling compelled to discard what is rightfully and originally his/her and adopting what is others' for the sole purpose of being accepted is SUBMISSION; and that is only unfair, unjust and completely misguided.

I, for one would not have liked it if, say, Sherpas had ruled over Nepal for the past few decades and imposed BAKHU as my country's national dress. This, apart from the fact that I loved wearing bakhu in the past at Sherpa Lhosars.

Now, before I begin to sound hopelessly redundant, and you get tempted to infuse more negativity in this discussion, I shall, in your own words, "Cut the crap" on you. I shall also remain content in being a "bigot" in your eyes. :)

· Snapshot 2419
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i think more than anything, you are trying to impose your view, if mulsims going for haz do not have problem, why should you have problem and why you see the above picture is wrong? brother, please tell me if you have heard any muslims in nepal complained aobut it ??? any muslims would know dress code of mecca and you think they are stupid??? and you see wrong in their photo-well who are you to decide again?

nationality is manifested in many ways, and national dress, sports, language are few of is called a unifying factor else there will be chaos only and that is exactly what is happening right now, and this perhaps falls under your definition of nationality, it is your view i have nothing to say.

BUT my question-who are we do speak behalf of them?? and spread bigot here??
· Snapshot 2618
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Every country should have their national dress. So let's make suit pant or either dhoti topi as our national dress. People in the new world prefer suit pant meanwhile our neighbor prefer dhoti. So let the vote begin suit pant or dhoti.
· Snapshot 2644
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it is great to see some of our people embracing our culture with pride on special occasion.. daura surwal is our identity.. every ocassion have its own dress code, if someone wears our daura surwal on there special occasion is the sign of respect to our culture n national dress.despite clueless against daura desh drohi prachande, jha etc this ppl has shown that despite our race n religion we still have respect for our identity.. its all about respect.. this picture says it all.. i make me puke on some of those comments above
· Snapshot 2726
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It’s sad to see so many people being converted to either Islam and or Christianity usually for cash, and sometimes for kind. Irrespective of what you wall say, most people fall under the buckets I just mentioned.

I don’t know why those two religions with no regard human dignity are still having a lust for more converts. Perhaps they don’t have faith in their own religion and they need more support their crazy notions.

( * )( * )
· Snapshot 2844
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राष्ट्रियता भनेको भावना हो| बाहिर देखिने पोशाक, सुनिने बोली, भाषा, गरिने चलन जस्ता सच्चा राष्ट्रियताको परिभाषामा अर्थहीन बुंदाहरु होइनन| नेपालको चिनारी अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सिमा रेखाले कोरी दिएकै छ, अनि राष्ट्रिय झण्डाले ठोकी दिएकै छ| को कतिको राष्ट्रबादी नेपाली हो भनेर जोख्ने इकाई त क-कसले नेपालको निम्ति कतिको पसिना चुहाउन तत्पर छन्, र परि आएमा कतिको रगत दिन तयार छन् भन्ने तथ्याधार हो|

Duh that is why exactly uploader reacting to that sentiment or bhawana and people are just expressing sharing that bhawana, uff hoina chahine vanda badi bidwatta kina express garchan manis haru? you may be right in your point but it was redundant and unneccessary analysis in this gratitious thread. Nationalist bhawana  also comes abruptly, naturally and unanounced not in calculation like your's, That's what I feel sorry!
· Snapshot 2859
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 Very truly said ( * ) ( * ) bro.

Revolutionary ra aadhunik ani bidwan huna lai afno pahichan metnai parcha bhanne chaina........rastriyata bhaneko mato ko maya matra haina.......yesko pahichan prati ko maya pani ho...jasari euta manchhe lai afno astitva pyaro hunchha ra tesko lagi wu je pani garna tayar huncha.......rastriyata bhaneko desh ko tehi astitva prati ko maya ho.....Jay NEPAL.
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