Trojan horse - Sajha Mobile
Trojan horse
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Hi Sajhabasi,

Trojan Horse virus is giving me trouble since last few days.I've Symantec Endpoint Protection, but that didn't work.And also I install window security solution, that didn't work either. I bought this computer recently, I'm really worried. Please help me how to remove this virus. Thank you.

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Try Avira antivir (antivirus). Hopefully that can clean your Trojan problem
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Did you try to see what going on with Namrata? I had big problems, not only viruses but people were tracking my computer too. I downloaded superantispyware along with Mcafee. Check with your school web, you may able to download anti-virus software free. Tha's the way I got Mcafee enterpirses.
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Stop paying for a OS that has uncountable problems.
There are many free OS out there which unlike Windows are not vulnerable to viruses. Try for example.
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Windows are easier and we used to of it and glued.
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The first time I got windows, it took me about a year to be able to write a essay on it. I understand that we are used to windows, I still am. I just found a way to save money and not have to worry about viruses and am sharing it.
Thanks for your comment its very true.
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