Paris Hilton - Belly Dancing - Sajha Mobile
Paris Hilton - Belly Dancing
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- alright, this 1 ...  just caught my attention ... 

- look @ the professional Belly Dancer ... & ...
- then compare Ms. Hilton's performance ...
( ... i leave it up to U  ...  2 judge ... )

Last edited: 09-Nov-10 12:08 AM
· Snapshot 7
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looks like paris was nervous.
May be she doesnt know
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- 4 comparison ... 
- this is how ... a Professional ... Takes Care of Business .... 

Belly Dancing ..  .. me trying to Focus on Belly Buttons ... BUT ... its hard ... 

Last edited: 09-Nov-10 12:30 AM
· Snapshot 36
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Everyone cares abt PPPAris.PPl pay her just to attend parites, show, half of the revenue will be taken by hers.:))))))))))))))))))
Who cares abt proffessional
· Snapshot 59
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 - more professionals ... 

Last edited: 09-Nov-10 02:31 AM
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