iphone unlock - Sajha Mobile
iphone unlock
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can anyone please tell me how to unlock iphone 3G S version 3.1.3? my friend sent it from the US without unlocking it. i tried a few places in New Road, but they couldn't unlock it.
your help is truly appreciated.
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You will have to wait till the release of iphone 4g on 24'th. The hack is set to come around the same time for now you can Jailbreak it and use it for application. Patience my friend
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Please contact me after one month , I gonna provide u .

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downgrade and unlock,

look dev's blog
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Thanks a lot guys!
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hack released today you can unlock 3g with 3.1.3 any shop in new road will do it if you are not a computer whiz
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devteam released the unlock today ....check dev team's website
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