Aspiration for power make a person blind - Sajha Mobile
Aspiration for power make a person blind
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if someone reminds him or her, many people simply want to forget the
past events. They speak three generations. Many people writes about
their biography and some even ask to write their biography. No body
wants to listen what other say. This is natural character of human
beings. Past are the experiences as well as education. It is also
guidance. No one can succeed forgetting his or her past. It is said
that history cannot be removed. Don't try to forget  the past. If
somebody tries to do so, he will ruin. The person who is not honest to
the present has to live in painful situation.

I am narrating one  incident of the past. One day I was watching the
kantipur television and there was a broadcasting of personal memoir of
Girijababu. I am concentrating on his program when he was elaborating
the Dunai incident. He was saying that he asked me to resign following
the non-cooperation of security agencies. I was shocked when I heard
such lie from leaders like Girijababu. Then, I thought that I have to
speak truth and highlight the reality behind the incident.

incident was one of the major conspiracies against the democratic
system. After becoming prime minister, Girijababu promised to send back
his workers to their home till Dashain. On the capacity of home
minister, I visited Kalikot, Rolpa, Rukum Salyan, Puthan and Jajarkot.
After my visit the ministry of home affairs  prepared  a plan of action
to control maoist movement  . The cabinet took the decision to launch
an operation against Maoist in six Maoist affected districts. At that
time all the decisions were sent to King. At the same time Maoist
attacked Dunai, capital of Dolpa but they failed to capture it. Maoist
looted 30 million rupees from bank. The King had his plan to visit
Dunai next day. However, I visited Dunai cancelling King’s visit. Why
did King wanted  to visit Dolpa? This may be another incident to study.
The King is in no mood to launch any offensive against the Maoist. He
was soft towards the Maoist. Even Maoists were afraid of with armed
police than Nepal Army and their target was armed police force. Had all
the forces supported Nepal Police, Maoist would not have achieved the
present success. After theDunai incident GirijaBabu had an audience
with the then king. The  King told Girijababu that Nepal police were
unable to fight against Maoist. He suggested to remove home minister
Govinda Raj Joshi, home secretary Padma Prasad Pokharel and Police
chief Achut Krishna Kharel so that he would get the support from Nepal
Army . Why did the king suggested GirijaBabu to remove the chief of
security agencies  is also a matter of study why these three people
were targeted when there was a plan to launch massive operation against
Maoist. Girijababu compromised with the King regarding this issue and
he fired all three of us. Before handing over resignation to him, I
told him that this is his wrong decision. I told him that this decision
will not benefit him, his party democracy  and country. He tried to woo
me saying that I will be reappointed as a home minister after Dashain.
That day never came . I told him that my resignation will prolong his
tenure six more months. Similar things happen. He resigned  when Nepal
Army did not support him in Holeri incident. One of the objectives
behind our removal was to dismiss Girija Babu from priminster.

agitation was not directed to strengthen people and establishment of
multi-party democracy. As long as the leaders of Nepali Congress and
CPN-UML do not understand this, Nepal’s politics remain uncertain. In
the first phase, Nepali Congress was the main target of Maoist movement
and the fight seemed to between NC and Maoist. All other forces
maintained silent when it was directed against NC. After Dunai attack,
Girija Prasad Koirala thought that Nepal Army would support him to
fight against Maoist. When Nepal Army did not support in Holeri  Girija
Prasad Koirala initiated dialogue with Maoist. The dialogue was
initiated by Girijababu himself meeting CPN-Maoist leader Prachanda and
Dr. Baburam Bhattarai in Delhi in 2001. Both parties agreed to maintain
top secrecy. The second round of negotiations also held in Delhi. I
myself and Dr. Shekhar Koirala took part in the meeting. Our team
discussed with Dr. Baburam Bhattarai, Krishna Bahadur Mahara and Dev
Gurung about 12 hours and various issues. An understanding was made
between us on following issue: to put army under parliamentary control,
the executive power in cabinet and amendment of certain articles
Constitution of Kingdom of Nepal 1990 with acceptable to Maoist. An
agreement was made between both the team to change then Deuba’s
government which we considered was going to be a hurdle to implement
our understanding. Although we had decided to do all negotiations in
secret, Girijababu told King Gyanendra that he would settle Maoist
problems through dialogue. King did not like to see the settlement of
Maoist problems through NC. King held the view that Maoist movement was
to downsize Nepali Congress.

During that
period, political parties did not have any ideological stand to make
alliances. All the political forces were united against Nepali
Congress. Maoists were waging war from outside and CPN-UML and other
opposition parties blocked the parliament for 57 days. The continued
two months long secret negotiations between this writer and Subhas
Nemabang helped to end the deadlock.  The negotiations were finalized
following the meeting between Girijababu and Madhav Kumar Nepal.
According to agreement, Nepali Congress leader Girijababu would  put
vote of no-confidence against Deuba in parliamentary party and NC would
choose a new leader. Then, CPN-UML would end the resumption of house.
In the main time, the signature campaign was initiated against Sher
Bahadur Deuba and 61 members signed in the signature. However,
Girijababu did not put vote of no-confidence against Deuba in
parliamentary party to avoid possible recommendation of dissolution of
house by Deuba. It was wrong decision of Girijababu. Due to this,
Nepali Congress also split and our efforts foil.

want to mention another incident and it was about the split of CPN-UML.
I don’t want to talk who split it. After division in CPN-UML, a
coalition government was formed between NC and CPN-ML. Nepali Congress
wanted to give longitivity to this coalition. Even there was secret
agreement that CPN-will be given 20 seats in the coming general
elections. Longer the CPN-ML in power, looser the CPN-UML will be. The
efforts was made to brake this alliance. However, some leaders of
CPN-ML and Nepali Congress were used to dislodge this alliance. CPN-ML
leader Bam Dev Gautam demanded to remove police chief Achut Krishna
Kharel and Home minister Govinda Raj Joshi to give continuity to the
coalition. After Girijababu declined to accept this demand, CPN-ML
leader Gautam threatened to withdraw support. At the time when cwc
informal meeting was held at priminsters residence in Baluater a
delegation was sent to discuss with Bam Dev Gautam . NC leader Khum
Bahadur Khadka and Arjun Narshing KC were among the member to
participate in the dialogue with CPM ML Leaders . They repeated the
same demand to remove police chief Achut Krishna Kharel and Home
minister Govinda Raj Joshi to give continuity to the coalition.
 Knowing this situation an information was sent to us by some power 
centre that CPN-UML will  back the government from outside. To verify
this Girijababu and Myself went to Madhav Kumar Nepal’s home in
Koteshwor where he committed  his party’s support to the congress led
government in NC's conditions . This showed how a political force was
used against itself to ruin.

I want to
mention another incident of February 1, 2005 when King Gyanendra
directly took control of power. I was arrested in Damauli. After two
weeks, I was released. Till I returned to capital, no political parties
issued any statement against Royal move. Even Girijababu who was in
House arrest  remained silent. General Secretary and party president
were in house arrest. I was joint  general secretary of the party. I
met our leaders like K.B. Gurung, Bal Bahadur Rai, Bal Dev Majgaiyaa,
Dr Ram Sharan Mahat and Arjun Narshing K.C and Dil Bahadur Gharti and
discussed to launch the agitation from February 14 or national
democratic day. We decided to put K.B. Gurung in underground. Thorough
Girijababu’s personal secretary Krishna Chandra Jha, we informed that
we are launching agitation with the statement issued in the name of
Girijababu. Girijababu does not know what was happening outside in his
name. The first day the protest ralley was led by NC leader Chirinjibi
Tewary and Suresh Malla . The agitation was lasted for two months till
the release of Girijababu from his house arrest. Girijababu never asked
the question who asked to launch the agitation and why. However, I felt
in pressure throughout the period. Had the agitation failed, what would
be my position?

I have come to realize now
that the aspiration for power make a person blind. This is the reason
they do not mind to sacrifice party workers at the cost of their chair.
The day when party workers realized that they are used by their leaders
they will leave the leaders. So it is always mention in politics one
who forget his workers is also forgetten by the time .

[The writer   Govinda Raj Joshi is the cwc member of NC]


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