pheri depression aayo...Help please - Sajha Mobile
pheri depression aayo...Help please
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 Yo depression feri aaye jasto cha...feeling weired for many help help.......
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Help help help...k depression? Kasto depression, kasto weird feelings chai lekhnu chaina yetikai k Ko help ni?
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timro blood pressure ma dhyan diney ho ki?? 
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 khai k depression k depression. aaile ta baru ali ali thik cha. sayada duitai input le matra kaam gare jasto cha malai...nasuter po thiye ki rmaro saga,,dherai chinta garer po thiyee ki...khai k va...feri aauchu if feel bad again...thx for the input...
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KY - intense use gar.
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 kartik aauna laagera testo bhaako hola... haatey bhaalu  haana bro thik hunchha
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Dude, sorry to hear that you are feeling depressed lately. People can fun of this all they want but if they havent been through it, they dont know what it really feels like. Depression doesnt look like a real illness because nobody can see a person's inner state of mind. You can be in total darkness and still look okay on the outside.

One thing that might help you feel better is by talking to people, by connecting with people. Just try being around people. Do not shut your friends out. Talk to some of your close friends about how you feel and why you think you are feeling that way. It is hard talking about these things to other people but it helps. Most of your friends will not even understand what you are talking about but there will be 1 or 2 who will understand and they might even open up about the same problems they have. Trust me, you are not the only one who is feeling this way, there are others out there but they are too embarressed to talk about it.

If the symptoms go beyond your control, please get help. And just to let you know, there is nothing wrong in getting help. You are worth it and you owe it to yourself to reach out for help. Hope you feel better and hope happiness will once again resurface in your life.
Last edited: 29-Aug-11 02:24 PM
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 That's why i came here vilot. Trust me last time when i had it, coming here helped me a lot. The only thing so far works out for me is talking with people...and its already getting better now..i hope it won't last long this time. thanx for the input.
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 Bro. This is america. In one or other ways every one has to deal with some kind of depression. I haven't had any serious depression issue but whenever I felt low, I always find something to keep me occupied. Let me share you my ways to fight depression. 

i. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.
   If you maintain a good sleeping habit, it helps to keep your mind fresh and you wont have bad thoughts.

ii. Socialise more.
   Avoid lonelyness. Be with friends as much as you can and share your feelings. More you communicate more you get help.

iii. Work out.
   Trust me on this. It really worked for me. Whenever I felt depressed, I do workouts. Get up as early as you can and run at least for 30 minutes. Its always good to have some great music on you ipod while you run :). Remember, the more you sweat the more you'll feel good. Then do some weight exercises. Watching your body getting into shape make you feel good inside out.

iv. Avoid drinking and smoking
    It makes things worst.

v. Weekend get away.
   Hey its still summer. Its always fun to make a short road trip to the nearest beach or a nearest river. Try swimming or fishing how    about that?

vi. Be creative.
    Start your own little project to keep you occupied. For example cooking, gardening, drawing or painting, or what ever you like
doing. I usually like to work on photography and animations. I work on my blog as well. It helps to keep me calm. 

vii. Listen to music.
    Whenever you are alone, listen to the musics that makes you feel good. I like to listen to the musics that have special connection with my child hood days. Remember, walking through the memory lane always makes you happy.

viii. Watch movies.
      Its not a bad idea to catch up with some good movies.

ix. Buy yourself something.
    If you don't take care of you, others may not care as well. Buy some smaller things like wrist watch, swiss army knife, cool key rings,
nice sun glasses, and so on, and play around with it. ( if money is not an issue you can always get something expensive). This might sound strange to you but you'll be surprised to know how little things can make you happy. I dont know about other but it worked for me

x. If you look good, you'll do good.
  Try to stay well groomed and clean. Take shower every day and shave. Wear cloths that makes you feel good. This helps to increase your self esteem.

xi. Have a faith.
    You don't have to be religious but its always good to remember god every now and then. Go to temple once in a while. 

These above mentioned points are entirely based upon my own experience. Its not necessary that these will work for you but it sure worth giving it a try. You never know it might work out for you too.

TC brother.

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 what is your blog kancha??
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 August 31, 2011, 12:01 AM

Prescribing Exercise to Treat Depression

Peter Rutherhagen/Getty Images
Phys Ed

Can a stroll help ease depression? That question preoccupied Dr. Madhukar H. Trivedi, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, after several of his patients, all suffering from serious depression, mentioned that they felt happier if they went for a walk. The patients in question were taking the widely prescribed antidepressants known as S.S.R.I.’s, for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, but not responding fully. They remained, by clinical standards, depressed. Dr. Trivedi and his colleagues began to wonder if adding a formal “dose” of exercise would increase their chances of getting better.

Certainly the possibility was worth investigating. Clinical depression, as anyone who has experienced or watched a loved one struggle with the condition knows, can be stubbornly intractable. Even if patients have been taking an antidepressant for months, recovery rates tend to hover below 50 percent.

In order to increase the odds of improvement, doctors frequently add a second treatment — often another drug, like lithium or an antipsychotic — to the S.S.R.I. regimen at some point, Dr. Trivedi said. Most patients ultimately require at least two concurrent treatments to achieve remission of their depression, he said. Studies have shown that these secondary drug treatments help an additional 20 to 30 percent of depressed patients to improve, but the medications can be expensive and have unpleasant side effects.

Which prompted Dr. Trivedi to look to exercise. His investigation joins a growing movement among some physiologists and doctors to consider and study exercise as a formal medicine, with patients given a prescription and their progress monitored, as it would be if they were prescribed a pill.

In this case, Dr. Trivedi and his collaborators, who included researchers at the Cooper Institute in Dallas, the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana and other institutions, recruited 126 people with depression who had been using S.S.R.I.’s for a minimum of two months, without achieving remission. None of the patients exercised.

Dr. Trivedi and his colleagues divided these volunteers into two groups. One began a gentle aerobic exercise routine, under the tutelage of Cooper Institute researchers, which required them to burn a certain amount of calories per session, depending on their weight. How the subjects expended the energy was up to them. Some walked for about 10 minutes a day, on a treadmill or by strolling around the block, at a pace of three miles an hour. Others chose an equivalent easy cycling workout.

The second group was more energetic, walking briskly for about 30 minutes a day at a pace of four miles an hour, or the cycling equivalent, a regimen that meets the current exercise recommendations from the American College of Sports Medicine.

Each volunteer exercised for four months, while continuing to take an antidepressant. At the end of that time, according to the study published recently in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 29.5 percent had achieved remission, “which is a very robust result,” Dr. Trivedi said, equal to or better than the remission rates achieved using drugs as a back-up treatment. “I think that our results indicate that exercise is a very valid treatment option” for people whose depression hasn’t yielded to S.S.R.I.’s, he said.

As with most scientific findings, though, there are caveats.

One is practical. More patients improved in the group that completed the longer, brisker workouts than in the group assigned the easier exercise, but more of them also dropped out of the study. “We need to find ways to support people’s efforts to exercise,” Dr. Trivedi said. “It’s not going to be enough to casually say, ‘Go for a walk.’” Exercise, if it’s to be medicinal in depression treatments, will have to be monitored, he said, so it can’t be shrugged off.

Even then, many people will not respond. Almost 70 percent of the volunteers in this study did not achieve full remission. Failure rates were particularly high for women with a family history of depression, perhaps as a result of some as yet unknown genetic quirk. And women in that group who did recover were more likely to succeed using the lighter exercise program than the more strenuous routine.

Then there is the issue of a control group, whose members would have continued with their S.S.R.I.’s but not exercised. This study did not have one, making interpreting the results tricky, said James A. Blumenthal, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke University who was not involved with this study but who has written extensively about exercise and depression. Perhaps four additional months of S.S.R.I. treatment raised people’s moods, and the exercise was incidental. “Evidence is accumulating that exercise may be an effective treatment for depressed patients who are receptive to exercise as a possible treatment and who are able to safely engage in exercise,” he said. But the evidence is by no means definitive.

Still, Dr. Trivedi said, although additional studies certainly are needed, there’s no reason for people with unyielding depression not to talk now with their doctors about exercise as a treatment option. “Side effects are almost nonexistent,” he said, “while you get additional benefits, in terms of improvements in cardiovascular health and reductions in other disease risks,” things antidepressant drugs do not provide. “Plus,” he pointed out, “the cost profile is very favorable.” Exercise, as medicines go, is cheap.

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