********How to get an OPT??******** - Sajha Mobile
********How to get an OPT??********
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Hey guys! I am graduating with Associates Degree in Pre-Engineering in this May 2010. I am thinking about applying for OPT now. What are the steps that I need to take in order to apply for OPT? My I-20 is expiring in August 2010. Will I have any problem if I apply OPT now?? If I got an OPT in my associates degree, will it effect in future while getting OPT in my Bachelors Degree? How long is the OPT period? Can I take OPT for only one semester and join university after that?Lastly If I got OPT, do I have to work related to my field or "store ma ghanta hanera tax tire huncha"?
Guys I'm real confused right now. I'm very sorry that I got too many questions. What I'm planning is  get my OPT, work until November 2010, then get a new I-20 form a University, then go to Nepal and spend about one month and come back and continue my study. Is my plan sounds possible? Please I'm really looking forward for a helpful comments. Also can any one provide me with the credible source where I can find such information regarding OPT. Your response will be highly appreciated. 
Thank you.

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Yes, you can get your OPT right now. And, you will get it again once you complete your Bachelor's degree. You just have to go to you International Student Office and apply for it. However, I think the new rule indicates that you have to find a job within 3 months in your field. 
I don't know any credible source where you can find these information, but I know that I got my OPT when I finished my Associate degree as well as Bachelor's degree. 
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