URGENT - Transit Visa HKG for H1B status - Sajha Mobile
URGENT - Transit Visa HKG for H1B status
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Hey Friends,
     Does anyone have information on if transit visa is required in HKG airport for a person on H1b status(without stamp in passport) traveling via Cathay Pacific and Dragon air from LA?

Any info would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
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Thanks garibbakochaora....  Although that PDF mentions that a person (without a valid visa) can still return to home country, another notice in http://www.fly2nepal.com/Information&id=7&cid=5 mentions that you may not travel if you don't have a valid visa.
So, we're dealing with a conflicting information here. Anyone with first hand experience?
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Im very sure u can return back to your home  country without a valid visa from country of departure or intended arrival in the future.I flew few months back , exact same route. My student visa had long expired, I was not asked to provide them my permanent residency card. Just the passport did it. Hope this info helps.
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Thanks, it really does!!!
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