Tax Help With Stock Transactions - Sajha Mobile
Tax Help With Stock Transactions
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I am wondering if there is an easier way to report capital gains from stocks transactions for FY 2009. I just learned about schedule D but before I get started wanted to check if there is anything really simple/faster out there.

Any help/suggestions would be highly appreciated.



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On line is the easiest way to do tax filing, is there any other way ?
Try manual  it be easier.

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I have ameritrade account. under Loss/Gain Tab on your account, you can download the file in Excel. They used to have TXF file format to download but i did not see it this year.

You can easily convert Excel file to TXF file . I use Turbo Tax for filing and u can easily upload it  on Turbo Tax  and you are done.

it might be similar with other broker.

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How much you are paying for Turbo-Tax? If paying more than 18 dollars, choose other online tax services. I have been using Tax-act since 2000 and it as  simple as Turbo Tax and found less expensive than Turbo.

But depending upon your filing status there are free online tax filing, if you qualify. Check it out.

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Schedule D is the only way to report capital gain/loss.  You are intelligent person with no complex income tax situation.  If you are just a student with no wife/children/home/business, just fillout Form 1040 and Sch D.  No need to spend money on Turbo Tax. Follow the instruction - it is lot easier than learning calculus.
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