What do you want out of life, really? - Sajha Mobile
What do you want out of life, really?
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K k banna chanthe jindagima, sa#la biragi banai diyo jindagi le...
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 I think thats a pretty common question to ponder about. What you want from life is "happiness" and "satisfaction" a/c to me. These are the two things we will be chasing till the last day of our life.
Take real life examples:
-Why did you come to US? In the hope of having a better life which will make you happy and satisfied.
 - Why do you want to fall in love with that guy? Coz you will be happy and satisfied with his presence.
- Why do ppl move back to Nepal eventhough they make tonns of money? coz they are not happy with their life here and are not satisfied      with the direction their life is going.
- Why do I try to hit a hot chick in a bar? Coz i want to have sex with that lady which will make me happy and satisfied even for a while. 

People try to be happy and statisfied in various ways. Some choose illegal route and pose a problem in the society. Why do Habsis try to rob you? Why do Mexicans risk their lives to cross the border? Why do we work so hard for Indians? Why do we all come in sajha?

At the end of the day, "happiness" and "self satisfaction" is what we have been longing and chasing all our lives and it wont stop till the last minute.

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You don't have to know what you want and you don't have to be passionate about anything. You did not ask for this life so noone can expect anything out of you. You are free to live your life as you want with or without any goals.

As human beings we want to believe in the greatness of life. How to mould our life. What to get out of life. The more you get entangled in want and more want, you will never feel satisfied. Mental satisfaction is achieved when you don't want anything and accept what comes to you.
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i like grgdai's answer. quite a Zen.
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i agree with what busentiz has just said. i would also like to add my cent opinion since i found this subject quite interesting.

"What do you want out of life?" Now that's a philosophical question that doesn't have a fixed solution. Alas, the quest for an answer will always linger on. Why because life is forever expanding and so will your desire, passion, hunger, greed, lust, and other worldly cravings. The wallstreet tycoons making millions would want to suck in billions..got an elaborative taste? just trash your 94 model in change for a brand new '12 luxurious high tech Lexus,..want to look trendy? how about dressing up like your favorite holywood star?...or how about winning a mega lottery and cruise to hawaii and relax under the warm sun gazing the high palm trees and throw some margarita on top of it and so on.... These are all natural human instincts. The desire to want more and more and it will never cease.

 When i was growing up, i used to think about life a lot like for instance what do i really want to be? I even remember when i was a kid(5th grade) back then and a school teacher once asked the students in the class what they wanted to be when they grow up? As I recall a lot of them said they wanted to be doctor,engineer, and pilot and blah blah(society's major reputation jobs, you know what i mean?)...Do they actually wanted to be what they really wanted to be or do they wanted to be what their parents wanted them to be? And how many of them have transformed into the one that they have proclaimed? Well, one thing for sure, life doesn't always works as you've planned and it takes a twist and with circumstances you learn to acclimatize.

But in the end, through my personal experience and knowledge, i believe it is not what you actually want out of life but how would you make the best out of your life, may be doing something that would make living a worthwhile? Now having a passion and desire to achieve is a wonderful thing provided you don't bleed in wrongful actions. Do whatever that makes you happy and that could bring the best of you. It could be in doing little things like taking a road trip to a new territory,photography, singing, playing guitar, or writing songs. Or you could leap an extra step by engaging in social works, volunteering or anything that you could contribute to the society. Why? because happiness is in doing things. Now different people have different ways of doing things and the choice is all yours.  It's the peace of mind and soul that in the end is what you would long for. 

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@busenitz, I agree with you. But all i think is, if human doesnt have to eat (i mean energy would come itself), then may be no one would not have done hard work in their life. Smtimes i feel we all did coz we have to feed ourselves and family. If there was no any purpose of feeding, then i feel like life would be happier, and we would be surrounded by $$.., just my thought...
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Great answers. Now I will ask even more questions. :-)

@Busenitz. How do you define happinese and do you think you are a happy person? I don't think I am a happy person every single day of my life. For me, most of my happiness are those fleeting moments that are just there for a while. I don't think I am a satisfied person either because I never live in the moment, I always think about either the past or worry the future. I think I should starting learning how to be content with what I have in life.

@Grgdai. When you wrote "Mental satisfaction is achieved when you don't want anything and accept what comes to you.", it remined me of something I learnt in literature about Buddhism. It said that we shouldn't have desires and we should be as detached as possible because the universe is just an illusion and nothing is real. But grgdai, if you don't have any desires and if you don't want anything, how do you go about doing the things you do in life, like how did you decide the career that you are in. What I am trying to say is what motivates you if you don't want anything in life?

@Free_nirvana. So how do you make the best out of your life and did you become the person that you wanted to be when you were in 5th grade? I don't remember what I wanted to be in 5th grade. I didn't really have real ambitions back then because I didn't know what they actually did. Right now, I study accounting. Am I passionate about it? Oh hell no but I know it is gonna pay the bills. Well, to be honest, I am at a point now where I don't wanna a career in accounting. Let's just say my life usually doesn't go as planned. LOL

@thapar20. Yap, we do work to feed our stomach. From your other postings, I know that you are a future nurse. A nurse was what my parents wanted me to be but I drifted. It is a great field but just not for me. Hope you get a job soon.

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 But grgdai, if you don't have any desires and if you don't want anything, how do you go about doing the things you do in life, like how did you decide the career that you are in. What I am trying to say is what motivates you if you don't want anything in life?

Here's the thing. When you are born as a human there are few things that you have to take for granted. It is like properties of matter. Like gravitation pulls everything back to earth, when you are born your basic necessity is to breathe, eat and drink.

Even if you renounce everything in life you cannot renounce breathing, eating and drinking. As long as you can have access to those three things you can be in a state of peace. That being said, most people have access to the three things but constantly desire more things to make life easier or enjoyable.

As a minimalistic human being close to being an animal those are the things of bare necessity. If you look at the animal world. Desire for more posessions does not exist. A lioness only kills when she is hungry or has to feed her cubs. On top of basic breathing, drinking and eating there is a genetic need to mate which comes only after the first three needs are met.

What is the difference between the primitive human being and the civilized human being, you might ask. The major underlying difference between the two is organized greed. The civilized man has learnt to organize his greed so that he lives to reach his goal of possessing more. He then quantified his greed by creating the unit of greed - money. He simply wants more of everything, and his greed never ends. Consequently greed has become the root of all evil. Greed for more food, more drinks, more sex, more of everything. All the negative attributes that exist in today's world is due to greed for more than what is needed.

In order to be truly happy one has to be part of the ecosystem. Part of the planet earth co-existing with the surroundings.

We human beings have far surpassed the minimalistic animal stage and today are born into families with access to a lot more than minimalistic posessions, yet the greed lives on. When people read about buddhism they read about not having any desires. But it does not necessarily mean you have to give up everything you have. You can have everything you were born into but just not poliferate the disease of greed. That will truly free you from emotions of dissatisfaction or perceived failure because you simply are ok where you are at and what the world gives you.

Career. A means to possess more. You strive to do things which may make your life easier but ultimately realize that is just a means to an end. As long as you can be content with the way things are, not having a great career like your friends is not the end of the world. Remember only you can make yourself miserable. You are a unique being and you don't have to compare yourself to anyone else to spoil your own mood! With this kind of awareness, you do not have a burden of preconceived desires you are carrying in your mind, possibly making you perform less than your true potentials.

This is my opinion. Feel free to disagree.
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I'm still contemplating on whether to live in the US (long-term) or return back home. 

I don't have any aspirations of being a multi-millionaire and I must admit that once I grew older, I was no longer aiming for being a rich guy. I wish to make adequate enough to live my life comfortably but I've never found high-end designer clothes, equisite items, mansions, and fancy cars that appealing. That, I come from a financially stable family, might have given me the luxury of not being money-minded too and in all honesty, its not that my parents don't want me to work my butt off to make money. Perhaps I'm missing an inpiring figure? Perhaps I'm still uncertain on what I want out of my life? But I can definitely say that I have no desire of working 12 months/year, 5-7 days a week. Vacations, trips to Europe, traveling (plenty of it) and helping Nepal develop are probably my goals of life. 

Things could change once I get motivated - motivated for what is still uncertain though. I just hope that I won't be stuck or get tied down in such a way that I end up becoming somebody else's (employer's) bitch. I wish to be a boss of my own life. 
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grg wa wa क्या बात क्या बात

"Even if you renounce everything in life you cannot renounce breathing, eating and drinking.As long as you can have access to those three things you can be in a state of peace. " wat an insight. Thanks for sharing it.

"The civilized man has learnt to organize his greed so that he lives to reach his goal of possessing more. He then quantified his greed by creating the unit of greed - money. He simply wants more of everything, and his greed never ends. Consequently greed has become the root of all evil. Greed for more food, more drinks, more sex, more of everything. All the negative attributes that exist in today's world is due to greed for more than what is needed." Great understanding. I learn.

"In order to be truly happy one has to be part of the ecosystem. Part of the planet earth co-existing with the surroundings." You touched my being-the awareness.

"Remember only you can make yourself miserable."The heart of your writing. Well received.
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